The Radio Vagabond
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The Radio Vagabond

Podcast von Palle Bo

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Palle Bo is a long time radioproducer who has sold his house, car and all of his furniture so he could travel around the world. He has an ambition to visit every country in the world and you can join his trip in this podcast. Come along as he meet the locals and experience Palle's excitements and concerns regarding the life as digital nomad. 

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462 Folgen
episode 315 ROME: Top 7 Things to See in the Italian Capital artwork
315 ROME: Top 7 Things to See in the Italian Capital
Join me in this VAGABOND SHORT episode, where I whisk you away on a whirlwind tour of Rome, unveiling its timeless allure and hidden treasures. 7. Roman Forum: Wander through the ancient ruins of the Roman Forum, where the past comes to life amidst broken columns and crumbling temples. It's a journey through time you won't soon forget. 6. Piazza Navona: Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Piazza Navona, where bustling cafes and street performers captivate your senses. It's the perfect place to soak in the essence of Roman life. 5. Spanish Steps: Take a moment to relax on the Spanish Steps, a beloved gathering place for locals and tourists alike. Climb to the top for panoramic views of the city below. 4. Trevi Fountain: Make a wish at the iconic Trevi Fountain, where tossing a coin guarantees your return to Rome. Let the sound of cascading water transport you to a realm of myth and magic. 3.The Pantheon: Behold the architectural marvel of the Pantheon, a 2000-year-old temple dedicated to the gods. Stand beneath its dome and witness the interplay of light and shadow. 2. The Colosseum: Step into ancient history at the grand Colosseum, where echoes of gladiator battles still resonate. Marvel at its colossal arches and imagine the roar of the crowd. 1. Vatican City: Explore the smallest country in the world, home to the Vatican Museums and Michelangelo's masterpiece, the Sistine Chapel. Walk in the footsteps of pilgrims and art enthusiasts alike. Links and Resources: For more information on Rome's top attractions, visit: - Colosseum [] - Vatican Museums [] - Pantheon [] - Trevi Fountain [] - Roman Forum [] - Spanish Steps [] - Piazza Navona [] Stay curious, keep exploring, and embrace the wanderlust with The Radio Vagabond.
04. Mai 2024 - 9 min
episode VERMONT, USA: Ice Cream in Green Mountains (Flashback) artwork
VERMONT, USA: Ice Cream in Green Mountains (Flashback)
In this podcast of The Radio Vagabond, I meet Ben and hike the gorgeous Mount Washington. See pictures and read the blog post here:
Gestern - 24 min
episode 314 INTERVIEW: A Bad-ass Young Traveller Hitchhiking Across the Atlantic artwork
314 INTERVIEW: A Bad-ass Young Traveller Hitchhiking Across the Atlantic
In this episode, you can meet Enora Kriegel, a cool 22-year-old adventurer who hitchhiked across the Atlantic Ocean by sailboat, explored crisis-ridden Venezuela. She did all of that without flying, and encountered extreme budget travellers and unique cycling companions.  Enora's stories inspire us to embrace adventure and simplicity in travel. Listen for tales of daring exploration and the warmth of human connection.
02. Mai 2024 - 30 min
episode 314 INTERVIEW: A Bad-ass Young Traveller Hitchhiking Across the Atlantic artwork
314 INTERVIEW: A Bad-ass Young Traveller Hitchhiking Across the Atlantic
In this episode, I share my embarrassing interview mishap with Enora Kriegel, a 22-year-old adventurer who hitchhiked across the Atlantic Ocean by sailboat, explored crisis-ridden Venezuela, and encountered extreme budget travellers and unique cycling companions. Enora's stories inspire us to embrace adventure and simplicity in travel. Listen for tales of daring exploration and the warmth of human connection.
30. Apr. 2024 - 30 min
episode AUSTRALIA: A Perfect Day in Melbourne with a Local artwork
AUSTRALIA: A Perfect Day in Melbourne with a Local
Join me as I explore Melbourne, Australia, in a day packed with local culture, cuisine, and companionship courtesy of my Couchsurfing host, Jon. Our journey starts off at the bustling Melbourne Skydeck, giving us panoramic views of the city. We then visit the iconic Brighton Beach Bathing Boxes before retreating to the serene Royal Botanic Gardens. Along the way, Jon shares his personal stories of friendship and connections made through Couchsurfing. This episode not only highlights the beauty and vibrancy of Melbourne but also delves into how travel can forge deep, personal connections.
28. Apr. 2024 - 31 min

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