Hey Ryan Podcast
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Hey Ryan Podcast

Podcast von Ryan Allen

Hey Ryan Podcast is a lifestyle UK based self-help show for men, who want to gain insights, grow and break free from anxiety. The show releases each episode on Thursdays at 7 pm GMT. Hosted by Ryan Allen, who is a Wellness Advocate and Creative Director of The Brand Thinker boutique agency. 

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episode The Solo Chat: How I bounced back from anxiety during Christmas Ep12 artwork
The Solo Chat: How I bounced back from anxiety during Christmas Ep12
On this episode of the Hey Ryan podcast, Ryan is opening up about how he has been coping during difficult times such as the holidays and the pandemic in general. He also shares the approach he used to bounce back from depression and reach new heights of success. It’s been over six months since this podcast was started, and as much as Ryan felt called to do it, this venture has not always been easy. There have been moments where this podcast actually brought about feelings of anxiety and fear, but he pursued it anyway. Ryan finds it helpful to journal all of his thoughts and feelings, which has significantly helped him reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. He recently felt compelled to write a blog that tackles men's issues, including the topic of masculinity and the ideas that can keep men feeling bound in society. It’s important to talk about these issues and bring them into awareness so you can face your fears head-on. It's been a difficult start to the year, and Ryan isn’t alone in feeling this way. From what’s been going on in the UK politically, to reflecting on his desire to be in a relationship, he is feeling a little bit of increased stress right now. That said, there is also a lot coming up this year to look forward to, including a new segment on this podcast. It’s so refreshing to be part of a podcast that brings important topics like men’s health, mental health, and anxiety to the forefront. Encouraging one another to share helps to keep the dialogue open. It’s a new year and a new start, and opportunities may be just around the corner for you. Ryan’s Website: https://www.ryanoneilallen.com/ [https://www.ryanoneilallen.com/] Hey Ryan Podcast Website: https://www.heyryanpodcast.com/ [https://www.ryanoneilallen.com/] Ryan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryanoneilallen/ [https://www.ryanoneilallen.com/] Blog Post:  https://bit.ly/3vl4gR0
24. Feb. 2022 - 21 min
episode How to be Curious and Live Life Openly Ep 11 with Sean James, NFL Sports Star artwork
How to be Curious and Live Life Openly Ep 11 with Sean James, NFL Sports Star
Today we’re talking with Sean James, a former NFL pro athlete turned businessman. Sean is a philanthropist and advocates to stop bullying in football, and he founded Be in The Know About Bullying, an organization dedicated to education and mentorship. Sean will talk about dealing with anxiety and how he coped with the pressures of being a professional athlete. Sean grew up in the midwest and was lucky enough to be a talented athlete, which gained him a scholarship to play football in college. Following that, he was invited to an NFL camp, and there his career began. Since retiring from football, Sean has moved to New York where he is letting his creative side flourish through hard work. He has worked in fashion, mental health, and finance. Being good at something while young made him likeable and helped him to escape racism and bigotry. Looking back, Sean would tell his younger self to ask for help. He credits his success to his willingness to look stupid and take risks. Look for who you want to be and ask for their roadmap; look at how they became who they are. For Sean, anxiety was a constant presence in his life. Being African American in a small town piled on extra pressure. Having a strong support system of curious and creative people is what helps to keep Sean grounded and curious. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know something among your peers and don’t fear vulnerability. Open yourself up to learning and curiosity. An excellent way to decompress is to pause. Take the time to stand back from everything and reflect on what truly matters to you. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seanjames23 [https://www.instagram.com/seanjames23] Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/seanjames23 [https://www.twitter.com/seanjames23] Website: https://www.seanlewisjames.com [https://www.seanlewisjames.com]
09. Dez. 2021 - 1 h 23 min
episode How Men Break Free From Anxiety with Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz Ep 10 artwork
How Men Break Free From Anxiety with Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz Ep 10
