THE CHAPEL at Pasadena Podcast
Podcast von THE CHAPEL at Pasadena
THE CHAPEL at Pasadena exists to display the grace and truth of Jesus Christ to Los Angeles and the world.
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Alle Folgen
523 FolgenPastor Steven delivers a message amidst the wildfire season our community is going through.
Join us for the start of Part 4 in Isaiah: Servanthood & Power on the first Sunday of 2025.
Tune into this week's message as Pastor Steven closes out our mini-series on Galatians: The Essential Gospel.
Join us this week as we hear from Pastor Mike Dsane from King’s Harbor Church in Torrance, CA.
Join us for this week’s message as Pastor Steven begins The Chapel’s sermon series on the book of Isaiah - examining themes of Holiness and Mercy. As an introduction, he teaches from the gospel of Luke.
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