Podcast von Wishbone Production, Oversubscribed Ventures
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Alle Folgen
7 FolgenThis week, Pvolve founder Rachel Katzman joins Sara, Erin, and Phil on Oversubscribed. She shares her story and they discuss the importance of connecting with the right people, the benefits of staying behind-the-scenes, taking a leap of faith, and more. Use promo code FOSTER15 at pvolve.com
This week, Kroma Wellness founder Lisa Odenweller joins Sara, Erin, and Phil on Oversubscribed. She shares her story and they discuss the necessity of taking risks, how to build a brand, the importance of good partnerships, and much more. Use code OVERSUBSCRIBED for 20% off at kromawellness.com
This week, Out of Office co-founders Jan Seale and Coabi Kastan join Sara and Phil on Oversubscribed. They share their story and discuss the importance of having different skillsets, bringing more women into fundraising, failure, and much more.
This week, SoulCycle and Peoplehood founders, Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler, join Sara, Erin, and Phil on Oversubscribed. They share their story and discuss what makes a good co-founder relationship, when to take the leap, how to scale a human experience, and much more.
This week, Harley Finkelstein, the president of Shopify, joins Sara, Erin, and Phil on Oversubscribed. He shares his story and they discuss what makes a good entrepreneur, why starting a business is not for everyone, the cost of failure, and much more.
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