Ryan is talking with Kenny Mammarella-D’Cruz, who’s known as The Man Whisperer, in today’s episode. He’s also a self-development consultant and mental health advocate. Kenny founded MenSpeak Men’s Group, which provides men with the opportunity to talk about their lives in a safe and confidential space. When Kenny came back from travelling over 20 years ago, he found that he was missing his friends. Not only that, but he still missed them while he was with them because often they were distracted by substances and their own struggles. This was the initial inspiration for the work Kenny does today. In the past when Kenny had a feeling, he would create a story around that feeling. That story would blame someone or something, and he would lash out on others or himself. He reflected on this and realized he wasn’t the only one. Men everywhere struggle to process and express their feelings in a productive way. Today’s world is increasingly open to exploring mental health issues, and this is an important move forward. Kenny believes the traumas, the things we are embarrassed about or deny, is the place we have to meet ourselves. When you feel those feelings, you can unlearn what’s no longer true and uncover the tools of your purpose. Once the child in you is safe, the man in you can move confidently throughout the world. Stay present, acknowledge your feelings, and let go of who you no longer need to be. Every breakthrough is on the other side of a breakdown, and you don’t have to go through it alone. Kenny’s Website: https://www.kennydcruz.com/ [https://www.kennydcruz.com/] Men Speak Men’s Group: https://mensgroups.co.uk/ [https://mensgroups.co.uk/]
25. Nov. 2021 - 55 min
episode How BBD Perfect Storm London Ad Agency Tackle Masculine Stereotypes with Fernando and Seb Ep 9 artwork
How BBD Perfect Storm London Ad Agency Tackle Masculine Stereotypes with Fernando and Seb Ep 9
Today we’re talking with Fernando Desouches and Seb Hill from BBD Perfect Storm, a brand and culture transformation agency. Fernando is Managing Director of the New Macho division, while Seb is the Executive Creative Director of BBD Perfect Storm as a whole. Seb began working at a network agency and worked alongside BBD  Perfect Storm, CEO Jason Foo. Both were tired of the way network agencies operated, with people siloed and with no real purpose. As an independent agency, the idea was to create accountancy in advertising. This led to one of BBD’s first campaigns taking down Sepp Blatter.  Purpose is at the heart of everything they do. Fernando comes from a marketing background and found that he often worked with brands that predominantly marketed to men. Fernando thought there was a better way to market to men; to create a sustainable gender balance through the eyes of men. Fernando saw the way men were conditioned from a young age to behave certain ways in order to have value and how it became completely subconscious. It was all about ticking expected boxes. BBD’s proposed clause 14 tackles the portrayal of men being emotionally distant, cold, and dominant over women. Through surveys and research, it has been found that millennial men in the UK have the second worst mental health in the world and that much of the pressure comes from other men. New Macho aims for the integration of the traditional and new age man. When it comes to their clients, BBD focuses on the emotional space and creating new aspirations for men. It’s about modernising the emotional space. There has been resistance, but it is necessary to create conversations in order to begin the cultural transformation. BBD Perfect Storm: https://www.bbdperfectstorm.com/ [https://www.bbdperfectstorm.com/]
28. Okt. 2021 - 32 min
episode How to Face Anxiety in The Modern World with Ally Salama Ep 8 artwork
How to Face Anxiety in The Modern World with Ally Salama Ep 8
Today we’re talking with Ally Salama who has launched EMPWR magazine, the first mental health magazine in the Middle East, which has garnered recognition from the WHO. He is also part of Empathy Always Wins, leadership and mental health podcast. Now, he is building his next start-up, The Arabic and English Digital Support Network. Growing up as an athlete, Ally never expected to be involved in mental health advocacy like he is now. Through his own experience, Ally realized he couldn’t connect with others through his upbringing in his peer group. When he finally did something about it, he found he wasn’t the only one experiencing this in the Arab culture. The culture in Cairo is tough; the emphasis was always on sports and achieving in Ally’s world, while emotions and feelings were cast to the side. Now in the Middle East, Ally is an ambassador for mental health. EMPWR is designed to build psycho-education around cultural relevance. Attending the Arab Harvard Conference about reimagining identity was when Ally realized this was what he was meant for. Ally was diagnosed with major depressive disorder in his second year of studying in Toronto. Men often don’t talk about their mental health, but Ally urges them to seek help. There is strength in vulnerability and being who you are. Through Empathy Always Wins, Ally is spreading the message of empathy and vulnerability. Currently, Ally is building The EMPWR Hub, a way for Arabic/English youth to put their feelings out there and get support. Remember to be easy on yourself – be present, not perfect. Reach out for support to those that you trust and ask for help on your journey. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allysalama/ [https://www.instagram.com/allysalama/?hl=en] Website: https://www.allysalama.com [https://www.allysalama.com]
15. Okt. 2021 - 30 min
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