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What’s My Superpower?Podcast von Nigel T Best
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We all have a Superpower. This is the podcast to help reveal what yours is!
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9 FolgenWMS 9 - Listening? Is that really a SuperPower?
WMS 9 - Listening? Is that really a SuperPower?
You were born with a superpower to make a contribution 😲
The problem is that most of us do not have a clue what our Superpower is and how to find it 🤔👀
If you have ever felt, however fleetingly, that you are meant for more than just this, more than what you are now, more than something so undefinable then you, my friend, are like me and so many others.
You know there is something you have to do 🧐
You know there is more ✅
You know you have something to give 💚
But what is that missing thing?
I can tell you what it is…
We are looking for your SuperPower! 💥🚀
Your SuperPower is the piece in the jigsaw that will complete the picture and using your Superpower means you can contribute to the world
Your SuperPower is where you feel worthy, you feel happy, you feel joyous, you feel fulfilled...
...you feel SUPER! 😍
Hey there, everyone. Welcome to the what's my super power podcast with me, your host and part-time superhero, Nigel T Best. Okay. Sometimes you can feel like you're talking to nobody and it may well be that this podcast is listened to by nobody, but. My further and passionate hope is that at least one person will hear it.
[00:00:22] And one person will reveal their super power to themselves, to the world because we need superheroes at a time like this.
[00:01:01] All right. Welcome to the show, everybody. If this is the first time I've listening. Hello, welcome. Thank you. You are a bouncer. Be revealed as a superhero, and you're probably thinking who is this crazy guy? And the weird thing is, uh, the last thing I probably am is he's crazy. But that's probably the craziest thing about it because nobody is not crazy in this world.
[00:01:26] We're all a little bit mad, but we all have hidden within us a super power. I absolutely 100% believe it. And I, my job here on the podcast is to help you, as he stands up, pulls open his hoodie to reveal. There you go. That was good for the YouTube. Maybe not for the podcast, but a t-shirt with a big ass for superhero on it.
[00:01:55] Because look around us, look around us at the moment. What have we had? We've had the crazy time of the U S election and the uncertainty and how people there. Uh, revealing their super power and also perhaps their super villainy. Um, but also a lot of people standing around saying, Hey, look, we need help. We need help in this country, in the world, around the world, there are people crying out saying we need help.
[00:02:21] We need help. And who steps up in the movies when people are crying out for help? You got it. It's superheroes, my friends. Hey, it's superheroes. So looking for people with super powers, people to stand up and say, Hey, I am gonna make a difference. Now in some of the other podcasts episodes, have a listen back.
[00:02:45] You'll find out that I'm not talking about laser beam eyes or being Bulletproof or the ability to fly or any of those super superpowers. No, no, no, no. Now we're talking about real superpowers and this is the super power that has the ability to transform somebody's life. Some thing that is within you, that you can bring out and share that can make a difference.
[00:03:11] To this world and a difference to the people in the world for the better, for the good of everybody. This is how you contribute. And if you've ever sort of woken up or you've been sat there and you just daydream for a moment and we all do it, how you all sort of sit there and when we're comfortable and relaxed and your mind drifts off, and you just let your mind wander and you sort of, every soften, you might just have that feeling of.
[00:03:40] Work, what is it that I'm meant to do? What is it that I'm here to do? Because it feels like there should be something more than this. And if you've ever had that feeling, if you sort of doubt yourself and you think, God, do you know, what am I, am I just taking up space? That would be better used by somebody else?
[00:04:00] Or, you know, should I just get out of here, you know, is, is my life a waste you need to sort of just. Pause a second and go, no, no life is ever a waste. It just so happens that you haven't revealed your super power yet. And when you reveal your super power, my friend, you are absolutely in the right place at the right time.
[00:04:28] Because we need you. And it's those moments where we just relax and I know all this, all the people that talk about yoga, meditation and the mindfulness and the mindset, and they say, sometimes you just got to just relax, just relax, let your mind wander, let your mind sort of ideas. Come in, go out, just observe these ideas.
[00:04:49] And if you're ever getting those doubtful ones, if you're ever getting the ones. Well, you hear there's a voice inside your head and we've all got that voice. And that voice at this very moment in time is saying for goodness sake, nudge, don't tell people they've got a voice in their head, but I am. I'm saying, I'm saying, thank you very much.
[00:05:06] Yeah. Voice in my head. Thanks for that. But I'm going to say it anyway. We've got a voice in our head and in those quiet moments, sometimes that voice can get a bit shouty. That voice can get a bit dominant. That voice can take over that voice can kind of give you instructions. That voice can give you opinions of you.
[00:05:23] That aren't true in any way, shape or form. And we've got to think to ourselves in those moments, you know, when people meditate and they do the yoga and they just let their mind open up and they try and quiet and not voice, I'd say don't, you know, don't worry about that voice being loud or whatever, just acknowledge that that voice is there in your head.
[00:05:45] And I've got a really good friend, a couple of friends and they call it the script. So the script is screaming cause it's, it's reading from a script. Um, but this voice in your head is telling you, you know, good, you know, Goodyear, a waste of space. Oh, that always happens to you. You're totally useless. You can't do that.
[00:06:05] You know, nobody wants to hear your superpower. You don't have a superpower though. It's so ridiculous. You're you're just a normal person. In fact, you're useless. You're not even a normal person. You're, subnormal, you're abnormal. Um, there's nothing that you could contribute to someone just kind of nod and just go, yeah, thanks for that voice in my head.
[00:06:26] Thanks for that. But do you know what? You can go do one because I think half got something. I just need to work out what it is before I reveal it to myself, to my friends, to my family, to the world, because who knows. Who has the greatest superpower until they actually reveal it. Nobody knows. Do they. And the problem that we face at the moment is look, there are so many people out there in the world at the moment they need help.
[00:06:57] And I'm just recording this before I disappear off. Uh, I'd like to say, uh, I put my Cape on and fly as I go give some help, but now I don't, I get in the car, I'm going to drive, but, um, I'm going to help someone out who's he's in a, he's in a tight spot at the moment and they just need some help. And I always like to think that, um, you know, a super power can be as simple hours, if you are able to.
[00:07:27] Then you should, and it could be something as easy as out, so I'm able to give some help. So I think therefore I should, and some people might go well that isn't, that's a pretty crappy superpower. So we'll, hold on. Hold on. A superpower is to the person who receives that help. It could be exactly that we may dismiss it as being something and nothing and other people may turn a nose or petite and they may look down there, look down their nose at you, uh, and just go, that's no superpower, but hold on, hold on.
[00:08:08] The person who receives your assistance, your support, your help, your care, your whatever it is. Your time, your love, your energy, whatever it is. Does that person think that you're in that situation? A superhero damn right. The tail. Yeah. Hey, and here's the best thing about the whole thing when people say, well, why would you do that for nothing?
[00:08:34] What what's in it for you? So I'll tell you what, if you have ever helped someone and we all have. If you have ever helped someone, the feeling you get from doing something good and helping someone, I think that's, I think that's amazing. I think that is absolutely amazing. And that is to many. I'm going to get to come back to this to many it's seen as not a super power, but to a few.
[00:09:04] It is definitely seen as a superpower. Now, why is that important? Because. Whose opinion to we take into account when we decide whether we're going to do anything, whether we decide whether we're good at something, whether we, when we decide whether we're going to help or anything like that, we often take the opinion of the majority or the big, what we think is the majority.
[00:09:28] We take the opinion of what we think, you know, The world is going to say the world everyone's watching what you do with the whole world. I mean, first of all, if that's not happening, the whole world doesn't watch anyone, but we mentally, the voice in our head says, do you know what you, Bob, and again, in your car going down there and helping us know superpower, that's not really helping, is it?
[00:09:51] And a lot of people say you're an idiot. You know what? You're wasting your time doing that for, you're not really helping. Are you. And this is what stopping as revealing our superpower. We believe what the voice in our head says about the weight of opinion, what everyone else is thinking all the whole, you know, all these people are thinking, Oh, you're, you're an idiot.
[00:10:13] You know, you're not really helping you not doing this. You're not doing that. You know that that's not super bad and all the rest of them, we take the opinion and we go, okay, okay. We shrink back. We shrink back from. Being the super hot revealing that superpower being the superhero to the person that you're trying to help.
[00:10:31] And we've got to overcome that. So today's podcast really the message from that is, Hey, ignore what you think the whole world or everyone, every everyone is saying, because they're not in fact probably the vast majority of people. I haven't even paid it. You know, two seconds thought haven't even thought about it for one second.
[00:10:56] In fact, they didn't even think about it at all at all, but in our minds, we're thinking that they've all got an opinion and they're all, you know, voicing their opinion. Arters and they're, they're all casting, uh, an opinion. And, uh, and, and in a judging is the, not the know and what you need to think about your superpower.
