Witch Wives Podcast

Witch Wives Podcast

Podcast von Witch Wives Podcast

Esoteric Commentary

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episode Witch Wives Podcast - Episode 1, Is Tarot Closed?, #PaganLivesMatter, and Ethics of Crystal Collecting artwork
Witch Wives Podcast - Episode 1, Is Tarot Closed?, #PaganLivesMatter, and Ethics of Crystal Collecting

Hello and welcome to our very first episode of Witch Wives Podcast! This month, we discuss the origins, evolution, and uses of Tarot cards throughout history, as well as the concerns of whether or not Tarot is a an appropriated practice. We also talk about the controversial TikTok hashtag, #paganlivesmatter, as well as the ethics and hard truths of crystal collecting. We hope you enjoy our first podcast together, and please stay tuned for new episodes every month!

08. Apr. 2021 - 1 h 18 min
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