Illuminated Mind

Illuminated Mind

Podcast von Corey Benschop

Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. Corey Benschop dives...

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episode EP23 - What is Interpersonal Hypnotherapy? - Part 2 artwork
EP23 - What is Interpersonal Hypnotherapy? - Part 2

What's up, everyone? Welcome back to the podcast. I hope you're having an amazing day. Thank you so much again for joining us this week, we have another great episode for you. Today is actually part two of the series that we started last week, which is all about what is interpersonal hypnotherapy. So last week, we talked a lot about the history of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and sort of where a lot of these ideas originated and came from and some of the different pioneers along the way that have made tremendous contributions to the profession as a whole. And then how we are working to really push that forward and to continue to increase the professionalism and the level of transformation that's possible through hypnosis. You know, we have the institute here of interpersonal hypnotherapy, as well as the International Association of interpersonal hypnotherapy. So between IH and I Aih, we're really working hard again, to just bring a high level of legitimacy to this career, and to this industry as a whole. And to really protect hypnotherapy as a profession for all of you listening, as well as us and any other hypnotherapist in the world, to really be able to bring this transformation to their clients. I believe, personally, that this is an extremely fascinating and important line of work that we're in. I think that it's more necessary now than maybe ever before. But again, that's just from my perspective, as a 35 year old male and living in, you know, the 21st century. But it's it's interesting how our world is today. And I think that through hypnotherapy, we can really help each other grow and transform, and just continue to evolve as a human species. I know that's a it's big thinking, but I really believe that that's what's happening. And that's what's transpiring right now. Anyways, today again, we're diving into part two of what is interpersonal hypnotherapy? With this episode, we're actually going to really get into the specifics of interpersonal hypnotherapy. Okay, so this idea of the interpersonal part, right? We know what hypnotherapy is. But what does the interpersonal aspect of it? And what does that add? So we're going to talk about some stuff like the rapid Resolution Protocol, the 10 Minute Miracle Cure, it's, you know, a little bit of a hypee sort of name, but we definitely are creating miracles here with this work. So I don't think that that's out of reason to call it the 10 Minute Miracle Cure. You know, most people really don't realise the true power of the mind, and how our mind is actually creating our reality. every moment of every day that we live that we experienced, that we perceive as our life, it's all starting in the mind. And if you've ever watched the movie, The Secret, then you know, the famous line that thoughts become things. I really, truly believe that that is true, you know, our thoughts originate in our mind, and they become the things that we experience in our life. So this interpersonal idea is all wrapped around the mind and how we create our life and our reality. And really, in this episode, we're going to look at, you know, how peace is actually health and why you really shouldn't discount that simple statement. Also, we're going to take a look at the separation and the ego. You know, again, we alluded to this in last week's episode, but the ego has multiple parts, and we we all have these parts going basically at war against each other on a regular basis inside of our mind. So the ego is separated into the adult mind, the child mind and the parent mind, also called ego states. Again, we all have these different ego states, in our minds and in our in our subconscious, and some of them are stronger than others, some of them are more dysfunctional than others, but they're all in there and they all have a voice and you know, they are all sort of communicating with each other. And so this is really the root of our problems in life really. We're going to talk about why a lot of physical sickness and the the behaviours that we experience, why they're really just symptoms and how interpersonal hypnotherapy addresses those symptoms and really addresses the underlying problem that's causing those symptoms. This is all about returning to spirit returning to our oneness, our healthy best highest self, okay, that's that's our aim here with interpersonal hypnotherapy is to allow ourselves and our clients to really become one with what truly is. And that's the spirit of life. So, I hope you enjoy this episode. It's really really fascinating. Make sure you're listening. And if you haven't already done so make sure you subscribe to our podcast because we're putting out some amazing content like this every single week. Anyways, without further ado, let's go ahead and jump into Episode 23. What is interpersonal hypnotherapy? part two. This week's sponsor is HypnotherapySites, a website design agency dedicated to hypnotherapists. Get 20% OFF a custom website for your []

04. Okt. 2021 - 58 min
episode EP22 - What is Interpersonal Hypnotherapy? - Part 1 artwork
EP22 - What is Interpersonal Hypnotherapy? - Part 1