[00:11:17] And how you reveal your superpower is you only need reveal your superpower to one person. Because if you start off just by helping one person just by helping one person, then that reveals your superpower. And now one person's reaction is going to tell you. Whether that was, you know, a good thing to do or not.
[00:11:38] And I tell you 101 times out of a hundred, you helping somebody is going to reveal that that is a very, very powerful, worthwhile, necessary superpower and to you to reveal it. So when you're thinking I can't help anyone, I can't help anyone. I'm in a terrible situation myself. I don't think I've got the ability to do anything.
[00:12:02] Well, Hey, Do you have a telephone? Hey, could you make a call? Hey, could you volunteer to help? So if somebody needs to call, you could answer the phone and just listen for 10 minutes. Yes. We've all got 10 minutes. Pretty much. Everyone's got a phone pretty much. Everyone's got the ability to listen. You could.
[00:12:27] Help someone else. So when, even when you think I've got nothing, I've got nothing because if you said, Oh yeah, I, um, you know, if you said I, you know, volunteer and help on telephones and are listened to people with problems, a lot of people go, Oh, what a waste of time? Most of those people. They'll be quick to judge won't they, most of those people just whinge about everything and they should just get on with life and they need to pull their socks up and all the rest of it and they don't need, they don't need all this help and everything else.
[00:12:56] That's your just get on with it. Okay. You might be thinking, yeah, that's what they're going to say. And you sh you shrink back from volunteering. You, you decide that you're not going to, you're not going to give that 10 minutes. You're not going to help out. And you don't do it. And the person that did want to speak to someone didn't speak to someone and they went downhill fast and it ended badly for them.
[00:13:22] I think T-cell, hang-up, I don't feel I've got a super power, um, because I wouldn't know what to say. Um, and, and I don't know, you know, if, if, if I could actually help someone, do you know what. If, if you've got the ability to listen, why don't just say, Hey, look, my name's Nigel. Just talk to me. Um, tell me what you're thinking and I'll just sit and listen.
[00:13:49] That could be the difference in someone's life. Now, though, that you think are out there judging you saying what a waste of time, these people, you can't help these people and all the rest of it. If you shrink back from being that, that, that say a pair of ears, that listening person, you might not be able to help, but to the person who pours out their problems or troubles to you, when you listen, that could be the difference to them.
[00:14:20] And if I was to ask that person at the end of that call, what do you think of that person? That's just listened to you and helped you there? Would you say that they are to a bit of a superpower there at listening? I bet you, they would turn around and go. I can have somebody. What a difference. They just listened and listened and listened and yes, it made a difference and it can be something as simple as that folks, simple, something as simple as our, it could be the power to just listen.
[00:14:52] So somebody else's situation, not judge them, not try and give them answers, not try and tell them you're wrong. You're right. You should do this. You should do that. But to just listen that my friends could be a super power and it could be your superpower, you might be the world's greatest listener, but if you've never.
[00:15:15] Tried if you've always shied away from it, if you've always felt that people will judge you for just being that person on the phone that listens, and you think that, that I don't want to be judged and I don't want to be thought of like that, you know? And I'm, I'm worried about what people think of me. If I did that, then now is the time when you silence the voice in your head and say, Hey, voice in my head, shut the up.
[00:15:41] I'm going to do this and I'm going to save it helps. And that is your first step to revealing your superpower. So when you say, well, what what's, Hey, what's my super power. It could just be listening. It could be something as simple as that. Well, hang on, hang on 168 hours in a week. And I'm a busy guy, you know, don't have a well, yeah, or I can spare 10 minutes.
[00:16:09] Those 10 minutes in that week could be the difference between someone having a terrible, terrible ending or someone starting a new beginning. And to them, you would be a superhero. You would have revealed your super power. And I don't see Marvel comics or anyone else in the movies. Saying. Oh, who's this?
[00:16:35] Who's this coming over the Hill. Who's he's coming to savers. Oh, it's super listening woman. No, you don't see that. You don't see a movie about that. Oh, what do they do? Well, every, every week for 10 minutes they sit and they just listen to someone talk. Oh, wow. Oh, that's not really going to make it very good movie.
[00:16:58] Is it? We're not in the business of making movies, folks, we're not in the business of fantasy and make believe and all the rest of it and all these other things that we would love to be able to do, you know, in terms of flying and things like that. No, we're grounded. Yeah. And what's my real superpower and your real superpower could just be the ability to listen to why not, if you've got 10 minutes and you're thinking, how can, how can I help?
[00:17:24] What is my super power? Try it. You might find out. You're quite good at it. And you might find out that you really enjoy it, and you might find out that that feeling of you having helped someone is a feeling that you have been craving. And you've been waking when you've been waking up and you've been thinking, what is it?
[00:17:42] What is it that I'm here to do? I feel a bit lost. I feel a bit, um, you know, all all. Let's see. I don't feel I've got a direction. Maybe this. Gives you a direction and it might be that you need help as well. And there's someone else who does the same for you. Wow. What a difference this could be, and this could be the start of something amazing, because if you listen to somebody in their life, turns around, it could just be that they then share what they learned from you.
[00:18:16] And they. Carry that on. They perpetuate it, they spread it and they listened to two people. And those two people, they each go, Hey, I'm going to do that. And they help to other people and they help to other people. Can you see how it multiplies so quickly, how it gets out there and how you can transform people's lives?
[00:18:37] Hey folks, when you say what's my super power, it isn't flying. It could be listening. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you've enjoyed today's episode. I hope that's given you room to think about something and say, Hey, start small, start small. But the smallest things sometimes make the biggest difference in people's lives, but you can start small.
[00:19:02] You can start right here. You can, you can have a look online, you can pick up the phone, you can say, Hey look, would you like someone to help, you know, just volunteer? Or if you've got a friend, look, Hey, just phoned me out 10 minutes. Just tell me, just tell me, tell me how I, you know, whatever it is, that's troubling.
[00:19:18] You I'll listen. I'll listen at the end of it. I'll just say thanks. And, and that's that, and it starts with something like that. When you see a giant snowball, where did it start? It started with a little snowball and it grew today could be the day that you're making that little snowball and let's see how big you can grow it.
[00:19:40] Okay. My name is Nigel T Best. Thank you so much for listening to the what's my super power podcast. I will see you next time, where we will help more people reveal their super power. Until then STAY SUPER!
18. Nov. 2020 - 20 min
WMS: In just a few words a superstar reveals his True SuperPower
He was a legend of Rugby League - a superhero on the pitch but devastating news reveals his True SuperPower.
Tears and Laughter.
What we can all learn from Rob Burrow
30. Okt. 2020 - 12 min
WMS: No SuperPower? Use this one TODAY!
All that crap has happened that day. Suddenly briefly for that moment completely forgotten. It doesn't matter because that person suddenly goes, Hey, there is someone in the world who appreciates me, gets me. Who's grateful for me. And that is a wonderful feeling. And that gift of giving that to somebody is a super power.
My friends.
No sometimes when you're just driving along and a thought or something, some idea comes into your head. That's what happened to me yesterday. And that's where this episode comes from, recorded in my car. So please excuse the audio quality at times. But I just had to say it because it came over me like a wave and I had to record it.
I had to get this message out there that everyone has a super power. And here's one I can give to you right now. Right now you can use it today. So have a listen. And let me know how you get on with it. I think it's just a wonderful superpower and I'd urge you all to use it today. That is to actually say to someone to mean it, give them a big panky because in this life, all people want is to be recognized as having helped or being a good person or being a great friend or a wonderful.
Family members, son, father, mother, adults, or whatever it takes. Just say it. Now, the very fact that you give that, and you say that in my mind makes you soup era. Cause nobody says it, I'm guilty of it. I say it. but what you find when you give a message like that, Do you see the reaction on someone?
The reaction on someone is incredible. they are absolutely bowled over touched, uplifted, inspired, motivated, grateful, thankful, all those words. That's what happened. And when you see that in someone else, do you know what that gift you just gave them? Are those feelings. They come straight back to you because you see the joy is brought up person.
And when you do it, Something like that. When you give someone thing like that, I think it comes straight by, it's almost like a boomerang gift. Come straight back to you and makes you feel better when you see how that makes someone else feel that comes right back to you. And that my friend is a superpower.
So if you say what's my super power , I don't have one, but I'm telling you right now, you can do that today. Maybe do it in a, in a letter. Hang dry. Alexa, when was the last time you hand wrote a letter hundre elated to someone it could be for years ago and you could write to them and say, do you know what I'm thinking back to when you gave me that talk or you did this, or you helped me out with a situation.
And I just want to say, I really appreciate it. And I appreciate it now more than I ever realized. And it dawned on me how much it, it helped me. And I just wanted to write to you and say, thank you that. Is a super power because the effect on that person, you don't know, they could have been having this kitty is dying.
