Savage Truth

Savage Truth

Podcast von Ben Jerome

Ben Jerome and Gary Surface the hosts of Savage Truth podcast, go in-depth on issues people tend to avoid around the dinner table or holiday gatherin...

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episode Mass Shooting & School Safety Continued - Savage Truth with Ben & Gary artwork
Mass Shooting & School Safety Continued - Savage Truth with Ben & Gary

We can do more. Our kids feeling safe in school should not even be a conversation we need to have. In our opinion, it all comes down to common sense and money.  Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook page Savage Truth Podcast.  In the podcast, I mentioned I would share the link to my gun safe. I do not get a commission on the purchase of this product but feel it has some great features that can help give you peace of mind.  Vaultek VR10 Lightweight Bluetooth Smart Handgun Safe

20. Juni 2019 - 26 min
episode Mass Shootings & School Safety - Savage Truth Podcast with Ben & Gary artwork
Mass Shootings & School Safety - Savage Truth Podcast with Ben & Gary

In a world where mass shootings are becoming the norm, we need to have real conversations on how to protect each other, including our rights.  We grew up in a world much different than the one we live in today. School shootings were unimaginable. Our children should never feel unsafe at school or even think about the possibility of an attack.  The 2nd amendment should not come under attack every time we face such a tragedy. However, we should be calling for more training, allocating more money for school safety, and have serious conversations around standardizing the requirements for purchasing and reselling firearms.  We would love to hear your opinions at Savage Truth Podcast our Facebook page. You can also check out our website:   The second remainder of this episode will be released on Thursday, June 13th, 2019.

11. Juni 2019 - 26 min
episode GOT Final Episode Review - Savage Truth with Ben & Gary artwork
GOT Final Episode Review - Savage Truth with Ben & Gary

We give our thoughts on the final episodes of Game Of Thrones. With over 1.5 million people signing a petition to change the last season, we would love to know your feelings of the shows ending.  No matter what, GOT was an awesome show that kept the audience captivated and at the edge of their seats from episode to episode, and season to season.  Go to our Facebook page Savage Truth Podcast and let us know how you would rewrite the ending or if you would keep it the same. You can also check us out on Instagram.  If you enjoy the show please remember to subscribe and leave us a review. 

28. Mai 2019 - 52 min
episode 2020 Election Pre Game - With Ben & Gary Savage Truth artwork
2020 Election Pre Game - With Ben & Gary Savage Truth

Ben & Gary talk about some of the hot button issues circling the 2020 campaign trail. These are our opinions and we would love to hear yours.   Head over to Savage Truth Podcast our Facebook page and let us know who you are excited about.  If you haven't subscribed to our show please hit the button to get all of our show updates. 

21. Mai 2019 - 1 h 31 min
episode 5G The Internet of Things - Savage Truth with Ben & Gary artwork
5G The Internet of Things - Savage Truth with Ben & Gary

5G is going to be the internet of things connecting everything from pill bottles to microchips in the roadway. With all of this new technology, the real question is if it is safe.  This new network will be unlocking High-Band radio frequencies that have extreme amounts of radiation. Our goal for this episode is to inform you, the listener, to start asking the right questions.  I want to welcome Gary Surface to the podcast as my new Co-Host! Please check us out on our Facebook page SavageTruthPodcast and on Twitter! We would love to hear from you to know what you think about 5G. Please subscribe to get all of our new episodes and updates. 

06. Mai 2019 - 44 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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