What's up everyone, welcome back to the podcast. Thank you so much for joining us this week. I really hope you're having a nice day, and let's make it a little bit nicer. Today we are diving into the specifics around interpersonal hypnotherapy and more specifically the interpersonal part of it you know, what is enter personal hypnotherapy? Why do we call it enter personal hypnotherapy, the idea of interpersonal really boils down to the connections and the people that we have in our lives. And this idea was something that came to Matthew, actually, I believe in meditation, when, you know, he started thinking about just the school and the training that he was providing and how he really wanted to bring the deeper aspect of healing and transformation through with this sort of proprietary brand, if you will, of hypnotherapy training. So our institute is called the Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy. It's because Matthew really wanted to focus heavily on this idea of the different people, so to speak, quote, unquote, people, okay, that we all have inside of our mind. So what we're really talking about here is the subconscious mind and how it can be broken down into multiple different parts, if you will, and these parts are always communicating with each other.  They really are creating the framework and the fabric of our perspective, right of how we internalise our life, our experience of life, and whether it's a good life or a bad life, the different problems that we think we may face, or that we, you know, deal with on a regular basis, the behaviours that we have, whether they're positive or negative behaviours, healthy or unhealthy behaviours. You know, these all stem from the subconscious mind and the different relationships that we have with ourselves and these parts have with each other. It's sort of a weird concept. But the idea, you know, not to say that we have multiple personalities, but there are definitely multiple parts inside of our mind. So Matthew is going to dive in, you know, and really explain this a lot better than what I'm doing right now, but really get to the granular level of what interpersonal hypnotherapy actually is, and what these different parts of our subconscious mind are, and why, you know, we're all at war with ourselves internally, and we all create this internal conflict and suffering based on the relationship that these parts have with each other. This is going to be a really interesting episode for you, this is going to be broken up into two parts. So this first part here is really actually going to focus more on some of the history of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and where it all came from. It's really fascinating stuff because you're going to learn about how this all came to be. You know how hypnosis has transformed over the years and, and over the decades and how different pioneers have added their own little touch. And you know, I really want to believe that Matthew will go down in history as another pioneer moving this needle forward with hypnosis and hypnotherapy and his contributions to what he's created. You'll hear about the likes of mesmer and mesmerism, Dr. Sigmund Freud, Dave Elman, Gil Boyne. These are just some of the names of people that have really contributed a lot to this field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. And then obviously now with what we are offering from the Institute, as well as through the association that Matthew has put together called the International Association of interpersonal hypnotherapist or IH for short. I really hope you enjoy this one there's a lot to uncover and unpack in this episode. And then you know, again, this is only part one so make sure you're subscribed and that you get notifications because we'll be releasing Part Two next week, which is another great episode. Anyways, without further ado, let's go ahead and jump right into it. This week's sponsor is HypnotherapySites, a website design agency dedicated to hypnotherapists. Get 20% OFF a custom website for your []

27. Sept. 2021 - 1 h 2 min
episode EP21 - Bodhisattva Vow - Will You Take It? - Part 2 artwork
EP21 - Bodhisattva Vow - Will You Take It? - Part 2

What's up, everyone? Welcome back to the podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in again this week, we are picking up with part two of our little series here on the Bodhisattva vow, okay, and are you a bodhisattva? Right? Do you take on this vow to heal all beings in this planet and in this reality that we call life. You know, if you're interested in hypnotherapy, if you are a healer or a coach, then you are taking part in this vow, you are spending your time on this planet, your life, to help heal others and to bring an end to the suffering that we all experience. And that's a beautiful thing. In this episode, we're going to continue with our previously recorded conscious community class. This is going to be really nice, because there's actually a couple of meditations in this one, Matthew is going to lead us through two meditations, the first one is really focused on the healing states of the Masters, it's a great visual, it's a great meditation, because it takes you through this visualisation of seeing your version of God, or whatever you decide is the creator. And understanding it from an internal level, really moving into it as it is you and you are it and then you come back down into Earth, and you bring that light and that love with you. I think you're really going to enjoy that meditation. And then the second meditation is really focused more on the deeper states of meditation. So really a nice episode we have for you today, definitely recommend that you sort of put everything else aside as you listen to this one. And really allow yourself to dive into these meditations, you know, fully and completely and just go with, go with the guided imagery and the meditation because as as you'll see the people that were going through this live in the class, they really enjoyed it, and I think you will, too. With all that being said, let's go ahead and jump into the episode. Remember, we are shifting our perception, here we are shifting into awakening and understanding that there is peace, there is love. We are that bringing it into this world right now, in the present moment, as this present moment is the only thing that matters, it's the only thing actually in existence, because the past doesn't actually exist. The future doesn't matter. Nobody knows the future. We need to act and respond with this present moment, bringing light and love to ourselves and to everyone around us taking on this vow of the Bodhisattva to end suffering for all sentient beings. I just honour you, and I appreciate you. I'm grateful for you doing this with your life and your time that you have here on the planet. Thank you so much for being you for being an amazing listener of this podcast. Let's go ahead and jump right into it. This week's sponsor is HypnotherapySites, a website design agency dedicated to hypnotherapists. Get 20% OFF a custom website for your []

20. Sept. 2021 - 53 min
episode EP20 - Bodhisattva Vow - Will You Take It? - Part 1 artwork
EP20 - Bodhisattva Vow - Will You Take It? - Part 1

