The theintentionalbride‘s Podcast
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The theintentionalbride‘s Podcast

Podcast von theintentionalbride

The Intentional Bride is a space to inspire you to be intentional with your relationship with God. Here I will reintroduce a God whose desire for us is to live abundantly in love with Him, freedom to enjoy Him in our unique journey‘s and empowerment to set us free from anything that holds us back from His heart. Jesus is coming back soon and my purpose is to prepare the paths straight before Him... to prepare His bride so that we can be found ready doing what we absolutely love completely for His glory... If this is for you, let your heart rest as you have found a space that will leave you yearning for God more and more... Lets Journey, Noni 

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episode Psalms 21 artwork
Psalms 21
Happy Sunday!!! Psalms 21 David understood the love His heavenly father had for him, inspite of Him and very intentionally He repeatedly threw himself at the feet of God and anchored himself fully on God... May we learn from David, and fully anchor who we are on God... it's not about perfection, it's about worship... It's about relationship... Intentional Bridexxx
27. März 2022 - 5 min
episode Basket Case artwork
Basket Case
Happy Sunday♥️ One basket, three seasons... A season or protection, a season of growth and a season of freedom, God will, just like Moses, allow you to be put into these baskets for the next generation, For those who can be freed from your experiences and wisdom.. I hope you love this episode as much as I did... Intentional Bridexxxx
20. März 2022 - 11 min
episode Deny me... artwork
Deny me...
Deny me... Peter in Luke 22:54-62 was so sure he would never deny Jesus.. so much so He challenged Jesus when He said he would, Like clockwork he did deny Jesus, but my focus is on what happened after the fact... Jesus looked on Him with compassion, a look of grace and a reassurance that it was going to be ok... I want you to know today that its going to be okay, all your hurt, intentional acts that weigh you down... it's going to be okay and in the end all of the mistakes will not count toward your destiny.. Intentional Bridexxx
06. März 2022 - 11 min
episode Double take artwork
Double take
Happy Sunday 😃 You know how Jesus met the disciples the first time, found them fishing, told them to cast their nets and then boom loads of fish... yeah... so He did it again, this time post resurrection... It was interesting to me that despite their interaction with Him as His chosen twelve they still went without a harvest, So much so that they didn't recognise him at first in His glorious form... Relationship with God doesn't guarantee you will be free from challenge, but it does guarantee that God will always show up.. Intentional Bride xxx
27. Feb. 2022 - 8 min
episode I am now... artwork
I am now...
Happy Sunday... God is good and because He is good we are good... Ecclesiastes 3:11 there is a time for everything under the sun... The creator of time has our back... He has our best intention at the forefront of His mind.. He is the God of the present, Your past, present and future is His now.. Allow HIm to heal your present, your past and future.. His presence alone is enough... In Him there is always enough time... Happy Listening... Intentional Bride Instagram @intentionalbride
20. Feb. 2022 - 12 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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