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Real Talk
Podcast von bp.youth
This podcast was designed to make a space for people to ask their REAL questions to pastors. This is a resource for people to look back on anytime they want to or need to.
Created by BP Youth
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Alle Folgen
7 FolgenBP Real Talk - Camille - The Supernatural pt. 2
A deeper dive into an already informative conversation the supernatural!
22. Sept. 2021 - 1 h 6 min
BP Real Talk - Camille - The Supernatural Pt. 1
This is an amazing episode to learn about the supernatural!
Be on the lookout for episode 2 next week
16. Sept. 2021 - 53 min
Real Talk - Anonymous Missionary - Missions
In this episode we talk with a missionary who is currently working in the Middle East. We get to talk about what missions is and why it is so amazing! Be sure to check this one out!
04. Aug. 2021 - 27 min
Real Talk - Harman Sharda - Relationship vs. Religion
This is an amazing episode with Harman. We talk about what the difference is between relationship and religion, and if religion can be bad. There is so much to learn from this episode you don't want to miss it.
28. Juli 2021 - 34 min
Real Talk - Marlin Adhikary - Worship
In this episode we talk to Marlin! He's a worship leader, a small group leader, and a great example of living a life of worship. Here are the questions we discuss:
What is worship?
Why should we worship?
How do I know if I am worshipping?
Whats the importance of corporate vs. individual worship?
Is there a difference between living worship and musical worship?
21. Juli 2021 - 21 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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