In VOGUE: The 1990s
Kostenloser Podcast

In VOGUE: The 1990s

Podcast von Vogue & Condé Nast

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From slip dresses with army boots to colorful tracksuits and minimal pantsuits, Vogue experts highlight the stories in fashion history that reflected this new era of connectivity. For the first time, trends rapidly spread across the globe, subcultures were adopted as mainstream, and mass marketing turned brand visionaries into celebrity designers. Nothing was off-limits, everything blended together, and fashion reflected this new normal.  We dive deep into narratives and context behind the paradoxical trends of grunge fashion, the rise of the supermodel, the renaissance of American lifestyle brands, and the first fashion-forward red carpets.  Find out why, even 30 years later, we just can’t let go of the 90’s. Presented by Anna Wintour and hosted by Hamish Bowles, this fashion podcast examines how the 90s sparked a cultural fusion that continues to shape our world today — and why no one is exempt from fashion. 

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episode -- artwork
03. Aug. 2020 - 1 min

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