Day By Day with St Richard's
Podcast von St. Richard's Episcopal Church
Series and sermons from St. Richard's Episcopal Church in Round Rock, Texas.
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Alle Folgen
182 FolgenSermon from 12/01/2024 by Rev Jim Harrington .... Gospel: []Luke 21:25-36 [] (First Sunday of Advent) Please visit for more information about service times and other ways to connect with us.
Sermon from 11/24/2024 .... Gospel: []John 18:33-37 [] [] (Last Sunday after Pentecost) Please visit for more information about service times and other ways to connect with us.
Sermon from 11/17/2024 - Youth Sunday .... Gospel: Mark 13:1-8 [] (Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost) Please visit for more information about service times and other ways to connect with us.
Sermon from 11/10/2024 by Rev Jan Jones .... Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 [] (Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost) Please visit for more information about service times and other ways to connect with us.
Sermon from 11/3/2024 by Rev Jan Jones .... Gospel: Mark 12:28-34 [] (Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost) Please visit for more information about service times and other ways to connect with us.
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