IfM Briefings
Kostenloser Podcast

IfM Briefings

Podcast von Cambridge University

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Find out about the latest research outputs, industrial collaborations and projects from the University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) in this series of podcast briefings. 

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15 Folgen
episode Design Management, Design Thinking, Design Leadership artwork
Design Management, Design Thinking, Design Leadership
Interview with Professor Ralf Beuker, Dean, University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany following his keynote presentation at the Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference held at the Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge in September 2011.
29. Sept. 2011 - 19 min
episode Service innovation: Competitive advantage through new business models artwork
Service innovation: Competitive advantage through new business models
Leading industrialists from all over the World discuss how to improve competitiveness, create jobs and boost their respective economies through learning lessons from pooling the experiences of public and private sector enterprises. Interviews with prominent speakers from “The Cambridge Service Alliance Service Innovation: Competitive advantage through new business models” Conference ( can be heard in the podcast documentary.
29. Sept. 2011 - 12 min
episode Can there be a design of service? artwork
Can there be a design of service?
Interview with Dirk Snelders of Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design, and Aalto University Helsinki, InternaConal Design Business Management following his keynote presentation at the Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference held at the Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge in September 2011.
29. Sept. 2011 - 13 min
episode Strategy and Design artwork
Strategy and Design
Interview with Jeanne Liedtka, Professor of Business Administration, Darden School of Business, on the topic of her keynote presentation on Strategy and Design at the Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference held at the Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge in September 2011.
29. Sept. 2011 - 13 min
episode Mark Champkins - inventor extraordinaire artwork
Mark Champkins - inventor extraordinaire
Mark Champkins,Inventor in Residence at the Science Museum in London, and a former British Inventor of the Year talks to the IfM about how his career has developed from a love of making things as a child to setting up his own company.
23. Aug. 2011 - 17 min

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