Podcast von ALICIA POWER
40 Years Spiritual Teacher, Spirit Communicator, Master Healer Alicia Power @soulmentoring, brings you practical tools for your spiritual journey. Eac...
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74 FolgenHear how Alicia partners with her spirit guides to rewire human auras to uplift a person’s psychology and spiritual growth. Learn how Spirit Healer Beings use Light wave technology to uplift a human and how this changes lives. Also how spirit healer beings research and rewire your soul shadow wounds. This is a channeled clip of a discourse by Advanced Spirit Beings – "How Light Changes Everything". Alicia Power is an international spiritual intuitive and energy healer with thousands of students around the world, 2 million YouTube views and over 20 online courses. COURSE: WALKING WITH YOUR SOUL - (How to talk with your soul) [] OTHER COURSES: [] ALICIA'S WEBSITE: (courses, free videos, free events) [] PLAYLISTS SPIRIT GUIDES: [] LIFE PURPOSE: [] HAPPINESS: [] YOU ARE SPIRIT: [] PODCASTS WE'RE OPEN PODCAST: [] ALICIA'S BLOG: [] SUBSCRIBE TO ALICIA'S MAILING LIST For live events, free SOUL TRAINING, and more... [] ======FOLLOW ALICIA====== YOUTUBE: [] INSTAGRAM: [] FACEBOOK: [] =================================================== ABOUT ALICIA POWER International Intuitive, Master Energy Healer and Knowledge Keeper Alicia Power has 2 Million YouTube views. Her popularity is due to her instant transmissions as a Spirit Communicator, of high truths and training DIRECTLY from Senior levels of Spirit. Alicia's 40 years as a spiritual adviser give her deep knowledge on the stages of soul awakening and ACCELERATED SPIRITUAL GROWTH. []
Are you stuck? Get unblocked about your life purpose. Master Psychic gives a meditation process for a Life Direction decision moment – 'What do I want to do with my life?' What lights up your soul, that's going to make a difference to your feeling fulfilled? [This visualization contains psychic frequencies that amplify your realizations.] Alicia Power is an international spiritual intuitive and energy healer with thousands of students around the world, 1.5 million YouTube views and over 20 online courses. COURSE: WALKING WITH YOUR SOUL - (How to talk with your soul) [] OTHER COURSES: [] ALICIA'S WEBSITE: (courses, free videos, free events) [] PLAYLISTS SPIRIT GUIDES: [] LIFE PURPOSE: [] HAPPINESS: [] YOU ARE SPIRIT: [] PODCASTS WE'RE OPEN PODCAST: [] ALICIA'S BLOG: [] SUBSCRIBE TO ALICIA'S MAILING LIST For live events, free SOUL TRAINING, and more... [] ======FOLLOW ALICIA====== YOUTUBE: [] INSTAGRAM: [] FACEBOOK: [] =================================================== ABOUT ALICIA POWER International Intuitive, Master Energy Healer and Knowledge Keeper Alicia Power has 1.5 Million YouTube views. Her popularity is due to her instant transmissions as a Spirit Communicator, of high truths and training DIRECTLY from Senior levels of Spirit. Alicia's 40 years as a spiritual adviser give her deep knowledge on the stages of soul awakening and ACCELERATED SPIRITUAL GROWTH. []
Getting HURT in relationships - is a psychic energy transference. 30-year Energy Healer and Spirit Communicator Alicia Power shows you what she sees in the psychic energy worlds – when you get hurt in relationships. And how to change that hurt feeling quickly, whether in your home, family, social, or work relationships. Alicia teaches a powerful psychic tool that can help you feel stronger and empowered. ABOUT ALICIA POWER Alicia is a Master Energy Healer, an advanced intuitive, an author of 20 online courses, as well as books, and audio products. She has had over 1 Million views on her YouTube channel, is a passionate transformational speaker, and is regularly invited to speak on international spiritual Tele-Summits. Alicia has trained directly under Senior Levels of the Spirit