Christian Family Life
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Christian Family Life

Podcast von Christian Family Life

What started as a question “God you created marriage can you make it work?” soon became a statement “God, you created marriage you can make it work.” Thank you for joining us on the Christian family life podcast where we get into the good, the bad, and the ugly in our marriage relationships and mine God‘s word to see what it has to say about it. 

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160 Folgen
episode Navigating Trials Together As A Couple! artwork
Navigating Trials Together As A Couple!
Loneliness, fear, rejection, and anger are just a few of the emotions that we all navigate as we walk through difficult times. Today we interview Dustin and Rekah and they walk us through the choices they made to look to the Lord and pursue each other as they journey through infertility and the doors of adoption being closed.
12. Sept. 2024 - 39 min
episode An Interview With J.P. De Gance, President of Communio! artwork
An Interview With J.P. De Gance, President of Communio!
Communio is a nonprofit ministry that trains and equips churches to share the Gospel through the renewal of healthy relationships, marriages, and the family. J.P. De Gance is the founder and president of Communio and the co-author of the book, Endgame: The Church’s Strategic Move to Save Faith and Family in America. JP is also the author of the Nationwide Study on Faith and Relationships.
12. Sept. 2024 - 34 min
episode What Are We Doing With The Children? artwork
What Are We Doing With The Children?
Parenting is ordained by God and part of God's design. It is also a privilege and is rewarding! Today as we dig into this podcast we will focus on our mission as parents and also being reminded of our Heavenly Father and His love for us and how we can use our relationship with Him as an example with our children.
23. Aug. 2024 - 33 min
episode Trial Cast For Your Marriage! artwork
Trial Cast For Your Marriage!
In marriage, we often vision cast and set goals. What does the next year look like? How about five years from now? Ten, Twenty, etc.?  But, have we ever thought about trial casting?  Preparing ourselves for the realities that come with life. Listen in as our CFL Team gives some good, practical, and Biblical advice on this topic!
15. Aug. 2024 - 29 min
episode The Real Conflict Is Spiritual, Fight It Accordingly! artwork
The Real Conflict Is Spiritual, Fight It Accordingly!
Remember, your spouse is not your enemy. Take up the shield of Faith and quench those fiery darts of division that the enemy is hurling at your marriage. It may look like you' surrounded on every side, but if you submitvyourself to God, resist the devil, he has to flee (James 4:7). You'll find you are surrounded, by God's presence! His presence allows us to Reign in spiritual warfare. Our team digs into this faith principal today!
08. Aug. 2024 - 35 min
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Mein Leben in deinem (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Herzklopfen nicht ausgeschlossen
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Im Versteck (ungekürzt)
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Dein Bild für immer
Die tausend Teile meines Herzens
New Beginnings: Roman (Green Valley Love 1)