However, they could have been in the depths of dispatch. They could, you know, everything could have gone wrong. They woke up in the morning and they spill their coffee. They then stop that toast. They left the house, the car broke down. It had a flat tire when they got to where they were going, the meeting was canceled and they did, and they had to leave the kids and they couldn't go to the kid's thing.
And there was, you know, a kid's thing where they had to pick them up and they were late and they couldn't do it. And, and, and then they went to a sales meeting and the person said, nevermind, but we're not buying anything more. In fact, nevermind buy more. We're not going to buy anything else again, and we're canceling their account, you know, and then you get back and your boss says, you know, you've had a terrible time.
and we've noticed that. And so we're actually going to have to let you go, you know, and you can you imagine if you were that person and you get home and it's just been absolutely totally terrible from morning, right through tonight. And. They get there and there's some posts and they open the post.
And it's a letter from you saying thank you. Do you know what crap nurses happened that day is suddenly briefly for that moment? Completely forgotten. It doesn't matter because that person suddenly goes, Hey, there is someone. In the world who appreciates me, who gets me, who is grateful for me. And that is a wonderful feeling.
And that gift of giving that to somebody is a superpower. My friends, it is a superpower. So if you're ever say what's my super power, I don't know. I don't have one. There's one that you can, I'll give you that one right now. I'll give you that. I'm going to grunt you a superpower. I hereby give you a superpower.
And that superpower is the ability to say something wonderful to somebody totally out of the blue, unexpected. They didn't realize they haven't thought of it like that. The help they gave you the name, maybe we didn't think two things of it, but the difference it made to you was, was transformational. It was transformative.
It was incredibly powerful for you. And you just want to acknowledge that and say, Hey, you know what, that's helped me more than I ever realized. And it's about time, I think too. So there's just a little, thank you. Note a little letter. To say, thank you for that. And that my friends, you, you, you've got the power to do that.
You've got the ability to do that right now. So what's my super power. My super power is I give one of these and I know some people call them random acts of kindness. I think I call them delayed acts of gratitude. So Daggett is called a dag. Have you have you dag view, have you. Done a dag delayed act of gratitude.
Get out there and do today and see what effect it has. And who knows if we do enough time and spread this around the world, I wonder how long it will be before you receive one. You get one that says, Hey, do you know what. That little tip that top tip that you gave me about. When I doubted that I had any superpowers at all, when I thought I was pretty worthless, when I thought that, you know, there was no way I would ever have a superpower when I thought that there was nothing there, that little notes, if that came through my letterbox, that told me, Hey, thank you.
You made a difference. That not only made my day ate my week. It made my year. It made me just. Think, Hey, there is a point to all this. There is something good. There are people out there I do make a difference. And who knows that person may then go on and do it multiple times. You might go out and do it multiple times.
You might spread, spread it even further. You might give a delayed act of gratitude somewhere else, someone, you know, totally unexpected and all these things. Could you imagine if we start spreading this around the world and we all say, Hey, Hey, Hey, we've all got this power. We've all got this power. And it is a super power because the effect on someone, my definition of a superpower is it doesn't matter what it means to you is the effect on someone else.
And if the effect on someone else is incredible, is that transformative transformational effect on someone, then dance is not just a power. It's a super power folks. And that is what you can do today. So stop this podcast right now. Get your pen and paper out, have a thing who could it be, could be an email.
It could be a text. It could be a recorded message. It could be a video message who knows it could be on the phone. It could be who knows if you're allowed to do it face to face, whatever it takes, however it takes to do it. It could be a teacher from 40 years ago, you know, that's still around to say, Hey, do you know about some of the things you taught me?
I never realized how important they were and I realized why you taught them to me. Thank you. Just get out there and do it, do it today. Transform somebody. Yay. Somebody weak, somebody here make them feel uplifted, inspired. You'll feel better. They'll feel better home. I word that my friends is a super power till next time.
23. Okt. 2020 - 10 min
WMS: I am coming for YOU!
Ladies and gentlemen in today's show, I am coming for you.
[00:00:37] Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to the what's my super power podcast. And today this is your host Nigel. So you best, and I am coming for you. If you are thinking, what are you talking about an age? How do you mean you come in for me? I am coming for you because you have a super power and. I want to reveal it because look at us, look around the world at the moment.
[00:01:00] What do you see? You see, you see macroeconomic failure. You see the pandemic, you see Corona, you see negativity all around the world. And we all know someone who's been affected. Someone who is feeling down, someone who is going through tough times at the moment. And that is why I am coming for you. The state of the world is crying out, crying out for people with super powers.
[00:01:31] Now I, um, a part time superhero. Um, can you, I don't know, I'm going to show on the podcast here. I'll stand up. Show him a tissue.
[00:01:44] Okay. So if you're listening on the podcast, it's got true hero and there's a picture of Superman on it because. We've all got that moment where we want to read the shirts off and reveal your superhero outfit. Why? Because the world needs you. Why? Because your friends need you. Why? Because people strangers need you.
[00:02:05] Why is that? Because everybody needs somebody. There's a song in there somewhere, but we do, we need to share. And the biggest problem that we face at the moment is that we have a world full of superheroes, but those superheroes. Doubt themselves. They doubt themselves and they underplay what their super power is.
[00:02:29] Now in previous episodes, we said, look a super power. It doesn't mean that you can fly faster than a speeding bullet or. Going to space or be able to stretch into infinite shapes or run as fast as a speeding train or anything like that. No, your super power is the ability to contribute to the world and contribute to the world in a way, which is personal to you, which is you speaking your voice.
[00:02:57] It is you, your emotions, your heart laying out to the world because the world needs you. We all need you. And for a long time, you may well have been thinking to yourself. There's got to be something more. I've got to be worried, something more to this world. Uh, I've got to be able to do something for this world.
[00:03:22] Do you feel that there's something missing, you know, piece in the jigsaw is just missing from the complete picture? Well, my friends dance is your super power and the podcast, the pure aim of the podcast is for you too. Be able to have the strength and the ability to reach down the back of the sofa and find that missing piece of the jigsaw.
[00:03:44] Find out what your superpower is and let the world enjoy your super power. The state of the world. I don't know about you, but watching TV and watching the news is not good for you. It's not good for you. Um, it really fills you with negativity, you know, is fake news. Is it real news? What's happening?
[00:04:06] People doubting things that are happening right in front of their eyes. People have with conspiracy theories, people with all sorts of theories, negative negativity here, we've got policemen, shooting people. We've got people shooting policemen. Caught the world seemingly in absolute turmoil. And it's at times like this one, it's a movie that up steps the superhero, and that's why I'm coming for you because you could well be the superhero the world needs and the world doesn't mean all 7 billion people.
[00:04:41] I want you to imagine this. Imagine you. We're just next to a pond. It was quite a big pond. And you notice on the ground that there are some stones and you pick one up. It's a beautiful, shiny, smooth, great to touch pebble. And if you were to just look into the middle of the pond and throw that pebble in.
[00:05:08] And you could see arc through the sky and as it began to come down, you realize it was going to land right in the middle of that pond. And when it did made a splash and as the splash subsides, you see the ripples and you see the ripples moving out. To the edge of the pond everywhere. All the edges are touched by that ripple.
[00:05:33] And that ripple has an effect on the edge of the pond. Well, if you could imagine your superpower is the pebble and you are the ability to throw that into the pond and the pond or the people around you. And the ability for that pebble to make an effect, to have a rip pull effects on everyone, around you.
[00:05:55] That could be quite profound, but even if you can't say, use your superpower to contribute to and affect 10 million people at once, maybe your audience isn't that big. Maybe it's just one person, one person you help. But that person passes on your superpower to the next person. And that person has a reach of 10 million.
[00:06:23] You may think you've only affected one person, but the ripples have gone beyond that one person and maybe hit the 10 million out there, or maybe it's a hundred. And then of those a hundred, maybe they get 10 more people. And each of them gets 10 more people and the numbers scale up. So this is how you can contribute.
[00:06:44] This is how you can use your superpower. And this is why I am coming for you. You cannot, huh? You'll super power folks. No more. No more, you've got to use it. We need to look at the world at the moment. You know, we've got people living in fear in fear in the 21st century, we've got people, absolute fear, fear of climate change, fear of brutality, fear of war, fear of hunger, fear of thirst.
[00:07:18] We've got to do things about this. What's your super power. How can you help that? How can you help those situations? This is why I'm coming for you. If you've got the solution to plastic waste, if you've got the solution to energy needs, if you've got the solution to clean water, if you've got the solution to food distribution, without destroying the planet to create more food, if you've got the ability to come up with an idea that might just.
