Steve Shenk
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Steve Shenk

Podcast von Steve

Steve Shenk is a philosopher, educator, author, and 40-year entrepreneur. As a voice of reason on matters of relationships, happiness and prosperity, Steve’s book, The Guardian Code: It's Not Your Fault, delves into the way things work for anyone to trade what they don’t want in their life for what they want. The book is discussed on his weekly radio/Internet talk show entitled "The Steve Shenk Show" on the Genesis Communications Network (GCN). He is also a frequent guest of some of America’s favorite talk show programs. 

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26 Folgen
episode Don't find a reason to quit! artwork
Don't find a reason to quit!
Listen as Philosopher, Steve Shenk, and Radio voice Roger Fredinberg discuss how to not be the victim in their life.
08. Aug. 2016 - 37 min
episode Don't find a reason to quit! artwork
Don't find a reason to quit!
itunes pic [] Listen as Philosopher, Steve Shenk, and Radio voice Roger Fredinberg discuss how to not be the victim in their life.
08. Aug. 2016 - 37 min
episode Genius Pill artwork
Genius Pill
itunes pic [] What if you could take a genius pill? You’d know what to do about any problem or situation. You’d accomplish anything you wanted to. You could always figure out what you needed to know. You’d have no worry since worry is only stress from NOT knowing what to do.
28. Juli 2016 - 2 min
episode Genius Pill artwork
Genius Pill
What if you could take a genius pill? You’d know what to do about any problem or situation. You’d accomplish anything you wanted to. You could always figure out what you needed to know. You’d have no worry since worry is only stress from NOT knowing what to do.
28. Juli 2016 - 2 min
episode Wanting artwork
itunes pic [] We're back! Listen as philosopher, Steve Shenk, and radio voice, Roger Fredinburg discuss achieving and obtaining everything you want using The Guardian Code system.
18. Juli 2016 - 8 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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