Bed Bach and Beyond

Bed Bach and Beyond

Podcast von Emily R Reed

Join Emily and her co-hosts as they go over the latest Bachelor Franchise antics! đŸŒč This "no filter" podcast explores the possible realities of being...

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35 Folgen
episode 4. So what do we think about all that ish? Clayton wrap-up artwork
4. So what do we think about all that ish? Clayton wrap-up

Welcome back listeners, this episode is very special because Emily introduces her Mom, Kathy, as guest co-host! She was hesitant, but as expected had lots to say. Mom usually tunes in at the end because she shuts the TV off when it's all the "drama with all the girls bein' mean", which is just about as Kathy as it gets. Em's mom is an angel and a caring, empathetic person just like Em so this episode went off without a hitch and lots of mom and daughter banter. We chat everything from finale, hometown reflections, Susie and Clayton's post show relationship, the army of strong women that taught Colto-CLAYTON some very important lessons, our love for Jesse, and everything in-between. Like mother like daughter, we only have sympathy and hope for everyone involved in this season...even the meathead himself. Oh, and Emily likes Rachel now! Enjoy BBs DISCLAIMER: Emily is no angel 😂

02. Apr. 2022 - 44 min
episode 3. The selfish journey truly begins - Clayton's hometowns artwork
3. The selfish journey truly begins - Clayton's hometowns

Hi all! Mrs. Mrs. is back with us, and we chat about Fabletics complaints, the confusing two-on-one, the shopping (borrowing) date, NBC mandated couples therapy, BEING PERFORMATIVE, and of course....Hometowns. Plus lots in between! If you haven't gotten your review, get caught up on the rose shenanigans on Bed Bach and Beyond. Cheers to this season almost being over!!! 😅😂đŸŒč

04. MĂ€rz 2022 - 1 h 2 min
episode 2. Lord of The Flies but make it Shanae... catch-up to Ep. 5 artwork
2. Lord of The Flies but make it Shanae... catch-up to Ep. 5

Hey ya'll! Kim and Em are back to catch up on thoughts of Clayton's season thus far. Don't know about anyone else but we've been a little bored with Clayton's season so far and figured we could sum up the drama in one big ole podcast. (Same length as usual lol). PS: Aubrey is married! Next time we talk to her she will be a Mrs! Until then, miss you Aubs, and enjoy this catch-up full of Kim and Emily bullshitting. Honestly though Kim is impressive with a roster for reference, notes, she on it! Tune in BB's! xoxo

09. Feb. 2022 - 1 h 2 min
episode 1. Michelle Wrap-up, Clayton's Premiere artwork
1. Michelle Wrap-up, Clayton's Premiere

Today's episode is super jam packed with awesome because we're wrapping up thought on Michelle's season, saying hello to Clayton's season (cue that meme of the lady on her knees breathing heavy trying to catch up) and we have a brand new guest co-host!! We are so happy to welcome Kim Alballat to #bedbachandbeyond for this podcast session and more in the future! Kim and Emily have been very close for about 5 years now, both coming from bartending background in NYC and becoming instant friends after being co-workers. We've seen it all...from each other, from complete strangers, from bosses... đŸ€Ł Basically she's IT and she's finally on the mic, as it's been a long time coming. Aubrey is wedding prepping and we miss her oh so much, but she'll be back sometime this season! So press play to hear a little bit about Kim, listen to our thoughts on the ending of Michelle's season and the beginning of Clayton, and of course laugh with us! xoxo Happy listening BB's

05. Jan. 2022 - 1 h 30 min
episode 5. Michelle Ep. 6/7/MTA- Bailiff, please bring the apology artwork
5. Michelle Ep. 6/7/MTA- Bailiff, please bring the apology

Okay this title has multiple meanings okay... Court is in session because Emily needs to be TRIED for the amount of time that's passed since recording...😂and also because we tuned in to Michelle's Apology Court last week as she heard each case, accepted each apology as hands continued to raise, and found at least four of those men guilty for spewing bullshit at the Men Tell All (Jamie & Martin especially) lololol This episode is Emily solo recapping the last THREE episodes we missed, as Aubrey is planning her wedding, guests were busy and this shit had to get done quite frankly. But it is a FUN episode and a first for Emily to be on the mic solo. She covers: Brandon's Minnesota one on one/Clayton's exit episode (and Bachelor reveal I mean basically... did you see him crying into that dramatic letter that a bunch of kids he didn't know wrote him and the ten extra minutes of screen time he got AFTER being sent home), Hometowns, & Men Tell All. In record time might we add..Aubrey will be so proud.

14. Dez. 2021 - 1 h 15 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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