[00:07:44] Work in your small pond, but because it does that in your small pond, someone takes the idea and puts it into a larger pond and a larger pond. That is the ripple effect manifesting itself in the world. And that's why I'm coming for you. Because somewhere in there you have that super power, that ability to help those people who are living in fear, nobody should live in fear.
[00:08:12] Nobody and I'm going to have, as I just ponder that and just the awfulness of somebody living in fear. I'm just going to just pause for a moment and just have a quick drink.
[00:08:32] What did you think? Living in fear? Not good. Isn't it? I don't know if you managed to reflect on that and thinking, right. Okay. If there's someone I can help, if there's someone that's hungry, look at markets, Rushford a football, a young guy, you know, he's taken it upon his shoulders. He's trying to make his way as a footballer.
[00:08:48] Okay. Some people may say, Oh, football is, they have it easy. Kevin. He clearly didn't as a kid and he is got to where he is. He's revealed the super power and he's super power. Isn't football. He's super power is his voice. His super power is the ability for him to say, Hey. I've got a platform and I've got to use our platform and I'm going to raise it on an issue.
[00:09:12] What's the best thing you can talk about. Your super power is something, you know, and that's why I'm coming for you because you know, something that the rest of the world may not, and, you know, you can empathize sympathize or just convey how that feels for people. And you have the ability and. I'd say you have the whole obligation to help Marcus Rashford.
[00:09:38] Wow. He is doing it for kids who, who was struggling in food poverty in the 21st century. And we've got places where kids can't get enough food. They do not get a decent meal and he is standing up and he's saying, Hey. Not good enough. I've been through it. I've been through it with, you know, I saw him the other day.
[00:09:57] He was talking about it, mom and his mom had to make difficult choices and it was difficult choices of food on the table or paying other bills. What do you do when you've got kids? You look at those kids and you think I've got to look after those kids and you do everything you can. Difficult situations, people living in fear.
[00:10:13] That's why I am coming for you today because I need you to realize you have something and that super power could be one hour a week to volunteer one hour a week to go out and do something and make a difference. It could be that you are, are amazing on social media and you could be passing on messages.
[00:10:39] You could be taking issues and bringing them to the forefront for people. You could be sharing that with people and saying, Hey, we need to do it. Now. You've got to remember, you got to remember your positive impact. He's going to be hit on all sides all times from every direction, all the time by negativity.
[00:11:01] There's going to be people say, what's it got to do with you. You should keep your mouth shut. You should stop doing this. You should get rid of that. But what is it like? It's like bullets on Superman. Let them bounce off. Let them, you know, just sticky chest out and go. No, no, no, no, no, no. You can fire all those negativity bullets at me and they are not going to make a difference.
[00:11:24] Because I know my superpower will repel that negativity I'm going positive. I am pulling this in and holding it tight and making it strong because I have got to give it out there. That's why I'm coming for you today. That's why I'm coming for you. You've got something. Is it an hour, an hour, a week? Is it an idea?
[00:11:47] Is it a way of changing what we do at the moment? Is it a way of perceiving something? Is it a way of whatever it is? Look around you. Look at the examples. Look at the inspiration, this inspirational people out there all the time. Do we see them on the news? No, we don't. Do we see them in the media? No, we don't.
[00:12:08] Do we see positive headlines on the newspapers? No, we don't. Do we see a lovely things being said about people on all the social media? No, we don't, but you have a choice. You have a choice as to what you look for. You can look for the positive, or you can look at the negative glass, half full glass, half empty.
[00:12:32] Ladies and gentlemen, I am coming for you because I want to know what your super power is. I want you to tell me what little difference you have made, but. The thing about a superpower is you may think it's only a little difference, but just like that pebble in the pond, you haven't yet seen where those ripples are going to travel to.
[00:12:56] You haven't yet seen what that ripple does on somebody else. Does it nudge them? To discover their superpower. Does it nudge them to do something else? If your one hour of helping rippled out to five or six other people to say, Hey, I've got an hour. Instead of watching the news, I've got an hour, I'm going to go out and make a difference.
[00:13:19] And those five people do it and they then say, Hey, that's good. And they tell their friends and they get five people who. Give an hour as well. You've now got 25 hours and they each have five friends and they give an hour. Ladies and gentlemen, your super power is the ability to start something is the ability to drop that pebble in that pond and see where those ripples go.
[00:13:50] That is why I am coming for you. And I am coming for you. And I'm going to keep coming for you until you. Discover your super power ladies and gentlemen, this is me, your host, Nigel teabag part-time super hero and someone who is desperately lovingly gratefully and passionately coming to you to say, what's my super power.
[00:14:19] Let's find out together. Okay. Thanks for now. And I will speak to you soon until then. Be super.
16. Okt. 2020 - 14 min
WMS World Mental Health Day and 800,000 deaths
WMS World Mental Health Day and 800,000 deaths - WHAT?!
I was shocked and never were SuperHeroes needed more than now.
WMS 6 World Mental Health Day and 800,000 suicides a year
Today is a very important day . The first one of these it's so important because it is world mental health day. And, you know, with my podcast, what's my super power. I wanted to come today, on the world, mental health day and just try and kind of like a better sense of this crazy thing, because.
[00:00:22] Everybody needs to reveal their super power at some point. And today it's as good a day as any to get your super power out, dust it off. If you didn't know you had one it's time to discover it is time to get out there because the world needs us. The will need superheroes. I'm a part time superhero. But if you're thinking, what on earth is he doing?
[00:00:43] Because this is going out on, what else? the business profit clubs. So I'm involved in that. it's a business helping people. my what's my superpower YouTube channel and hopefully Facebook, being true. If it works, I've got a YouTube notification. somebody about concrete counter tops, don't know where that's come from.
[00:01:01]but there we go. my site, Nigel T best and the best business show as well, because obviously with the name, like best, you've got to make sure you live up to your name. Haven't you? Absolutely. So, should we get going?
[00:01:45] All right. So this morning, I didn't know. It was world mental health day to day. I didn't know it, but I've just been watching the breakfast news. And if you are a fan of a VICIS music, you will know that suddenly turn off years ago, he passed away and his father class class burgling. So Timberg link was a Veatch's real name.
[00:02:06] His father class was on there talking about what, you know, in the age of coronavirus and the age of pandemics suicide is definitely right up there with it. You know, there's 800,000 people, eight years. Yeah, I think that's it. I think that it's not for me. I'm getting outta here for whatever reason. That figure alone just staggered me.
[00:02:33] And it just made me think, you know, we, we need super powers more than ever. I'd like to class myself as a part time, stupid hero. Sometimes, the voice inside my head says, don't be so ridiculous and it puts me down and it, it makes me shut up and it makes me think, you know, what are you doing? so, you have to fight that in a demon, don't you, but what I think.
[00:02:59] We all have in this life is a choice. We all have a choice, but I was just, before we get onto how you get it about choosing, I was just thinking, this is, this is absolutely staggering, 800,000 people. I mean, the world has gone into virtual law and we have lost a million people through that, but each and every year, we're losing very similar numbers for.
[00:03:26] You know, I don't know many reasons, there will be many, many, many reasons. And with that sort of number, that means that an awful lot of people have been affected by this, not just the people who decided that that's what they want to do, but everyone else is left behind. It is it's crazy folks. Hey, we got to do something about this.
[00:03:47] Don't we, we have to do something about this and listening to him, talk on the interview about it. You know, it's, it's incredible. And those reasons, you know, the question is always, do you know why, you know, looking back, can you see signs? And I don't think he kind of said, you know, I don't think we ever ever know why what's going on in here for a lot of people.
[00:04:12] We just, sometimes don't even you, people you live with, you know, for so long, you know, do you really know what's going on in their head? Do you know what. Sometimes I'm not even sure what goes on in my head. All I know is that I have got voices in my head that tell me on occasion, you're not good enough, you know, worth anything, you know, what's the point.
[00:04:40] And then I've got another voice in that that says. Do you know what today's going to be an amazing day, an amazing day, and you're going to help people out and you're going to somehow do something that ripple effect, you know, where you get a pebble and you drop, you drop a stone in a pond and the ripples go out.
[00:04:57] And those ripples of greatness, you know, and help and support and love go out and ripple out across the pond. And I'm thinking they're the days that I want. One of the things I help, you know, and it was told to me, By a guy called an IO. I say, name wrong, Alan Clemens, Glen hands, Glen hands, South African guy.
[00:05:19] And he just, he gave a talk that just, it was just a local tour. There's only about 30 of us there and he just talked through it and he said, one of the first things you should do in a morning, you start off in the right way. So this morning I did it as I've done pretty much. Yeah. Every morning ever since I heard him talk about that, which is probably about four or five years ago.
[00:05:38] And I wake up. And I say either in my head or out loud, say it out loud. If you're the first one away, can you Marriott or whatever, you know, for a fact of the person alongside you still asleep, they're going to go, Oh, will you shut up? So sometimes it just goes on in my head, but I stay to myself. Good morning.