World for 30 years. This intensive soul mastery development has led her to train thousands around the world in the process of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. JOIN ALICIA POWER'S MAILING LIST: CLICK HERE [] [] LEARN MORE Check out more of Alicia Power's videos, podcast episodes, and courses on this website: [] Join thousands of Alicia's followers and subscribers receiving daily inspiration: []Facebook [] YouTube [] (Over 1.4 Million Views) DID YOU KNOW? You are NOT alone in this life. Your Spirit Guides are working hard to support you, LOVE you, and ENGAGE with you. So that you feel happier and more fulfilled. This life CAN be a miracle IF you let THEM guide you! LEARN HOW to hear your Spirit Guide HERE []
Discover types of spirit helpers that help create new realities, shift your life higher or elevate your mood. Master Healer Alicia Power discusses ‘how’ different kinds of loving spirit support teams can uplift you, and the steps to take to work with potent spirit helpers every day. Alicia Power is a 30+ year energy healer and spirit communicator. She has authored over 20 online courses, her YouTube channel has over 1.5 million views and her regular live events and trainings are enjoyed by thousands of students around the world. COURSE: How To Hear Your Spirit Guides: [] WATCH VIDEO: HOW NEGATIVE ENERGY AFFECTS YOU: [] JOIN MY LIST FOR FREE EVENTS AND INSPIRATION: [] ALICIA'S WEBSITE: (courses, free videos, free events) [] YOUTUBE YPLAYLISTS SPIRIT GUIDES: [] LIFE PURPOSE: [] HAPPINESS: [] YOU ARE SPIRIT: [] PODCASTS WE'RE OPEN PODCAST: [] THE ALICIA POWER SHOW: [] OR [] STARTER COURSES: [] ======FOLLOW ALICIA====== YOUTUBE: [] INSTAGRAM: [] FACEBOOK: [] ====================================================== ABOUT ALICIA POWER International Intuitive, Master Energy Healer and Knowledge Keeper Alicia Power has 1.5 Million YouTube views, and has authored over 20 channeled courses, with thousands of students globally. Her popularity is due to her instant transmissions of high spiritual training DIRECTLY from Senior levels of Spirit. Alicia's 40 years as a spiritual adviser give her deep knowledge of how to ACCELERATE SPIRITUAL GROWTH. []
Learn how to meet and talk to your SOUL with Master Healer Alicia Power. Alicia reveals specific techniques to connect to your soul so you get to know it better. You’ll learn simple skills that work from her 30 years of teaching students to communicate with Spirit Allies and one’s own higher Spirit Self. Alicia has over 1.5 million views on YouTube and is a regular teacher and speaker on international Summits and Podcasts. COURSE: WALKING WITH YOUR SOUL - (How to talk with your soul) [] OTHER COURSES: [] ALICIA POWER FREE GIFT: 26 mini workouts for soul clarity. [] JOIN ALICIA'S LIST FOR INSPIRATION + FREE EVENTS: [] ALICIA'S WEBSITE: (courses, free videos, free events) [] ABOUT ALICIA POWER Alicia is a Master Energy Healer, an advanced intuitive, an author of 20 online courses, as well as books, and audio products. She has had 1.5 Million views on her YouTube channel, is a passionate transformational speaker, and is regularly invited to speak on international spiritual Tele-Summits. Alicia has trained directly under Senior Levels of the Spirit World for 30 years. This intensive soul mastery development has led her to train thousands around the world in the process of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. [] Join thousands of Alicia's followers and subscribers receiving daily inspiration: []Facebook [] YouTube [] DID YOU KNOW? You are NOT alone in this life. Your Spirit Guides are working hard to support you, LOVE you, and ENGAGE with you. So that you feel happier and more fulfilled. This life CAN be a miracle IF you let THEM guide you! LEARN HOW to hear your Spirit Guide HERE []
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