Tour Bus Legends
Podcast von Jessica Romoff and Austin Locke
A podcast where bands share their craziest stories. Hosted by Jessica Romoff and Austin Locke.
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Alle Folgen
13 FolgenThe Dune Rats tell us stories about sketchy gigs they've done, accidentally smuggling drugs into Bali, and songwriting in Joshua Tree.
Australian punk band Clowns tell us stories about all their tour injuries, and performing in Indonesia
We interview the Meat Bodies and they tell us stories about a time they were haunted by a Wild Boar, School of Rock, and various other super natural occurrences
The Psychedelic Porn Crumpets tell us stories about having to cross a border with drugs, and what to do if you pour coffee in your bandmates face.
Bodega tells us stories about a famous bass they were given, the best and worst shows they've played, and how much fun it is gamble.
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