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Podcast von megascorcher.com
This weekly call-in podcast discussing anything and everything. It airs weekly on our site Friday @ 9pm ET, 02:00 GMT. Tune in live on http://tv.megascorcher.net
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Alle Folgen
50 FolgenInsidious #49.5 - Unprepared & Lazy - 02.18.13
On this show, we decide to forge on ahead dispute our unpreparedness and laziness. Because of this we defaulted to our original "anything goes" format, enjoy!
21. Feb. 2013 - 1 h 9 min
Insidious #48 - No TV - 12.10.12
Christmas is approaching fast and you know what that means, it's time for TV to take a break! So that means not alot to discuss, we did touch upon Frequency though, plus TMNT, Person of Interest and more.
09. Jan. 2013 - 38 min
Insidious #49 - TV's Slowly Returning - 01.07.13
We talk about movies we watched during the holidays, the upcoming movies of 2013 and whatever TV is actually on at the moment.
09. Jan. 2013 - 1 h 19 min
Insidious #47 - Frequency - 12.03.12
We catch up on two week's worth of Revolution and The Walking Dead and due to American Thankgiving we only had 1 episode of TMNT and Person of Interest to go through. We also had a bunch of off-topic discussions about Arrested Development, Frequency and a bunch of stuff that somehow ties to Jim Caviezel.
04. Dez. 2012 - 54 min
Insidious #46 - Talk Worthy - 11.19.12
On this episode Wildmatt tried to improve his synopsis skills while talking about Walking Dead, Person of Interest, TMNT & alot of Revolution.
21. Nov. 2012 - 54 min
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