The Low Carb Cardiologist Podcast
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The Low Carb Cardiologist Podcast

Podcast von Dr. Bret Scher

Welcome to The Low Carb Cardiologist Podcast! We aim to be your go-to source for accurate and cutting-edge information to help you achieve your best health ever! Led by Dr. Bret Scher, a practicing cardiologist with over 20 years of clinical experience, we are going to help you explore evidence based, practical information and dive deeper into the controversies as it relates to your health and your healthcare. 

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40 Folgen
episode LCCP040: Carrie Diulus M.D. —Vegan Keto, Type 1 Diabetes, Exercise and Self Experimentation artwork
LCCP040: Carrie Diulus M.D. —Vegan Keto, Type 1 Diabetes, Exercise and Self Experimentation
Doctor Carrie Diulus is a spine surgeon with an amazing story. Her life has been littered with maladies such as Celiac Disease, type 1 diabetes, gastroparesis, and a serious knee injury and yet she persists with athletic triumphs and incredible health. How she accomplishes this is a testament to her ingenuity and resourcefulness. Dr. Carrie shares her story of how data collection, self-experimentation, and analyzing the results led her down the opposite path from the advice of her doctors. Through her journeys, she has found a low carbohydrate diet to be the best option to treat her diabetes and eventually crafted a plant-based keto diet, including supplements that offer her all the nutrients she needs to keep her energy levels high and her insulin under control. Her story shows the power of self-teaching, self-experimentation, and taking control of your own health!. Key Takeaways: [4:11] A knee injury caused Dr. Carrie to reconsider and switch her career path from pathology to orthopedic surgery. [9:41] What led Dr. Carrie to choose a low-carbohydrate diet to combat her diabetes? [20:23] After a bout of Gastroparesis, Dr. Carrie made a dietary transition into vegan keto. [29:45] Dr. Carrie’s Maffetone training and her measures of blood sugar and ketones tell a story of the physiology of glucose and ketone utilization. [40:47] Dr. Carrie’s exercise advice to people with diabetes. [48:36] During 5-day fasting periods, Dr. Carrie’s insulin sensitivity improves and her ketones rise. Mentioned in This Episode: Low Carb Cardiologist Website [] Dr. Scher on Twitter [] Dr. Scher on Facebook [] Dr. Carrie Diulus Website [] Dr. Carrie Diulus on Facebook [] @CarrieDiulusMD on Instagram []
10. Sept. 2018 - 1 h 1 min
episode LCCP039: Lierre Keith — The Dark Truths Behind Veganism & Vegetarianism artwork
LCCP039: Lierre Keith — The Dark Truths Behind Veganism & Vegetarianism
This week, the Author of The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability, Lierre Keith, joins me to dispel the three pillars vegetarians lean on to justify their dietary and lifestyle choices. Her book, published in 2009, is still widely discussed and referenced today. In this stirring discussion, Lierre reveals that just six corporations (who she calls grain cartels) own the world’s food supply and how they deceitfully market industrial by-products in the form of soy-based products, how global warming is NOT caused primarily by ruminants but rather by large-scale agricultural practices, and how modern agriculture is destroying our topsoil and our land in general. But she doesn’t stop there! She goes on to explain how proper use of grazing ruminants could actually be a solution to or environmental problems. That’s a message we all need to hear!. What makes her story even more amazing is that Lierre was a practicing vegan for years. Luckily she realized she was slowly destroying her body by not consuming the vital nutrients necessary for good health. So, will going Vegan save your life and save the planet as is so widely believed? Listen to this podcast before you answer that question. Key Takeaways: [4:27] Why Lierre chose to go vegan. [6:44] How the grain cartel used deceptive marketing to sell the industrial by-product of soy. [12:01] The cult-like elements of Veganism. [17:00] Will Veganism save the environment? [26:21] Moving away from government subsidies and towards grass-based farms. [32:13] Lierre describes the carbon sequestering process of soil and how global warming started. [42:44] Lierre shares the moral dilemma brought about by her personal gardening experience. Mentioned in This Episode: Low Carb Cardiologist Website [] Dr. Scher on Twitter [] Dr. Scher on Facebook [] Lierre Keith [] The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability [] The Savory Institute [] Eat Wild []
27. Aug. 2018 - 1 h 0 min
episode LCCP038: Dr. Nasha Winters, ND — Treating the Whole Person, Not Just the Tumor artwork