Hey, what's up, everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. Thank you again for joining us this week. I hope you're having an amazing day. And definitely good start to the week here with this episode. First of all, we've made it to Episode 20, which is just incredible. Definitely, I'm super grateful to have you here and really quite proud that here we are at 20 episodes. And I really feel like this show just started not too long ago. But we're getting to a place now where we're starting to pump out these episodes on the regular, and we've got some systems in place. I hope you're enjoying this content. And you know, make sure you're subscribed because we're going to be producing a lot more episodes for you, as we continue to move forward. Today's show is going to be really, really interesting, we're actually diving into what's called the Bodhisattva vow. And this is something you know, in the world of spirituality, something that's very important, and really quite central to this idea of enlightenment and suffering, right? It's the human condition, you know, that we suffer from? What does it mean to be human? Right? That's what we explore in this podcast is the ideas that are deeper to the essence of humanity, and what it really means to be a human in this world. And why are we suffering? Why do we live a life where it seems like, everywhere we turn, there's suffering involved? Well, that's kind of what this Bodhisattva vow is all about. If you've ever heard of the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva vow, then you might know what I'm talking about. But if not, that's what we're going to be covering in this episode. So if you've ever asked the questions, you know, what is a Bodhisattva? Can I become a Bodhisattva? What is the vow of the Bodhisattva? You know, who is Buddha? Right? This is where this kind of started from is with Buddha himself. And, you know, if you want to learn more about the story of Buddha, that's what we're going to be talking about in this episode, as well as what is enlightenment? Really? What's the point of becoming enlightened? You know, again, there's suffering happening all around the world. So is it really a valid pursuit to you know, have enlightenment as a goal of yours personally? What does that actually mean? Right? Are we moving towards a spiritual awakening personally? So individually? And or are we moving towards an awakening collectively as a human race? Can we actually get there? And is it really even worth it? You know, who are we truly as individuals, and as humans collectively? I know, these are big questions. They're very profound. And they definitely can have different answers based on your perspective and your experiences. But that's really what we're going to be talking about today, or rather, what Matthew is going to be talking about today. Again, this is another past recording of a conscious community class, we're bringing this material to you refreshing it and sort of putting it front and centre again, so that you can consume this because the material here is just absolutely amazing. But you know, sometimes it's a little hard to consume, to sit down to a two-hour video. We wanted to make these into more bite sized episodes, keeping things at an hour or less, and leaving it in the audio form. That way, you can consume it passively. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this, you're going to learn a little bit more about Matthew and his background, you're going to learn a little bit more about the school in general. And then we're really going to start talking about this deep spiritual teaching of the Bodhisattva in its essence, and what is the vow of the Bodhisattva. Again, thank you for being here. I really hope you enjoy this one. Let's go ahead and jump right into it. This week's sponsor is HypnotherapySites, a website design agency dedicated to hypnotherapists. Get 20% OFF a custom website for your []

13. Sept. 2021 - 59 min
episode EP19 - What's the Difference Between Hypnosis and Meditation? - Part 2 artwork
EP19 - What's the Difference Between Hypnosis and Meditation? - Part 2

What's up, everyone? Welcome back to the podcast. Thank you so much for joining us. This is Episode 19. I can't believe it, I just thought about it right now we are almost at 20 episodes, which is just kind of crazy to think about. You know, not that long ago, we just started this show. So, almost 20 episodes in. I just want to say thank you so much, I really truly am grateful to have you here listening have you as a part of the community. I really hope that you're getting a lot of value from these shows and from these episodes. And you know, if you haven't done so already, make sure you subscribe to the podcast. That way you get notifications every time I release a new episode, I'm doing my best to put one out every single week for you. To just bring you some amazing content that we have, you know, Matthew Brownstein has been teaching for almost 20 years now, maybe even longer. He has basically poured his heart and soul and all of his knowledge into many different areas. So what we're doing with this show, is trying to condense that information and sort of bring it back to the light and bring it back front and centre to share it with you in this new format of an audio podcast. Again, I really hope you're enjoying the show, I hope you're getting a lot of value from it. So today's episode is a part two of our little series we're doing on meditation and hypnosis, and sort of diving into some of the differences, some of the similarities, and a little bit of the overlap between what is meditation? What is hypnosis? And are they the same? Are they different? What's going on here. If you haven't listened to part one, make sure you go back to last week's episode because it's really super informational and interesting. And you really kind of get an idea of the fundamentals of what makes hypnosis different from meditation. In today's episode, we continue on with this conversation. And really, what you're going to learn here is that I don't want to spoil it for you or anything. But really, the main difference here is that even in deep, deep meditation, you're not necessarily healing some of those inner issues that you have some of these deeper sand scars as they're called. This is kind of like sort of the main difference between meditation and hypnosis. Because in hypnosis, since we have a practitioner there and a facilitator there, you know, we can really help to heal our clients. If we're doing hypnosis on ourselves, we can really help to heal ourselves from those different things that we're dealing with, whether it's anxieties or fears, or you know, just trauma from our childhood, whatever it might be. With meditation, it's more just a state of bliss and a state of just deep, deep relaxation. At least that's how I understand it. And you know, Matthew is going to dive in and really explain this further. Make sure you're dialled in, you're taking notes. I really hope you enjoy this episode. Let's go ahead and jump right into it. This is part two of the difference between meditation and hypnosis. This week's sponsor is HypnotherapySites, a website design agency dedicated to hypnotherapists. Get 20% OFF a custom website for your practice: []

06. Sept. 2021 - 42 min
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