What's Next?

What's Next?

Podcast von OSU Next

"What’s Next?" is a podcast by OSU Next that provides a special look into the post-college experiences of Beaver alums. Host Cody Stover ('15) dives i...

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28 Folgen
episode "Completely Arbortrary" 🌲 - Casey Clapp ('12) artwork
"Completely Arbortrary" 🌲 - Casey Clapp ('12)

With Casey Clapp, OSU Class of 2012 If you love trees, why not create a podcast all about them? Casey Clapp, a Portland-based arborist, joins the Season 3 finale of the What's Next? podcast to discuss how he and his "tree-skeptic" friend Alex launched the "Completely Arbortrary" podcast, as well as how the greenery around us positively affects our cities, communities, and more. Links: https://www.completelyarbortrary.com/ [https://www.completelyarbortrary.com/] https://www.instagram.com/arbortrarypod/ [https://www.instagram.com/arbortrarypod/] https://www.patreon.com/arbortrarypod [https://www.patreon.com/arbortrarypod]

22. Feb. 2021 - 1 h 5 min
episode People: The Common Denominator - Jonathan Riley ('09) artwork
People: The Common Denominator - Jonathan Riley ('09)

With Jonathan Riley, OSU Class of 2009.  After working his way up the ladder in Nike's media and entertainment vertical, Jonathan Riley set his focus on his true passion: people. Tune in to hear more on how Jonathan applies the skills he learned in the corporate world to now build up people and businesses in his community.  Links to Jonathan's projects: * https://bettermktg.co/ * blaqathlete.com * https://www.osualum.com/s/359/16/interior.aspx?sid=359&gid=1001&pgid=7284

15. Feb. 2021 - 55 min
episode Lobbying for Higher Education - Claire McMorris ('17) artwork
Lobbying for Higher Education - Claire McMorris ('17)

With Claire McMorris, OSU Class of 2017 Claire's a lobbyist for Oregon State, but this is far from "House of Cards". Tune in to learn more about how Claire is using her political science degree to advocate for students at the state level when it comes to topics like the cost higher education and student loan debt. To get involved in The Beaver Caucus: https://thebeavercaucus.org/ To get in touch with Claire: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claire-mcmorris-25aa29129/

08. Feb. 2021 - 57 min
episode The Journey to Cirque du Soleil and Beyond - Laura-Ann Chong ('11) artwork
The Journey to Cirque du Soleil and Beyond - Laura-Ann Chong ('11)

With Laura-Ann Chong, OSU Class of 2011 A former NCAA All-American gymnast at Oregon State, Laura-Ann shares how she "joined the circus", and applied her talents as an acrobat with the world renown Cirque du Soleil. Chalking up 38 countries and 7 years on tour, she also tells how Project Lumière helps keep performing artists connected and supported during the pandemic. Project Lumière: www.facebook.com/projetlumiereproject/ Connect with Laura-Ann: www.linkedin.com/in/laura-annchong/

01. Feb. 2021 - 1 h 0 min
episode Crickets: The Secret Ingredient - Mary Graham ('20) Bigger Bites Foods artwork
Crickets: The Secret Ingredient - Mary Graham ('20) Bigger Bites Foods

With Mary Graham, OSU Class of 2020. For many North Americans, the thought of eating any kind of bug can evoke a variety of feelings, but for Mary Graham and her fellow Beaver founders of Bigger Bites Foods, crickets are both a super source of protein, highly sustainable, and the core ingredient to their products. Tune in to hear her story! Check out Bigger Bites: https://biggerbitesfoods.com/ [https://biggerbitesfoods.com/] IG: @biggerbitesfoods FB: https://www.facebook.com/biggerbitesfoods [https://www.facebook.com/biggerbitesfoods]

25. Jan. 2021 - 37 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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