LCCP038: Dr. Nasha Winters, ND — Treating the Whole Person, Not Just the Tumor
This week, Dr. Nasha Winters ND, FABNO, L.Ac, Dipl.OM and CEO of Optimal Terrain Consulting joins me to share her incredible, real-life journey of healing through lifestyle and emphasis on whole health. After beating a diagnosis of terminal cancer at the age of 19, she transformed her life into an ongoing resource for thousands of people who are navigating their way through cancer and standard of care treatments. Her refreshing multi-view approach focuses on the whole person, focusing less on the cancer and more on making the host stronger. She combines conventional therapy with whole-body, nutritional lifestyle therapy to optimize her patients’ terrain. Her book, TheMetabolicApproachtoCancer:IntegratingDeepNutrition, theKetogenicDiet, andNontoxicBio-IndividualizedTherapiesis available now. Key Takeaways: [3:36] How a cancer diagnosis at 19 led Dr. Nasha to Naturopathic medicine. [14:15] The process of Test, Assess and Address for cancer patients. [17:02] Can cancer be cured through a single therapy or a ketogenic diet? [24:05] Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer's are in the same metabolic hiccup. [29:51] Analyzing the results of genetic testing and industry created fear. [35:34] Can the ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting assist patients during Cachexia? [51:30] The health benefits of mistletoe. [59:07] Other beneficial ‘fringe’ interventions for cancer treatment. Mentioned in This Episode: Low Carb Cardiologist Website [] Dr. Scher on Twitter [] Dr. Scher on Facebook [] Terrain 10 [] Optimal Terrain Consulting [] Optimal Terrain on Facebook [] The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies, by Dr. Nasha Winters and Jess Higgins Kelley []
24. Juli 2018 - 1 h 6 min
episode LCCP037: Tucker Goodrich — Omega 6 Seed Oils and Our Health- Another Medical Paradox artwork
LCCP037: Tucker Goodrich — Omega 6 Seed Oils and Our Health- Another Medical Paradox
This  week,  History  Buff,  Citizen  Scientist  and  Wall  Street  Tech  Guru  Tucker Goodrich  shares  how  he  healed  himself  of  diverticulitis,  irritable  bowel Syndrome, and stroke-like symptoms  all  by  changing  his  diet.  Getting little help from contemporary medicine, Tucker decided  to  focus  his  professional  problem-solving  skills towards  his  personal  health  issues. This  ultimately lead  to  eliminating  wheat  and  omega  6  seed  oils  from his  diet and resulted in immediate resolution of his symptoms. During  our  conversation,  Tucker  reveals  how  he  identified  the  disease  creating  culprits  in  his diet,  how  his  health  has  improved  since  he  eliminated  wheat  and  processed  seed  oils, and more importantly, what this may mean for you and your risk of exposure to omega 6 seed oils and other nutritional toxins. Key Takeaways: [5:25] The interconnected worlds of computer science and medical science. [10:25] Tucker started at the source using his family's medical history as square one. [19:42] Omega 6 seed oils come from whole foods. [30:23] Cholesterol and Heart Disease — are they related? [38:38] American food drastically altered the diet in the ‘Blue Zone’ of Okinawa, Japan. [43:45] What happened when Tucker removed processed seed oils from his diet? [50:50] Unpacking the studies and discoveries that led to this conversation about Omega 6. Mentioned in This Episode: Low Carb Cardiologist Website [] Dr. Scher on Twitter [] Dr. Scher on Facebook [] Yelling-Stop Blog []
17. Juli 2018 - 1 h 4 min
episode LCCP036: Dave Feldman Challenges Everything We Think We Know About LDL Cholesterol. artwork
LCCP036: Dave Feldman Challenges Everything We Think We Know About LDL Cholesterol.
Dave Feldman brought down the house yet again with a rousing presentation at Keto Con 2018. In his presentation, he postulated that a subset of LCHF individuals, which he terms Lean Mass Hyper Responders (LMHRs), are unknowingly changing the world of cholesterol. Traditionally we are taught that any elevation of LDL cholesterol leads to heart disease. Not so fast, says Dave. In this episode, we discuss why this does not apply to LMHRs and what that means for LCHF individuals and what it means for the medical world as a whole. We also discuss how recent PCSK9i drug trials prove his point, even though contemporary medicine promotes them with an opposite conclusion. Sound confusing? Well, it isn’t once you hear Dave explain his case. Once again, Dave brings his passion, his engineering mindset, and his intellectual honesty to the table for a rousing interview that is sure to cause a stir among old-school doctors and lipidologists. You don’t want to miss this one!
02. Juli 2018 - 1 h 2 min
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