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Tony and Leona Live
Podcast von Leona Hernandez
Tony and Leona discuss current events, politics and religion.
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14 FolgenMessage to Pope Francis from a Catholic ICU Nurse
This is an open message to Pope Francis in regards to his comments made on 10 Jan 2022 about global vaccination to the members of the Diplomatic Corps of the Holy See. Leona is a COVID ICU Registered Nurse and felt compelled to respectfully inform the Vatican on the effects of dehumanizing vaccination pass health mandates and also about the latest science and data emerging in the omicron phase of the pandemic. This is a commentary mostly on the global public health policy and mandates. Please feel free to share as Leona wants to give rise to our growing voices of concern as global governments and big pharmaceutical companies double down on a one sized fits all universal vaccination program.
03. Feb. 2022 - 22 min
Responding to Black Lives Matter with Compassion and Truth
As American Christians and Catholics, we believe we are called to act in the name of Justice, Truth, and Equality. In this show, we discuss how we ought to view and respond to BLM and anti-racism.
Data discussed from the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), The U.S. Census Bureau, the DOJ, and the articles below:
07. Jan. 2022 - 1 h 12 min
2022 PREDICTIONS for Mandates, Omicron, Roe v Wade, Elections, Joe Biden and more...
Will 2022 be better or worse than 2021 or 2022? Tony and Leona unveil 10 predictions for 2022 including the Supreme Court ruling on Biden's OSHA vaccine-or-testing mandate, Omicron, Roe v Wade, Joe Biden's future, inflation, the 2022 general elections, mail-in voting, and more. Thank you for watching and please don't forget to like this video and subscribe!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tony and Leona Live
23. Dez. 2021 - 54 min
ACB will Decide Biden's Vaccine-or-Testing OSHA Mandate
After the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order staying enforcement and implementation of the Biden Administration's vaccine-or-testing rule describing it as "fatally flawed", Tony predicted on a livestream that Justice Amy Coney Barrett will ultimately be "The Decider" on whether or not the OSHA mandate is ruled Constitutional. Tony points to Justice Barrett's awareness of her providential place in history and aspiration to overturn Roe v. Wade derived from her Catholic Faith and her guiding judicial philosophy of originalism.
On December 17, 2021, the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals reinstated OSHA's vaccine mandate blazing a fast path forward to the United States Supreme Court. That same night, OSHA issued a statement declaring enforcement of the vaccine or testing rule mandating employers with 100 or more employees to ensure all employees are vaccinated or tested for COVID-19 once a week will begin early in February 2022. A decision on this contentious and divisive rule cannot come soon enough as the severe financial penalties and uncertainty of the outcome is contributing to the labor shortage in the U.S., hindering small business growth and investment.
21. Dez. 2021 - 4 min
Being Catholic in the 21st Century - Amy Coney Barrett and Abortion 12/09/2021
Tony and Leona discuss being Catholic in the 21st century. A theme throughout this episode is Justice Amy Coney Barrett, her role with mandates and abortion, whether Roe v. Wade will be overturned and - if it is - what effects that will have. Tony and Leona define the 8 principles of Catholic Social Teaching according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and then apply these principles to anti-racism, abortion, fighting poverty, masks and more.
10. Dez. 2021 - 1 h 35 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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