[00:05:59] Good morning. Good morning. Today is, you know, Do you know, when you put yourself on the spot or do I say, I say, good morning. Good morning. Good morning today,
[00:06:15] Tina, I've had a mental block. Today is a beautiful day. No good morning. Well, you can tell this life. Good morning. Nice.
[00:06:32] I'll come back to it, but when do you get into a habit? And if you're in a certain situation, you remember it like that. And if you put yourself in a different situation, your mind goes blank. All right. At this point, People are going to be thinking all right, best day. I think you are losing it matey, and you need to get a checkup from the neck up yet, maybe.
[00:06:54] Hey B. And that voice of ad is saying what a clown you've even put this on film on film. You've even put this up. Yeah. The fact that you can't remember. Oh, I love my life. And today is my favorite day. I am truly blessed. There you go. Good morning. Good morning. I love my life. And today's my favorite day. I am true.
[00:07:16] Blessed. Now, what does that do? Well, I'll tell you what, when you say that to yourself, you start the day. Today's my favorite day. You know, you already think, you know, you're lucky. You're very fortunate. You're grateful for everything. You go to the bathroom, you turn on and you've got hot water. You can have a shower, you can have a drink or clean water.
[00:07:36] There's so much to be grateful about. What do I start the day? But. You know, that's, that's how I started my day. And you think to yourself, that is obviously not how an awful lot of people start their day, but on the what's my superpower. Is that just me sharing that, just start with a positive statement.
[00:07:57] My, that make someone's, you know, could that be a pebble in a pond that helps other people? I hope so because Alan said it. To the group, you know, when he was giving this talk and it wasn't quite what he said, but I took it and I kind of adapted it and wrote my own, or I came a little bit of my own. and that has made a difference.
[00:08:17] It has made a difference. I'll tell you how it manifests itself as making a difference. I get out of bed, you know, quicker, you know, but it goes the diva and I'm out now sometimes if I've played five or so football the night before. my legs feel like they're now made of timber, you know, a couple of bits of forbear to wood.
[00:08:38]I don't get out. It's great. But you know, you say you pull out the DV, you're out. You're up and you're yeah. Come on. Today's my favorite day. There's no, you know, everything's going my way and it's just that I choose to say it. Cause how many people when they wake up, get on a Oh no, no, no, no. It's morning again.
[00:09:02] I've got to get up on, I've got all these problems to face and I've got this and I've got that and no, no, no. Look at it. Look at it. This is terrible leaks in the roof. I've got no water. I've got no electricity. How am I going to pay the bills? Okay. I'm very lucky that at the moment I have a roof, I can pay my bills, but how many of us are in the same position where we have a roof over our heads?
[00:09:27] We got food in the fridge. We've got running water. We can pay the bills. But we still get up thinking, Oh wow, that's it. I'm not looking forward. Not looking forward to today. How can you not look forward to a day? Because that day holds a wealth of possibilities, a chance to just improve a bit, a chance to help someone else, a chance to reveal your super power to the world, a chance to get out there and make a difference.
[00:09:56] Folks. We have a way. We can start the day in a positive frame of mind or a negative frame of mind. I say to you on this particular episode of, of, of going live, what's my super patch. Choose, choose to make a difference to your day by starting off in a really positive way. Yeah. All right. The first thing.
[00:10:21] So I'm listening to the interview from the beaches, dad. And he's talking about it and that it's, it must be the age old question, you know, did you recognize any signs in your son that said that he was going to take such a drastic step commit suicide? And his father kind of said no. And I guess you just never know why people feel they have to take that step and the reasons that they do that.
[00:10:50] Can we ever know? No, I don't think we can. and a lot of people when they, I think when they do studies on this and they, and they ask friends, families loved ones. Did you expect this? Did you expect it to happen? The answer comes back. No. And it's only sometimes, on reflection when people find out more about it, that you spot signs retrospectively that you think maybe it was that, but how many of us sometimes bitch and moan and say, yeah, you know, everything's going wrong.
[00:11:25] It's terrible day. And we kind of think, ah, you know, you're just having a bad day. You just haven't, we kind of brush it off. We're all our bad days. We all have days, which I appreciate, you know, and they're all great and all the rest of it. And how many people do sort of think, ah that's yeah. I can see why he tried to do this and it didn't work or he was doing that and he's lost his job.
[00:11:46] Yeah. Okay. But we don't know how deep that goes and we don't know what the conversation is going on inside there. Do we. We don't sometimes appreciate and understand the one that's going in, in art, on, in our own heads half the time. So did we expect it to happen? No. I tell you what we need to have a radar out.
[00:12:09] We need to be on alert because apparently three out of every four suicides in the UK. And men and the majority of those are in the younger age group, young men. So if you've got friends or, I mean, I'm kind of now on alert, I've got, I've got three kids, eldest university. It's kind of, I need to, I need to tune in here and just make sure that, You know, some of the things that people think about certain ages, think back to you, if you're kind of my age or whatever, think back to when you were young, you had doubts, you had insecurities, you like confidence, you didn't have world knowledge, you didn't appreciate things.
[00:12:51]and it's only now when you look back and you think, wow, I could have, I could have gone really downhill on that thought process. What stopped me? I don't know. I don't know. What did I think maybe it's because I feel there's so much I want to do. There's so much. I want to do go out, you know, the people to meet places, to see things, to do, you know, the lives that you can affect in a positive way.
[00:13:19]a business. I love business, even though it's a distraction, you know, I love. I love that sort of thing. And I love sharing knowledge. I love seeing other people succeed. I love seeing the reaction of people when you make a difference. And maybe that was far stronger. Maybe that side of the voice in my head was much stronger with the one that said you're a waste of space, but Hey, we all wake up sometimes.
[00:13:45] And even if you say you're positive sort of comment, you'd jump out of bed. You know, the first three things that happen, go wrong. So, you know, you squeeze the toothpaste and it shoots out the tube goes over your feet. You go downstairs, you know, you're making a cup of coffee and you drop it and you spill it and smash the mug.
[00:14:03] And then you go out and you've got flat tire on your car. You know, these things you gotta either sort of just roll with the punches, expect it to happen, but you also need to be able to deal with it. I think sometimes. And I think sometimes, you know, we maybe struggle with that, but going back to what causes this, it's amazing, but is it a combination of, you know, some people think it's cool.
[00:14:32] To, to take this drastic step. I don't know. Do some people have a, a vision that it's somehow, you know, incredibly amazing to have done it and you'll be, you'll be noticed and remembered. I don't know. But to me, I'd rather be noticed about something and be able to see people's reaction. So I'd want to be part of the reaction, you know, the positive.
[00:15:00] Yeah. Thanks. But it's something really good. I'd want to be there and enjoy it. I wouldn't want to not be there and not be sure, but I think there's obviously money is an issue. A lot of people will say we'll put money. But if, if that was purely the issue, then people who were rich wouldn't commit suicide.
[00:15:22] And yet we know that people who are rich too, so it can't, it can't really be money because the lack of it or, or having enough of it doesn't seem to stop one group or the other from ever doing this. So what is it? Is it love. Is it, you know, the first person you should always love as yourself, which is, again, probably that voice in your head is going, what a stupid thing to say night.
[00:15:48] That is, day's just ridiculous. No, no, no, no. If you don't, if you're not in love with yourself, then you're, I think you're going to struggle, elsewhere. So we need to start there and. Home is where the heart is. I'd say the heart is where the home is in each your heart, and you've got to make your home there and you got to love it big.
[00:16:10] Now you're going to love, enjoy living in your body because you know, where else are you going to live? You know, you can't do body swaps at the moment. That's something for future arm or, or, or we decided not in that program, which the kids have on all the time, but. You know, it's, it's something that you got to think, right?
[00:16:30] What, what am I, what am I doing? You know, is it, is it love to do I love myself if you don't love yourself, can you love anyone else? I think you can. And I think there's times when you don't like yourself and maybe sometimes people have put stuff out there and social media is at the moment. My voice in my head is saying, you're putting this out there.
[00:16:51] People are going to go, you're an absolute idiot. And you're going to get the haters, the trolls or whatever it might be. You got to say, Hey, Hey. Yeah, I'm fine with that because I'm, I'm solid here. I've got a good foundation here. You know, not only do I like myself, I love myself and not in a, you know, some people would go that's very vain.
[00:17:11] No, no, no, no. I, I liken it to, if you're building a house, you want good solid foundations. That's your solid foundation. So in the what's my superpower, make your super power, the ability to love yourself unconditionally. No matter what you do, you know, or anything like that, just make sure you have that as a solid foundation, but what could it be?
