Vee's Bitchin' Podcast

Vee's Bitchin' Podcast

Podcast von Venezia Fanner


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6 Folgen
episode Podcast 6 artwork
Podcast 6

itunes pic [] Listen to me do some terrible Michael Jackson impressions. Also, I throwback a pretty embarrassing story. P.S. sorry about all the phone interference :( but I was NOT going to record all of that again. Title Fight - Hyperview: Key & Peele - Georgina and Esther and Satan: Hugs

26. Feb. 2015 - 11 min
episode Podcast 5 artwork
Podcast 5

itunes pic [] My English breaks only once in this one. Progress! Pew pew. This is how we date now -- Gateway Drugs --

24. Feb. 2015 - 7 min
episode Podcast 4 artwork
Podcast 4

itunes pic [] Hey, y'all. This is my 4th podcast. Here are the links to stuff I went on about today: The cutest thing you'll see today -- Blur's new song 'Go Out' with that bitchin' ice-cream music video --

23. Feb. 2015 - 8 min
episode Podcast 3 artwork
Podcast 3

itunes pic [] This is my 3rd podcast. It's awful. Unless you LOVE rambling. Happy Friday!

20. Feb. 2015 - 8 min
episode Podcast 2 artwork
Podcast 2

itunes pic [] This is my second podcast. A bit more interesting than yesterday's one I hope. Oh, and here are the links I was talking about in this podcast -- Modest Mouse -- -- -- -- --

19. Feb. 2015 - 7 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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