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TeaTime with Aladdin
Podcast von Aladdin Salman
What's Up TeaTimers! I'm your Host Aladdin, Here on TeaTime I want this to be a space where we share stories, talk and discuss social and cultural aspects of life, discuss controversial topics, current events. I to make this platform to share different ideas, point of views, and see things from another perspective outside of our own. Last but not least, the most important part of the show, providing your life with new and beautiful music. Hope you listen to the show and until then go steep some Tea, relax and enjoy the show. Peace and Love
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Alle Folgen
15 FolgenTechnologies Affect on Communication/ In person Vs. digital communication/Digital Friendships
*Disclaimer* I apologize for the audio issues in the first segment of the Episode and the bird sound throughout, unforeseen issues occurred.
With that said, Hello TeaTimers!!! Boy how I have missed you! I apologize for my absence, but medical school is slowly taken the life out of me and my recording time has been obviously shorten but I managed to squeeze this in and hope to be bringing more to you all soon!
Todays episode I have my guests Rima and Luai joining me as we discuss the impact that Technology has affected our communication among one another in our current world as well as the Major role that it take a part in when it comes to how we talk to one another, how we present ourselves, as well as the pro's and con's that can take part in communication through digital avenues. All that followed up with the differences between in person communication vs. digital discussing. Lastly if all these different social media platform is actually beneficial for growing and strengthening true friendships or creating a simulated one?
TeaTime with Aladdin Podcast Links: https://linktr.ee/AladdinS
I do not own the rights to the music played in this episode.
Oh No! "Copyright" and produced 2017 The Counter Rhythm Group by Harbour
Tee Time-video game version "Copyright" produced 2020 by Woody Goss
Harbour Website: harbourtheband.com/band
Harbour Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harbourtheband/
Harbour Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1f39LQ4ppVcw3mkrbtvM8U?highlight=spotify:track:2W8Um1xud1QwS0c9w2jvYO
Woody Goss Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/professor_goss/?hl=en
02. Mai 2021 - 1 h 13 min
Ageing and Death/Living with the Time We Have/Planning A FUNeral.
Join me as and my special Holley Kelley, a certified Gerontologist, Thanantology Fellow, Journelist, Entrpeneur, and Founder of Latter-Life Planning Institute. She is an Author of a #1 Amazon seller Sunrises and Sunsets: Final Affairs Forger with Flair, Finesse, and Funtionality. Today we discuss a wide range of topics surrounding the discussion of ageing and death. Focusing on why it is important to bring this topic to an open discussion with people. Along with Is it better to try and live a longer life or live with the time that we have, and lastly how to plan for a funeral but with a FUN little twist to it.
Followed by musical interview with artist Blsng. Talking about her inspirations behind her music, upbringing in music, and what to look forward to in the future. Also sharing her song You've Got It. For Information pertaining to Holley Kelleys work along with Blsng's music links are posted below.
I do not own the rights to the music played in this episode.
You've Got It "Copyright" and produced 2019 by Blsng
Tee Time-video game version "Copyright" produced 2020 by Woody Goss
Holley Kelley Website: https://www.ctrnetwork.com/holleykelley
Blsng's Information: https://www.instagram.com/blsngmusic/
10. März 2021 - 1 h 19 min
Hypocrisy of Gender Roles/Can Men and Woman Be Friends/Men & Woman in Authoritative Postions
What is up TeaTimers! Welcome back to TeaTime With Aladdin and for the first Episode of Season 2. Join me today with my Guest hosts Brendon and Israa as we discuss some juicy topics pertaining to how people continue to be hypocritic on gender roles in present day. Discussing the question of the ages, can men and woman truly be platonic friends only or is there some secret goal in the back of someone's head? Lastly discussing the differences seen between men and woman when it comes to positions of authority. Whether it is at home or out in the work place.
Then continue to join me for our first musical interview with the Knowmads artist Pepe and Wilson talk about their music, upcoming projects and how to stay productive with music or creative projects during the pandemic.
TeaTime with Aladdin Podcast Links: https://linktr.ee/AladdinS
Lost Generation "Copyright" produced 2018 by Knowmads
Tee Time-video game version "Copyright" produced 2020 by Woody Goss
Find Knowmads at: https://www.knowmadfam.com/
29. Jan. 2021 - 1 h 37 min
Happy New Years! Year in Review/Resolutions/How to approach 2021
Happy New Years everyone, hope you all have a great end of the year and end this crazy year on a great note. Today we give a quick recap on some current events, followed by why we should stop setting new years resolutions, and how we. An make next year a better year for us all.See you all in the next year peace and love!
.TeaTime with Aladdin Podcast Links: https://linktr.ee/AladdinS
Candlelight Eyes (Lofi Remix) "Copyright" 2020 by Alan Gogoll
Little Mo' Betta "Copyright" 2018 24MM Inc. David Davis
Website: http://justdaviddavis.com/
01. Jan. 2021 - 58 min
How To Kiss Your Kids/ The Birds and The Bees/ Disciplining Your Kids
What's popping TeaTimers! Your dedicated host Aladdin here bringing you more great conversation starters to discuss and argue about. Joining me today is Genesis and we discuss everything from if there is a proper way to kiss your children and if we should be criticized for how we show our affection towards them. Having the talk with your kids and if there is a proper way to discipline your kids.
TeaTime with Aladdin Podcast Links: https://linktr.ee/AladdinS
Candlelight Eyes (Lofi Remix) "Copyright" 2020 by Alan Gogoll
No Rain "Copyright" 2020 by Carneyval, Jackson Breit
Carneyval on Twitter and FB: https://twitter.com/carneyval?lang=en & https://www.facebook.com/carneyvalmusic/
on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2L8dsMgFCSOumasWQ4gvwZ?si=OMv9XjZCQBKxdgsN6rcgjA
on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/carneyvalmusic
26. Dez. 2020 - 1 h 3 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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