[00:17:35] What could the combination of factors be that, you know, make people do this? I think you can probably drive yourself up the wall if you try and work it out. And if you try to come up with a formula, I think it's just. Incredible. very difficult to, to actually work out what, what it could be. And I think maybe we shouldn't necessarily try and, look retrospectively.
[00:18:01] So don't look through the rear window when you're driving, let's look out the windscreen. Let's see if we can make some, you know, maneuvers and things to do as we're looking forward that can help. And I think one of the things. If anyone is thinking, especially when, sometimes I don't know if this is right or wrong when people think it'd be cool, people will think it'd be cool.
[00:18:26] I'll be the coolest to actually take this step commit suicide. you know, and people will think, wow, that's amazing. And all the rest of it. Yeah. Okay. That may well be your thoughts, but I know that if it was a friend, a loved one of mine who took that step, that devastation that is left behind the guilt that people feel left behind is.
[00:18:54] It is just immeasurable. And it is something that is, I mean, poor. Tim burgling started class, he just said, eat is something that you have to live with for the rest of your life. So the effect it can have in some ways people seem to, to, I dunno, make it out to be a really, you know, Positive thing that they're doing committing suicide.
[00:19:21] Actually, when you look and hear people talking about it and you see the effect it's had on them, it is anything but that even if you are all I would say, and again, this is just my opinion. you know, there's no, There's nothing behind it, other than my thoughts that, even if you feel you have got absolutely nothing to contribute in this life, your superpower is sticking around because people love having you around.
[00:19:53] And even if you are struggling at this point, that moment is kind of past better days are ahead. Whatever the situation is now, it will not last. And. You just hanging on in, there is so much better for the people around you so much better. You cannot comprehend. And just by doing nothing, you are doing everything you don't have to suddenly become rich.
[00:20:23] You don't suddenly have to find a house. You don't suddenly have to find a job. You don't suddenly have to do whatever it is that you think you have to do. No, no, no, no, no, no. You just still being here is your super power. You just being here on the planet, just ready for that moment. For that opportunity.
[00:20:46] When the very reason you are here on the planet shows itself, that's what you're here for. So do nothing. If you're thinking of going down the road, you know, this route stop do nothing. Do nothing. I don't care if you stay in bed for three months, nonstop that people can deal with. If you are not around, people cannot deal with it.
[00:21:12] And I, and I just think that that is, you know, you don't have to suddenly transform yourself. You don't have to suddenly be amazing. You don't have to wake up one day and everything's good. Just stay here, stay here, stay here. Everything will get better. I promise you. And it can get better by those around you helping you.
[00:21:38] And if you say that you've got nobody around you, your superpower is staying here because that person is coming to me with you from the most unexpected direction when you least expect it, that come in. And what they're saying is once they're on their way, You need to get happy with yourself. You need to get comfortable with yourself.
[00:22:04] You need to get to like yourself and then you need to get to love yourself. And as soon as you begin to love yourself, somebody else will come along and say, Hey, I love what's in you. The fact that you love yourself, I love that. And you will, that person will appear that person will appear. And if in 50 years time, that hasn't happened yet, we'll have another conversation in 50 years time.
[00:22:33] Okay. In 2017, I will be here a hundred. Yeah. And when we meet up, it'll be me, who will be the person is in your life. But in those 50 years, if you're telling me that, if you begin to like yourself and love yourself that nobody will turn up. I'll be there for you 50 years' time. Stick around, hang around, stay, stay here.
[00:22:58] Do nothing. If you want for 50 years, catch it with you. I catch it with you eventually. I'll be there. I'll be there. That's my super, that's my superpower. And that's your superpower is hanging around for the next 50 years as my intention. I always remember a DJ who once said my aim is to be a mortal. So far, it's going all right.
[00:23:19] That's, that's kind of where I'm coming from. So this is devastating. When I see somebody, like they said, a father who is still a couple of years after the son has committed suicide, he's still struggling, still struggling to make sense of it. And he's saying, look, we'll mental health day. This is important.
[00:23:37] We need to do it. And one of the things that he said can make a difference. So when I said, we, you know, we've got to drive for, and we've got to look at ways that we can. You know, be positive about the future because you can't change. You can't change. What's behind you. That's gone. That's gone. All we can do is from this moment forward, that's what we can change.
[00:23:58] And he said one of the best things he's talking now, immediate last at that two voices in my head, one said, that's exactly what you're doing. Night's well done. Whilst the other voice said, you're a pillock. Nobody's listening. Get lost. Well, Maybe, maybe nobody is listening. Maybe nobody will listen to this for a week, a month, a year, 10 years.
[00:24:26] I don't care because I'm hoping that at that point, whenever somebody watches it, the pebble I am dropping now, it may have taken 10 years for those ripples to reach them. But that positivity and those little tips as to how to do it, just stay, just hang around. You know, just, just things will change.
[00:24:45] Things will improve. Things will get better. The person that you want to meet is on their way, but you've got to hang around so that you can meet up. If that message gets through in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, a hundred years, who knows when then that's why I'm doing it. So talking, talk to people, you know, and, One of the things that, at school, I remember that my kids' school, the headmistress sometimes puts a weekly newsletter out and it has a boys tip of the week.
[00:25:18] And this one really, I've tried it, I've tried it and it kind of works. And it's interesting. And one of the things that he says is if you sit down with your kids, Especially boys. And you try and have a face to face conversation. So say you're having a male and you're trying to have a face to face conversation, you know?
[00:25:37] And you said, Oh, how was it? Yeah, fine. what did you do? nothing. what made you laugh at school today? Nothing. What did you learn? Nothing. What did the teacher saying? Nothing. Did he play sport? Can't remember you get no idea. One of the. Amazing things that they suggested is if you go for a walk with your kids, now it's pretty downtown too, to get them to leave in this day and age first world problem, screen time people, you know, just zoning in just being on that, just nonstop.
[00:26:16] They're there all the time, just on a screen with the friends headphones on like this, but just talking to people, playing games. It's hard to get them out and walking. If you do, you will be amazed that tip go for a walk and try talking. It's incredible. Now, I don't know if it's the fact that you're both looking forward and not looking at each other, but if you said, Oh, how's school.
[00:26:44] You started your skin. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It was all right. Yeah, it was. You couldn't say, Oh, did anything much happen? Oh, well, so, and so did this and then that happened and Oh, how did you go swimming or do any PA or games or something? Oh yeah. Yeah, we did this on, it was funny. Cause we did that and then the teacher did this and then we had to come in and do that.
[00:27:06] I had lunch with cerebral and add to queue up and the food was awful and somebody picked up a beef burger and, and threw it across the room, like a Frisbee. And it actually embedded itself in the door, like a Ninja throwing stuff, and you go, you almost get verbal diarrhea from them and you go, wow. So maybe when you're talking to people, the best way to talk to someone is in the circumstances where they feel easiest in opening up, and.
[00:27:38] That if you try it, I've tried it as I say, get the kids out, come on, let's go walk the dog. And, and they, they reluctantly come out and the, you know, it can take 20 minutes to put a pair of wellies on or something like that. You know, this situation. If you've got kids, these are absolutely. Nah, man, trying to drag him out of the house.
[00:27:58] But once you get him out and you get him talking, you know, they'd pick up a stick, you know, if you've got boys and they're swishing around and the picking stuff up, they're looking around and the chatting and it's, it's, it's incredible. So when we say we've got to talk to people, sitting down face to face may not be the best environment.
[00:28:17] Look at those stats. Three out of every four, suicides in the UK are young men. Three out of every four and young man sitting down, put them under pressure spotlight face to face. Maybe it's not the best scenario. Maybe if you could meet up with a mate, who's having a tough time and you go for it. I don't know the tip was, this works with kids of school age, but maybe it still works.
[00:28:44]you know, at an older age, some people, well like golf, some people hate it. I just say, but that's a great way to get someone out. And, and do something, you know, you're trapped on a golf course. You have to walk, you have to walk together, you have to chat and stuff, and you can have a bit of fun, a bit of banter, and you can find things out.
[00:29:07]I know some people like to just go off and walk up a Hill or something, you know, give it a, go, give it a go. Maybe this is the way on this world. Mental health day. That that is a great way of doing things. And the thing is, I think what the whole world misses is the obvious comparison between physical fitness and mental fitness.
[00:29:32] Now I'm going to just throw a fairly simple question at you, but, how do people get physically fit? Okay. So I'm sort of listening out here. How do people, get physically fit? and the same assignment who's just saying. Wow. let me just, I don't know if the Simon a cheers. I like that. a big, wow, but here's, here's a question for you.
[00:29:59] How do you get physically fit? Well, I'll tell you for sure. It is not. As far as I'm aware, unless everyone is wrong. But as far as I'm aware, it's not doing nothing sitting around watching TV, eating too much. And not looking after yourself, everyone would go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. Of course. Yeah. He's yeah, no, that's that's absolutely.
