Troop’s Going Off Topic
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Troop’s Going Off Topic

Podcast von tashax23

I will be exploring a wide range of topics from the mundane to the miraculous. Guests will visit to discuss their works and philosophies and Marni will drop in with some "Dumb Crime Nuggets". 

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13 Folgen
episode The Topic Is...Eldritch Horror and Prom artwork
The Topic Is...Eldritch Horror and Prom
My friend and traveling companion, Roy, has asked me to discuss Eldritch Horror and Prom. So in honor of Roy and his LCS@LFP Poetry Slam team, who will be competing in the Get Lit competition that will be held 4/23-25 and broadcast live on the Get Lit YouTube Channel, I have recorded this here podcast.
22. Apr. 2020 - 23 min
episode The Topic is...Conspiracies and Covid artwork
The Topic is...Conspiracies and Covid
I'm back after a short hiatus to address isolation, intentions, and the broken chaod actors who are angry at nurses for doing their jobs.
20. Apr. 2020 - 16 min
episode The Topic Is...To Produce or Not to Produce artwork
The Topic Is...To Produce or Not to Produce
Tessa L. asked me to wax rhapsodic about what shows I believe high schools should and should not produce. It's a topic I have wrestled with for years and one I can certainly go off about for at least one podcast. At least.
30. März 2020 - 27 min
episode The Topic Is...Living in L.A. artwork
The Topic Is...Living in L.A.
Today I am joined by a special guest, filmmaker Khalif Bradley, who will help me discuss the pros and cons of living in Los Angeles.You can find Khalif's excellent documentary, "The Black Beverly Hills 2", on YouTube.
28. März 2020 - 27 min
episode The Topic Is...Turning 50! artwork
The Topic Is...Turning 50!
Having reached the half century mark and earned the Roman numeral L, I have a few thoughts on the matter. I'm sure you are surprised at this.
23. März 2020 - 18 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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