Serious About Success Podcast
Podcast von Jay Hastings
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20 FolgenOn today's episode Jay dives into to specifics around actually starting a business. Mindset is the key to your success and is the main component that will get you get you there, however without the right business model and technical know how we'll struggle to actually make it. Jay goes into detail around why niching down on a targeted audience is important as well as other main components like sales, customer relations, choosing the right business for you etc is all very important. This episode massively compliments all the other episodes within our podcast series as it now focuses on the practical steps to start a business. ---------------------------------------- Hosted on Acast. See [] for more information.
On today's episode we dive deep into the specific rules around achieving financial success. Creating a successful lifestyle is not as difficult as people may think it is however at the same time can be hugely challenging based on our own habits and conditioning. Replicating the habits of successful people can make this whole process so much easier however it's down to us as individuals to find out what these specific habits are and really apply these to our lives. Make sure you tune into today's episode as you'll learn a lot of the traits successful people truly live by. ---------------------------------------- Hosted on Acast. See [] for more information.
On today's episode Johnny Cassell goes into detail regarding why he became a dating coach, how he created a successful business charging as much as £50k per client per year. He has worked with some of the most well known personalities around as well as being featured all over TV, radio and newspapers, everything from the Guardian to Sky news. Johnny shares his story whilst also going into detail regarding the mindset of business success and how this is linked to the mindset of some of his successful dating students. ---------------------------------------- Hosted on Acast. See [] for more information.
On today's episode we go deep into why having a strong 'why' drives you forward, without this it can be difficult. Jay goes into detail regarding his own reasons why from how he watched his own family struggle as a child to how the hierarchy of our society may not be working in our best interest. Call him a conspiracy theorist or perhaps somebody who can just read between the lines either way he goes into some very thought provoking content so hold on to your hat, keep an open mind as he goes deeper into the every day conspiracy of the world we we live. ---------------------------------------- Hosted on Acast. See [] for more information.
Awarding winning author, speaker and spiritual coach Mada Dalian goes deep into the world of manifestation of your desires from a spiritual perspective. Mada has helped people all over the world release blockages which stops the flow of creation. In today's episode Mada speaks exactly about those blockages, where they come from and how to release all of those limitations within the mind and then attract the life we all desire. Consciousness and self awareness is key however how do we bring this out within us, listen to today's podcast and find out. ---------------------------------------- Hosted on Acast. See [] for more information.
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