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The Total Torah Podcast
Podcast von (Re)Discover Judaism
Welcome to The Total Torah Podcast by (Re)Discover Judaism! Join us each Sunday for an English reading of the weekly portion. Episodes are broken down into seven aliyot, allowing listeners the choice of hearing the portion all at once, spread throughout the week, or however you prefer! With The Total Torah Podcast, you now have the option to listen and learn on your terms as Jews around the world work their way through the whole scroll! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @rediscoverjudaism.
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Alle Folgen
9 FolgenKi Tavo
Welcome back to The Total Torah Podcast!
For those of you listening to one aliyah per day, here is where you should start:
01:47 Second Aliyah
02:40 Third Aliyah
03:19 Fourth Aliyah
04:34 Fifth Aliyah
07:00 Sixth Aliyah
15:32 Seventh Aliyah
Check out more of our content on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/rediscoverjudaism], Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/rediscoverjudaism/], and Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84xC67r9BoC06pj34pNMnA/videos].
15. Sept. 2024 - 17 min
Ki Teitzei
Welcome back to The Total Torah Podcast!
For those of you listening to one aliyah per day, here is where you should start:
01:55 Second Aliyah
03:13 Third Aliyah
06:47 Fourth Aliyah
08:44 Fifth Aliyah
09:38 Sixth Aliyah
10:44 Seventh Aliyah
Check out more of our content on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/rediscoverjudaism], Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/rediscoverjudaism/], and Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84xC67r9BoC06pj34pNMnA/videos].
08. Sept. 2024 - 15 min
Welcome back to The Total Torah Podcast!
For those of you listening to one aliyah per day, here is where you should start:
02:52 Second Aliyah
04:05 Third Aliyah
04:49 Fourth Aliyah
05:47 Fifth Aliyah
08:51 Sixth Aliyah
11:12 Seventh Aliyah
Check out more of our content on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/rediscoverjudaism], Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/rediscoverjudaism/], and Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84xC67r9BoC06pj34pNMnA/videos].
01. Sept. 2024 - 14 min
Welcome back to The Total Torah Podcast!
For those of you listening to one aliyah per day, here is where you should start:
02:26 Second Aliyah
05:13 Third Aliyah
08:30 Fourth Aliyah
10:32 Fifth Aliyah
11:50 Sixth Aliyah
14:08 Seventh Aliyah
Check out more of our content on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/rediscoverjudaism], Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/rediscoverjudaism/], and Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84xC67r9BoC06pj34pNMnA/videos].
25. Aug. 2024 - 17 min
Welcome back to The Total Torah Podcast!
For those of you listening to one aliyah per day, here is where you should start:
03:47 Second Aliyah
05:36 Third Aliyah
09:34 Fourth Aliyah
11:11 Fifth Aliyah
13:50 Sixth Aliyah
15:20 Seventh Aliyah
Check out more of our content on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/rediscoverjudaism], Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/rediscoverjudaism/], and Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84xC67r9BoC06pj34pNMnA/videos].
18. Aug. 2024 - 16 min
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