[00:30:27] Yeah. You can't get physically fit doing all the wrong. Yeah. You cannot get physically fit doing the wrong things. I've I've never seen, I've never seen Olympic athlete who, when they say, Oh, what did you coach say? Oh, the coach they'd just take two weeks line on the settee. And what did your coach say about you?
[00:30:49] You know, tell, talk me through your day. Oh, well, I kick off with, you know, a full English breakfast and then I have some pancakes and then, then I have a bit of a burger for lunch, and then a fish and chips for tea. and then I love about six pints. You never hear that. You never hear that. And we.
[00:31:09] Why? Why is it obvious? How, how is it so obvious to it? Because someone who's physically fit, we can see them. We can see it. We can see somebody who's fit chiseled, fast, running good at throwing, jumping, whatever, hit in a ball with whatever implement. We can see it. We can see it, the trouble with this mental fitness.
[00:31:35] Is, we can't see it. So we don't know, we can, if we're walking down a street, you can see someone who is on the body mass index or whatever, who is, is going towards the obese range. You can see that, but if that same person walked past, could you see what their mental health is? Could you see someone who's physically fit?
[00:31:57] Can you see what their mental health is? And we only need to look at it that the two are not necessarily, you know, if you're good at one, are you good at the other end? Not necessarily. We've got people physically fit who are mentally unfair. We've got people who are physically unfit, who are mentally super fair.
[00:32:22] The weird thing is I think the two are. Helped. So if you become physically fitter, just go out and walk and talk. I think you become mentally fit at why is that? Well, let's think about it. You know, how would you recommend if someone says they're physically unfit, what would you recommend for them today?
[00:32:45] Well, I know a lot of people in the pandemic here in the UK, there's one and I think it's a, I think it's by the, I think it's by the NHS, which is couch to five. K. So this is somebody who spends their time sitting on the settee. Alright. This is how to get yourself to be able to run five Ks. Yep. About three miles to go from doing nothing, to doing five Ks.
[00:33:14] You know, this is, this is, you know, they've probably never done it for years if ever. And they're looking at it again. I can't do it. I can get to that, but what does he do? It breaks it down. It breaks it down into, okay. Let's get out there and let's try walking for a bit and I'm going to be in your ears.
[00:33:34] Put your headphones on. I'm going to be saying right. Let's let's walk and then be okay for the next 30 seconds. We're going to run for 30 seconds. Then we're going to walk 30 seconds or a minute, whatever it is, and we're going to do this pattern. And then tomorrow we're going to come back and we're going to try doing two.
[00:33:50] Bits of running for 30 seconds. Okay. And then we'll keep building on that and it's step by step by step. And you begin to see the improvement. You begin to see the change. You begin to feel the change, begin to feel the change. And what do people say that, Hey, get physically fitter. I begin to feel a little bit more positive because what's one of the things that I'm sure brings most people down.
[00:34:19] It's how we look and how we feel physically. So if we're just doing this, is it helping our mental wellbeing? Yeah, I think so. But what does our show about physical fitness? It shows that you have to do something. It shows you have to get up and do it. You can break it down into steps and do little chunks.
[00:34:39] And you know, all praise to them. Likes of mr. Motivator, sorry. Hey mountain tele. This morning, he's been doing this for 30 years, helping the nation get guy, Joe wakes, who's been through an EPA. You know, you have fantastic gain, honored, in the, and the a and the Queen's delayed birthday in the UK, you know, quite right.
[00:34:58] Okay. And people out there doing stuff it helps. But what do you say? You say that, you know, the fact that you're doing that you can see a, an improvement in your physical fitness. You can see an improvement in your physical fitness, just in this little steps, these little things. And you've got someone helping, you've got someone who's there on your side, in your ears, just giving it their, this.
[00:35:20] Come on, you can do it. Let's just do 30 seconds. Let's count it down 30 seconds. We can do it. I don't care how fast you running last. Just go beyond the walk. Come on. Let's just get it kind of 30 seconds. 25 seconds. Keep going 20 seconds. Hey, this is good. You're third of the way through. Hey, look at that.
[00:35:37] He's 20 seconds. You know, whatever it is. 15 seconds, ten five, four, three, two one. Well done. Well done. It's there. It's almost like someone's replaced the voice saying stay on the settee. Look at it. Look at the weather. Look at the weather. Look at it. It's cold. It looks a bit rainy. Hey, looks a bit rainy.
[00:35:59] Why would you want to go out in the cold and the rain sitting here on the couch and watch that TV, but no, this other voice is saying, nah, come on. Let's give it a go look. I'm in the first week. Am I going to do five minutes? Five minutes. That's like I could do almost any adverse of the stuff I'm watching.
[00:36:17] Right? Come on. Let's go out there. I don't need fancy gear. I don't need fancy gear because I'm not using bolts at this point. I'm not Mo Farah. I'm just going out there. So I don't really fancy get I'll do my jeans, jeans, and a tee shirt and a hoodie. You know, I'm going to give it again. Yeah. Come back.
[00:36:35] Well, okay. Okay. I've done it. I've done it. And you can see the improvement, mental health. How do we do that? How do we do that? Where's the couch to five K version of mental health. You know, we can't see that improvement and it's very hard if you were doing it, say there were a few of you and your family, Hey look, or a couple of brands said, look, we're allowed out to do a bit of exercise.
[00:37:01] I really want to get moving. Have you seen this app couch to five? K. How about you D would you do it with me? Would you, you know, I'll support you, you support me. It's something that's easy to do when it comes to mental health on world, mental health day, how do we do that? How do we do that? Where are the steps to do that?
[00:37:23] Where is it that it says here, like on the what's my super power podcast. What is my super power? How do I reveal that is my superpower. Just. To wake up in a morning with a positive thought, good morning, good morning. I love my life. And today's my favorite day. I am truly blessed. Just start with that right at the beginning of this, I said, I couldn't remember it, but that when I wake up, I say that, Hey, he gives me a positive thought.
[00:37:53] Start with that. I'm going to give you another one that you can do. This is another 30 seconds of running fee, physical fitness. This is a little comment that you can say, which is like another 32nd boost of running and the benefits you'll get from it. When somebody says, how are you shock them, stunned them, make them think to themselves that their hell's up with you.
[00:38:21] Because when they say, how are you doing? Just say, Hey, fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. How are you? People cannot believe it. And the people I love to do it are most are when you get a cold call on the phone and they go, Oh yes. mr. Best? Yes. how are you today? Do you know what I am? Absolutely fantastic.
[00:38:43] Couldn't be better. Fantastic. And it wasn't that cold call gets that they're not expecting that. And they go, Oh, right. Oh, Oh, Oh, okay. Anyway, I want to know, were you involved in an accident or whatever the heck it is and you just, you know, you've absolutely thrown them because no one is expecting anyone when they say, how are you.
[00:39:11] They're not expecting that as an answer. And in fact, someone once said, when they asked the question, how are you? 80% of people aren't bothered what you say. And 20% of people are quite happy. If you say terrible, you know, it's one of these things, isn't it. But nobody expects you to say, Hey, I'm fantastic.
[00:39:31] Absolutely fantastic. What a brilliant day. I can't believe it. You know, you know, absolutely fantastic. How are you? And all right. You might be stretching the truth a bit. You might not be feeling fantastic. Now you might not, but let's be Frank about this. You might not, you Maya, you might not be at the peak of whatever and everything.
[00:39:53] However, the very fact you say it, if you have said hello to a few people, wherever it might be. Whatever circumstances, whenever you're going out at the moment, you know, during a lockdown or post lockdown or wherever you are, if you're out and you're well meeting people and people say, Hey, how are you doing?
[00:40:13] Or someone phones you up? Hey, how you doing? Just keep saying, Hey, do you know what? I'm not so fantastic. Thanks for asking. How are you that the more you say it, it's like 32nd bit of running in your transformation from them. So the five K runner. From someone who can do no physical exercise to someone who can run five kilometers nonstop, that's what you're doing.
[00:40:38] And on this, on world mental health day, I'm saying that let's start in the morning. This is your first bit of, you know, how to get your mental health going because we do, you know, exercise our mental health. Like we see all these people out there doing for the physical health. So we don't see it. It's not as easy to do.
[00:40:58] We can't see any transformation in ourselves. We can't see ourselves getting thinner, stronger, whatever is more flexible bendy or whatever it might be that you're doing on your physical exercise. We can't see that on the mental health side of things. We can't see it, but, but I'm saying the first thing we do is transformed some of the things we say, and the first one is getting up in the morning.
[00:41:21] I want you to, I want you to promise. Promise that when you get up tomorrow morning. So whenever you're watching this, okay. Whenever you're watching this, when it, when you get up in the morning, you say to yourself, are there out loud or in your head? Good morning. Good morning. I love my life. And today is my favorite day.
