My Dinner with Kenny
Kostenloser Podcast

My Dinner with Kenny

Podcast von Steven Young & Ken Werther

"My Dinner with Kenny" is a twice monthly general discussion of life, the arts, politics, entertainment news and assorted hijinks. Gathering at a Panera Restaurant in Studio City, CA, they are barely heard over the din of the diners. 

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47 Folgen
episode My Dinner with Kenny, June 29, 2015 artwork
My Dinner with Kenny, June 29, 2015
itunes pic [] Seriously? Bicycles? We are arguing about bicycles? What has happened to this podcast?!?! Join Kenny and Steven as they scrape the bottom of the barrel, and come up empty handed - but its all very entertaining. Check it out!
21. Juli 2015 - 45 min
episode My Dinner with Kenny, June 9, 2015 artwork
My Dinner with Kenny, June 9, 2015
itunes pic [] Have you ever had one of THOSE days...? When the podcast is filled with hiccups, strange noises, a moment where you have to stop and start again, and well, an ill timed 7 second delay? Kenny and Steven try valiantly to keep their composure and talk about all of the important things, but the universe conspires against them! Will they survive? Will MDWK triumph over technology? Will someone please turn off that beeping alarm?? Listen in for an episode like no other!
15. Juni 2015 - 45 min
episode My Dinner with Kenny May 11, 2015 artwork
My Dinner with Kenny May 11, 2015
itunes pic [] The boys are thrilled to welcome back very special guest Erich Bergen as he shares the incredible story of performing at The White House with his fellow Jersey Boys where he met and chatted with President Obama, the First Lady, Vice President Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and more ... zowee! You can almost hear Steven and Kenny sitting there with their mouths hanging open! Thanks to Jeremy Lelliott for that yummy introduction...
13. Mai 2015 - 45 min
episode My Dinner with Kenny, April 13, 2015 artwork
My Dinner with Kenny, April 13, 2015
itunes pic [] The boys are back! This week, Steven and Kenny invade the International House of Pancakes on Sunset Boulevard and discuss the further developments in the LA 99 seat saga, plus the breaking news of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid announcement. We live in exciting times, with tasty lunches. Got a comment or question, email directly to the team to be included in next week’s podcast!
16. Apr. 2015 - 31 min
episode My Dinner with Kenny, March 11, 2015 artwork
My Dinner with Kenny, March 11, 2015
itunes pic [] Well ... this one's definitely a milestone. Steven and Kenny discuss the current Actors Equity 99-seat Plan brouhaha and things get pretty heated. Take a listen. And then please post your thoughts and comments.
20. März 2015 - 47 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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