Podcast von Stephen Boyce and Tyler West

FACTS is a podcast that was started by Dr. Stephen Boyce from Greenville, South Carolina. The primary focus of this program is to cover historical con...

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145 Folgen
episode Malachi's Foretelling of Eucharist Worship in the Church artwork
Malachi's Foretelling of Eucharist Worship in the Church

In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will dive into Malachi 1:11, exploring its prophetic connection to Eucharistic worship in the early Church. Dr. Boyce will investigate how this Old Testament passage foreshadows the practices of Christian Eucharist, as seen through the writings of early Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, and Athanasius. By examining these early theological voices, Dr. Boyce will highlight how they recognized the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy in the Church’s sacramental life, offering a deeper understanding of the Eucharist as an integral part of Christian worship from the very beginning. Join us for this compelling exploration of Scripture, early Christian writings, and the rich history of the Eucharist in the Church. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7 #Malachi1:11 #EucharisticWorship #EarlyChurchFathers #JustinMartyr #Irenaeus #Tertullian #Hippolytus #Athanasius #ChristianEucharist #ChurchHistory #SacramentalTheology #ProphecyAndTheEucharist #ChristianWorship #OldTestamentProphecy #FACTSPodcast #TheologyExploration #MalachisProphecy #EucharistInTheChurch

13. Jan. 2025 - 38 min
episode Is Peter the “Rock” in Matthew 16?: A Response to Dr. Gavin Ortlund artwork
Is Peter the “Rock” in Matthew 16?: A Response to Dr. Gavin Ortlund

In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce is joined by author and podcaster Erick Ybarra to discuss Dr. Gavin Ortlund’s recent video addressing Matthew 16 and the papacy. They explore whether Augustine of Hippo believed that Peter was the “rock” on which Christ built His Church and if this supports the papal office as understood in Catholic theology. Join us for a deep dive into Scripture, Church history, and Augustine’s writings as we examine one of the most debated passages in Christian theology. Here is a link to Erick's book on the Papacy: https://www.amazon.com/Papacy-Revisiting-Between-Catholics-Orthodox/dp/1645852210/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3U47C0HX7SYIS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PSmOH0YNx_5fVV_A_FO1oY4yPfH544F7GrOgK7VV1UF5MHoldvmuaUajS-tkwBLY445JoZyCHqHcss6piDqKB_PzPCR3_9D5dP7xqLj2VVZ3icx2njcFZR8N83RSbGaH.RulhyN3B13e8Fl_RLylqalc3VgcbOChrsI7jZlGGgsI&dib_tag=se&keywords=erik+ybarra+papacy&qid=1736023703&sprefix=erik+yb%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-1 Here is a link to Dr. Ortlund's video: https://youtu.be/Mslw0lS1ZLQ?si=TVr_ACfHruZ16Q6w If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7 #Matthew16 #PapalOffice #AugustineOfHippo #ChurchHistory #ChristianTheology #PapacyDebate #ScriptureStudy #CatholicTheology #PeterTheRock #GavinOrtlund #ErickYbarra #TheologyDiscussion #ChristianPodcasts #PapalAuthority #AugustineAndThePapacy #FaithAndHistory

06. Jan. 2025 - 1 h 27 min
episode How Would the Ancient Church View Today’s Evangelicalism? artwork
How Would the Ancient Church View Today’s Evangelicalism?

In this episode of FACTS, we explore a fascinating question: How would the ancient Church view today’s evangelicalism? As we delve into the theological, liturgical, and ecclesiastical differences between the early Christian Church and modern evangelicalism, we examine key aspects like orthopraxy, the role of the sacraments, church authority, and the unity of the Christian body. Join us as we uncover what the ancient Church might say about the rise of modern evangelical practices and beliefs—and what this reveals about the evolution of Christianity over the centuries. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7

30. Dez. 2024 - 39 min
episode Legend or Legacy? Examining the Prayer of Manasseh artwork
Legend or Legacy? Examining the Prayer of Manasseh

In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce explores the mystery of the Prayer of Manasseh—a powerful apocryphal text. Is it an ancient relic of King Manasseh’s repentance or a later theological creation? Join us as we unpack its origins, significance, and what it reveals about God’s mercy and human redemption. Don’t miss this insightful discussion on one of the great liturgical prayers! 🔔 Like, subscribe, and share! What are your thoughts on the Prayer of Manasseh? #PrayerOfManasseh #FACTS #DrStephenBoyce Link to the Prayer: https://christchurchphoenix.org/the-prayer-of-manasseh/ If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7

24. Dez. 2024 - 38 min
episode Daniel Unveiled: Canon, Apocrypha, and Controversy artwork
Daniel Unveiled: Canon, Apocrypha, and Controversy

In this episode, we explore the writings of Daniel, including the intriguing additions of Bel and the Dragon, The Story of Susanna, and The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jewish Boys. Are these texts inspired parts of Scripture, historical additions, or theological reflections from a later time? Dr. Stephen Boyce and Anglican autodidact Jonathan Sheffield will examine their significance, the debates surrounding their place in the canon, and what they reveal about faith, tradition, and the enduring legacy of Daniel. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7 Here are the links to the extended editions: https://ebible.org/eng-Brenton/SUS01.htm https://ebible.org/eng-Brenton/BEL01.htm

17. Dez. 2024 - 57 min
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