The Weirdness
Kostenloser Podcast

The Weirdness

Podcast von Gen-Z Media | Wondery

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Welcome to The Weirdness… Middle-schoolers Arlo and Sierra host a podcast dedicated to exploring unexplained phenomena like the Loch Ness Monster, the yeti and the chupacabra. But they’ve never actually witnessed any of it—until they track down an unusual caller who turns out to be none other than Bigfoot himself. Turns out, the Weirdness is real, and it’s everywhere! Arlo, Sierra, and Bigfoot (aka Beef) set off on a mind-blowing adventure across the globe to find out why the creatures of legends are disappearing.For more great Gen-Z podcasts visit or follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. 

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11 Folgen
episode S1 E10: The Creep artwork
S1 E10: The Creep
In the final epic battle, Sierra, Beef and Arlo discover the true nature of the Creep and how to defeat it. Welcome to The Weirdness… Middle-schoolers Arlo and Sierra host a podcast dedicated to exploring unexplained phenomena like the Loch Ness Monster, the yeti and the chupacabra. But they’ve never actually witnessed any of it—until they track down an unusual caller who turns out to be none other than Bigfoot himself. Turns out, the Weirdness is real, and it’s everywhere! Arlo, Sierra, and Bigfoot (aka Beef) set off on a mind-blowing adventure across the globe to find out why the creatures of legends are disappearing. The Weirdness is produced by Gen-Z Media. For more great Gen-Z shows visit or follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
08. Sept. 2020 - 28 min
episode S1 E9: Nessie artwork
S1 E9: Nessie
Lost at sea, Arlo, Sierra and Beef are rescued by none other than the Loch Ness Monster herself. They journey to Atlantis to save the Weirds and confront the Creep. Welcome to The Weirdness… Middle-schoolers Arlo and Sierra host a podcast dedicated to exploring unexplained phenomena like the Loch Ness Monster, the yeti and the chupacabra. But they’ve never actually witnessed any of it—until they track down an unusual caller who turns out to be none other than Bigfoot himself. Turns out, the Weirdness is real, and it’s everywhere! Arlo, Sierra, and Bigfoot (aka Beef) set off on a mind-blowing adventure across the globe to find out why the creatures of legends are disappearing. The Weirdness is produced by Gen-Z Media. For more great Gen-Z shows visit or follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
01. Sept. 2020 - 17 min
episode S1 E8: The Kraken artwork
S1 E8: The Kraken
Sierra meets a very familiar sea monster and the Weirds must rally together to fight off a Creep attack. Welcome to The Weirdness… Middle-schoolers Arlo and Sierra host a podcast dedicated to exploring unexplained phenomena like the Loch Ness Monster, the yeti and the chupacabra. But they’ve never actually witnessed any of it—until they track down an unusual caller who turns out to be none other than Bigfoot himself. Turns out, the Weirdness is real, and it’s everywhere! Arlo, Sierra, and Bigfoot (aka Beef) set off on a mind-blowing adventure across the globe to find out why the creatures of legends are disappearing. The Weirdness is produced by Gen-Z Media. For more great Gen-Z shows visit or follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
25. Aug. 2020 - 14 min
episode S1 E7: The Jersey Devil artwork
S1 E7: The Jersey Devil
Sierra, Arlo and Beef track down “J-Dev” who has been released back into society as a very different kind of creature: an accountant. Welcome to The Weirdness… Middle-schoolers Arlo and Sierra host a podcast dedicated to exploring unexplained phenomena like the Loch Ness Monster, the yeti and the chupacabra. But they’ve never actually witnessed any of it—until they track down an unusual caller who turns out to be none other than Bigfoot himself. Turns out, the Weirdness is real, and it’s everywhere! Arlo, Sierra, and Bigfoot (aka Beef) set off on a mind-blowing adventure across the globe to find out why the creatures of legends are disappearing. The Weirdness is produced by Gen-Z Media. For more great Gen-Z shows visit or follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
18. Aug. 2020 - 15 min
episode S1 E6: The Mermaid artwork
S1 E6: The Mermaid
Arlo musters the troops to save Sierra, who meets a new friend under the sea. Welcome to The Weirdness… Middle-schoolers Arlo and Sierra host a podcast dedicated to exploring unexplained phenomena like the Loch Ness Monster, the yeti and the chupacabra. But they’ve never actually witnessed any of it—until they track down an unusual caller who turns out to be none other than Bigfoot himself. Turns out, the Weirdness is real, and it’s everywhere! Arlo, Sierra, and Bigfoot (aka Beef) set off on a mind-blowing adventure across the globe to find out why the creatures of legends are disappearing. The Weirdness is produced by Gen-Z Media. For more great Gen-Z shows visit or follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11. Aug. 2020 - 17 min

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