Podcast von Janet Fenner and Yaron Zussman
Every Wednesday, Janet and Yaron will explore the latest in security SALES and MARKETING! It promises to be fast-paced, insightful, and fun!
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In this episode of Smarketing, Janet Fenner and Yaron Zussman discuss how the security industry can attract, train, and retain new talent. Many of us security professionals happened to "fall" into the Security industry, which leaves Janet and Yaron to talk about how we all can do a better job of bringing in talent, and to make the security world more enticing to those who aren’t in it. Our hosts also share more tips on how organizations can retain their new talent. https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com Let us know what your thoughts are about this video, leave a comment! Like this video to let us know you're listening. Subscribe now to get the latest within access control. https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com/subscribe

In this episode of Smarketing, Janet Fenner and Yaron Zussman talk work life balance. With today’s current situation (with the pandemic and children doing school at home) managing work and life, and doing our best to get them both to sync up properly can be hectic. As we all begin to adjust to this “new normal,” Janet and Yaron offer tips on time management, home offices, and how to avoid remote work burnout. https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com Let us know what your thoughts are about this video, leave a comment! Like this video to let us know you're listening. Subscribe now to get the latest within access control. https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com/subscribe

In this episode of Smarketing, Janet brings in three leaders in the security trade show industry to talk about the current state of our physical networking platforms. During the conversation, our guests offer us a look at what we can expect from the future of trade shows, as well as what we can expect in the future of engaging and networking with our customers. They also offer tips on how to market to your target audience during this unprecedented time and how exhibitors can find success via online trade shows. Reach out to Matt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-iacone-27130b5/ Link to GSX+: https://bit.ly/2QmLpiC https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com Let us know what your thoughts are about this video, leave a comment! Like this video to let us know you're listening. Subscribe now to get the latest within access control. https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com/subscribe

In this week’s episode of Smarketing, Janet and Yaron talk about the importance of #branding yourself, yes, yourself! Our hosts also discuss what defines good personal branding, the right way to do it, and how to avoid coming off too strong when trying to establish yourself in your professional life. And if you didn’t catch Janet’s amazing wedding that went viral, you should definitely check it out! https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com Let us know what your thoughts are about this video, leave a comment! Like this video to let us know you're listening. Subscribe now to get the latest within access control. https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com/subscribe

Do you know what your superpower is? Understanding what separates you, as a professional, can be a powerful tool to own when it comes to being in the sales and marketing industries. In this episode of Smarketing, Janet and Yaron discuss how we can leave our egos behind and truly reflect on our inner strengths to discover the one thing about ourselves that is our sales and marketing superpower. "Everyone's best is different across the board." https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=ZhfDqODBFYM&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXZNUVp6ellSSjlQeGdQVWxwY1BhVFY2OFRyQXxBQ3Jtc0trak9LWTd3OU91d1FSeU1td3NlNDBjVDFyT0tLVlZNclpSbEp4ekdvdjhnUzFTSDkxREdZMnd6ZXB5ZURtWGtVdTNVaWQ0R0lBYmJxVzhOMnBwVWxyVFdSTldYNW5meW8teWJNdkJ0bWRxck5RZzJ1dw%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.insideaccesscontrol.com] Let us know what your thoughts are about this video, leave a comment! Like this video to let us know you're listening. Subscribe now to get the latest within access control. https://www.insideaccesscontrol.com/s [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=ZhfDqODBFYM&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjlwQ3dhNU94OFgtRFBIcUlZRmZoWFA5c1dCZ3xBQ3Jtc0tseDFmbGJleFNGeTgzWndUVmJLdnlWdUN2WjEyWWpYZVMtVkI5djBQSUF2YlUyRWhYcXpoTDNSc3JnY3JjbDNZVlk3LXRIUkhqRjhXWkJGUnNMVGlqcFVmMWJ2cUIySWRrTmc1cE1UNTNSWmIyeUdYYw%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.insideaccesscontrol.com%2Fsubscribe]ubscribe
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