One Story with Mary Chapin Carpenter and Sarah Kay
Podcast von Magnificent Noise
A podcast conversation with Mary Chapin Carpenter to celebrate the release of her 16th studio album, The Dirt and The Stars.
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Alle Folgen
4 FolgenMary Chapin Carpenter and Sarah Kay conclude their conversation by discussing Mary Chapin's career, influences, and legacy.
Mary Chapin Carpenter and Sarah Kay discuss the songs "Secret Keepers," "Asking For A Friend," "American Stooge," and "Everybody's Got Something."
Mary Chapin Carpenter and Sarah Kay discuss the songs "Old D35," "Farther Along and Further In," "The Dirt and The Stars," "It's Ok to Be Sad," "Where the Beauty Is," and "Nocturne."
Trailer for One Story, a podcast conversation with Mary Chapin Carpenter to celebrate the release of her 16th album, The Dirt and The Stars.
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