[00:41:41] I am truly blessed. I want you to say that. Good morning, good morning of my life. And today's my favorite day. I am truly blessed. Say that every morning when you get up. I want you to say it. That is like a 32nd bit of running when you've done no running. This is a 32nd bit. We're not going to go straight to mental health, superiority and prowess and strength at the moment we're doing these little bits, just like the couch to five K.
[00:42:13] Couch to five. K you do an M steps. You walk a bit, you run a bit, your walk a bit. Yeah. You run a bit and then you walk a little bit less and run a bit more. And then you end up doing I'm running for quite a bit. And then a little walk and then a bit more running and a little walk until you get to the point where you can run the whole way.
[00:42:28] This is what waiting and we're starting in the morning. And then the second thing I want you to do. Is when you are out there and you're on the phone and somebody phones you up or you meet someone, you, you do manage to get out and you get, you get to a coffee or wherever it is. And someone says, Hey, how are you?
[00:42:46] Just say to them, look them straight in the army or say it with real conviction. Tell him because you are not only telling them, but you are telling your own body, this, you say, Hey, do you know what I am? Absolutely fantastic. Thank you for asking, how are you? I want you to say that I am fantastic. Thank you for asking how are you and just see their reaction.
[00:43:09] First of all, they think you're a crackpot. They think if anyone, you know, if anyone is suffering at the moment, each mate, fantastic. What the hell? And he's got down. I know. And if they ask, say, because I am doing a mental couch to five K, and this is part of it. I am telling you, I am telling myself I am fantastic.
[00:43:30] And the more you say things, the more you agree and believe, and the more you will begin to realize, you know what? I actually do fund feel fantastic. Yeah. Everything's going wrong. The economy is tanking. The weather's terrible. I can't go on a holiday and all the rest of it, but actually me, myself right here.
[00:43:52] I choose to feel fantastic. I choose to feel fantastic. Why? Because you can choose. Nobody can ever take away that choice from you. You always have a choice. And if you don't believe me, read a book by Victor Frankl called man's search for meaning. And there was a guy who was subjected to. Extra ordinary hardship.
[00:44:17] So many millions were concentration camps in second world. Well, and he always said, what got him through was his ability to choose how to take what was happening to him. And he chose to take it and say, this ain't going to last, this ain't going to last, and I'm going to last that I'm going to still be around.
[00:44:39] And he made that choice. So if someone in that situation where people were performing medical experiments on him with no anesthetic, when people were doing NX, horrific and explicable things to him, he still chose to look at the positive side. He still chose to do that. If somebody in that situation still says he has a choice, we most certainly always have a choice.
[00:45:11] And choose to stay. Hey, I feel fantastic to say in the morning, good morning, good morning to yourself. Choose to do that. These things, because I think the ability to choose is in this edition. That's your super power. You have. So when you look at that, where is it over here? Over here? What's my super power.
[00:45:42] Okay. Your superpower is the ability to tell yourself anything you want the ability to choose, to feel any which way you want. And if you were doing a physical couch to five K runner, so no physical exercise to five K run, you can do it in little steps and you get a little helpers along the way. I'm saying if we are doing a mental health on world mental health day, if we are doing a mental move from being, you know, on the couch without mental health, to being able to run five Ks without mental health, the first two things.
[00:46:22] Of those little bits of running. So the rest is walking at the moment. We're still walking. We're still walking at this point, mental health, we're still walking, but the first one is when you get up. Good morning, good morning. I love my life. And today is my favorite day. I am truly blessed. That's number one.
[00:46:37] And then whenever, you know, somebody speaks to you, you know, calls you up or you go somewhere or even if you don't go anywhere. As you walk past the mirror, just look in the mirror and go, Hey, how are you? And look yourself in the eye and go, Hey, do you know what I am? Fantastic. Thanks for asking. How are you?
[00:46:57] Ask yourself the question, ask yourself the question. If you don't see anyone though, speak to anyone that particular day. Ask yourself the question. There you go. And. On this world, mental health day with the, what I call a suicide pandemic with 800,000 people losing their lives in this way. If you know someone who might be in a situation like that, then my tip to you is from.
[00:47:25] My school where my boys are and they said a way to talk to a boy is not to sit them down and do a face to face conversation. It's go do something, some physical action. And the best one is a walk, just go for a walk with them and just have a chat, just shoot the breeze, you know, chew the fat, talk about a few things, you know, and then just sort of bring it in and say, you know, maybe you want to say, Hey, do you know what I was listening to someone on the other day?
[00:47:54]Was this guy, it was a bit of a crackpot because what he said was you should wake up in the morning and say, good morning, good morning. You know, I love my life. And today is my favorite day. You should say that to yourself. and then he said, you know, whatever somebody says, when they say, how are you?
[00:48:08] You should say, Hey and say it was a real conviction. Hey, do you know what? I'm fantastic. I am fantastic. How are you? Thanks for asking. And do you know what I started doing it? And it's really helping. And then the other thing he said was when someone feels like the rent at the end of the road, he said, no, they're not at the end of the road.
[00:48:31]you said he's got a mug. And he said that you said on this mug, it says everything will be all right in the end. And it says, and if it's not all right, it's not the end. And he said, all you have to do is just hang around, stick around, stick around. Cause whatever it is is going to pass. Something good is coming your way, but you've got to stick around in order to receive that good stuff he told.
[00:48:56] He said about these things, you know, people think the world would be better without them, but the world isn't better without them. The world is better with them right here, right now. And for as long as, as possible for as long as nature, God, the universe intense. To stick around because that person who thinks they should go instead, needs to stick around, pick up a pebble, drop it in the pond and see the ripples of how they can support and change and affect people's life.
[00:49:31] And they'll say, what is it? This guy, some sort of super hero or something, or what is he it's got super powers. He said, well, actually he calls himself a bit of a parttime hero, but he's aiming to become a full time superhero. What are you kidding? Yeah. And he needs to listen to him. His name is Nigel T pest.
[00:49:52] His podcast is. What's my superpower and, Simon. I'm just loving that. Thank you so much, indeed. I, I just want people to share it, to get out there and say, please, if you're thinking of going down that road, please don't just stay. Do nothing. If, if you do nothing for the next year, okay. The people around you love you support you.
[00:50:19] Again, a bit harder to speak, but people love you and support. You want you to stick around. I want you to enjoy life and it can start with some simple things which include learning to love yourself. Like you, Hey, stop, stop, hating yourself. Let's just learn to sort of, kind of being different about yourself.
[00:50:38] And then maybe you get to like yourself and then maybe the next step is we talk further. You get to sort of, actually, it's not about, he's not bad diet guy. you know, and you talk to yourself and you go, Oh, actually you're all right at times. Good. And eventually, maybe. We can all get to the point where we learn to love ourselves, because I think as soon as we love ourselves, we're able to love the world around us and love the people around us.
[00:51:00] And I think on that as a world, mental health day, if this time next year we see that number from 800,000. Let's see if we can. Zero is, is. What we all want, but let's see if we could knock 10% off, 20%, 50%. Can we have off it? I think if we start sharing the message and getting out there, then I would love that to be the case.
[00:51:28] But for this it's a Saturday, October 20, 20, 10th of October, I think it is world mental health day. My name is Nigel T based. thank you so much to anyone. Please share it, please, you know, talk to people and try that thing. If, what you say when you get up in the morning, try that thing of, you know, when people say, how are you and how about you try just getting a friend who might be a bit flat at the moment, a little bit down let's let's.
[00:51:58] Metaphorically and physically, and really take them on a different path. Go for a walk, have a chat and see if you can find out a little bit more about what makes people take, because we can see physical fitness, we can't see mental fitness and we can get apps that go coach to 5k for physical fitness, you know, take you from not running to being able to run.
[00:52:20] We don't have the same things. So we've got to help each other here. We got it. Share tips and things that might help. It might not help everyone, but if it helped one person, if that little stone that dropped in the pond sends a ripple that manages to touch someone. Maybe that's good enough because maybe then they take the pebble and drop it in their pond.
[00:52:40] And that ripple hits five people and those five people do it and they share and they share and they share. And I think that when you look at that, what's, what's my super power. Okay. I'm hoping it's the ability to, for people to sort of go. I want to make a difference. My superpower today is I've got to find that mate, I've got to go round.
[00:53:04] We're going to go for a walk and I'm going to have that chat. And maybe it's you, that needs the chat. And maybe it's you mate. That just needs to be there. Maybe it's you, that certainly sort of stuff. Would you mind coming for a walk? I want to just, you know, I just want to talk to someone. Maybe you need to ask that question of a friend I and a friend in need.
[00:53:23] is a Friend indeed. So before bursting into tears at that point, thank you very much. love you loads and in the meantime, Be SUPER!
16. Okt. 2020 - 55 min
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