It's OK to fail
Podcast von Maria Gudelis
Failing might feel like shit, but it’s the necessary fertilizer to grow. Isn’t it funny to be able to say “I’m thankful for failing”? Failing is THE O...
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9 FolgenWelcome my friend, Maria Gudelis here, and I want tell you a story about one of my new clients who for the last year has not taken ANY action to create his dream business and how I’m coaching him now to turn that around and make that dream a reality...a grand opening of his new life! So listen in to hear about Mr. X so that it truly helps you when I reveal the 2 deep decision questions that create momentum and growth and 1 simple 10-minute exercise to pick a winning idea and go for it. I promise that when you put this into your life. Amazing things will happen to you. Like being able to: * Spread your wings and fly! * Wake up feeling like you are on FIRE to serve your clients every morning! * Pay off any credit card debt * Hire more team members in your business so you can be in your zone of genius. * PAY YOURSELF a worthy monthly dollar amount. * Stop guessing what you're going to do in your business and start taking ACTION. This episode is all about how to get over “beating ourselves up” about our decisions we make, or that ping pong mind drama that oftentimes throws us into self-doubt and confusion which is a dangerous path to “doing nothing” to light the f up your life, your business, and even your relationships. Let me tell you about Mr. X, he’s bought so many courses to the tune of over $10,000 in the last 2 years and yet he has not gotten out of the ‘watching the training” cycle at all. With zero results, zero actions and if you put that into the money equation I talked about in episode The first step is that he needs to make a decision, then implement it, then evaluate. You are going to fall in love with your decision with CEMENTED SUPER GLUE BELIEF! Here are the 2 questions I’ve asked him to do: 1. What do I already love about my decision? 2. How is this the right thing for right now? The beautiful thing here is that you are SELLING yourself on your own decision. And then, you evaluate how this is working, how does this feel. So in case you’re wondering what decision to make - here’s what I asked Mr. X to do: Write out 20 ideas about what you could do to make money as an entrepreneur right now. Pick one. Then do the 2 questions to cement your belief and start taking action! Psst... Want the most powerful “mindware” model for FREE? It helps you FIGURE out what you WANT and how to get it! You can download that at [] Love n light to you, Maria Gudelis
Welcome my friend, Maria Gudelis here, it was a vivid day I'll always remember when I walked in on crutches into a Las Vegas conference room. Everyone looked at me with that “what the heck is she doing here” and I kind of meekly went into the back row, found a chair and a second chair to put my leg up, because you see I just have had hip replacement surgery less than 6 weeks ago in India of all places. As I walked into this conference room I had this kernel of HOPE in my heart to learn something new. That's part of the whole Human Experience, isn't it? To learn something new? When I walked into that room, the two instructors at the front of the room looked at me and they were the only ones funny enough, that didn't look at me strangely as if “what is she doing here or why is she on crutches”, they just kind of went with the beginning of what they were teaching like nothing unusual had happened. This was my first-ever 3 Day Bootcamp that I had invested in to learn all about internet marketing and it was about 2005 if I recall, it could have been 2004, to be honest, but hey I'm dating myself now. What I want to talk about today on this podcast episode is three ways to amplify belief in your client and I'm going to come back to the story in a minute but first… This episode continues from the prior two episodes (episode 5 and episode 6) because it relates to what we’re talking about today. This is more of a marketing call this episode and about how you can increase your sales online and the prior two episodes I touched upon what I lovingly call the holy trinity of belief. In marketing terms where there are three key things, picture a triangle in front of you, the three things that you need to absolutely blast-off and rocket up your sales in your business where you're going to impact more people… 1. Belief in your offer. 2. Belief in YOU. 3. Belief in your client. Today is all about belief in your client. Think of yourself as being a GPS for your client to go from where they are now to where they want to go. Here are 3 ways to amplify belief in your client. Listen to the entire episode to find out what those 3 ways are! Psst... Want the most powerful “mindware” model for FREE? It helps you FIGURE out what you WANT and how to get it! You can download that at [] Love n light to you, Maria Gudelis
Sit down, get a piece of paper out and write out: “What kind of business do you want to create?” You have unlimited potential. In Episode 5 we talked about the holy trinity of belief and specifically the belief in your offer. Today we’re going to talk about belief in YOU. What do you want to create? We're in for a big massive mindset “blow your mind away” about continuation from Episode Five about the holy trinity of belief. I walked you through in the last episode about OMG, how one of my clients in just two weeks made over $61,000 of revenue with just under $2,000 of ad spend. Step by step to the conversions to the leads and most importantly to what some of the exercises I worked with her on her belief in her offer, because the 3 things are about believing in you, believing in your offer and believing that your clients or potential prospects can do it as well and have outstanding successful results with whatever your offer is. Let’s talk about YOU. Your power. Your power is in choosing selectively what you're going to do. Your power is using your mind and the belief in you to create, as if you had a blank canvas, to create that vision, and then you determine what the plan is or what the path is to get there. And that's really important because what I want to do is ask you: What do you want to create? Because if you don't spend the time really thinking about this. It's going to be hard to not fall prey to, because our brains are sneaky, to fall prey to a path your heart and mind don’t want to be on. You may suffer from shiny object syndrome and never steer your own ship of potential. Never unlock that TRUE brilliance of YOU. Never broadcast that brilliance to the world and impact others. I want YOU to unlock your brilliance! Listen in on this episode to start believing in you. Get 3 exercises or tools that will help you do this. Once you're done, go download my free tool that helps you FIGURE out what you WANT and how to get it! You can download that at [] Love n light to you! Maria
Ok friend wait until you hear about a HUGE aha moment I had this morning…my head is spinning about it. My client does a complete shift and what happens next will amaze you. The summation of the story is this: The one with the most experience doesn’t win. The one with the most belief wins. Which is an amazing quote I heard from Brooke Castillo of The Life School which some of you may know that in part of my own “upleveling” in the last 6 months, I’ve invested over 30 grand in a one-on-one coach and getting life coach certified, as after teaching over 25,000 people across the world about marketing and getting your business to a million-plus...I’ve found that, especially because of the pandemic, inner reflection helps you find your north star, your path. And one of mine is “brain management” because without that, you won’t truly be able to get what you want and be happy with it after you get it! So back to the story - one of my clients - just in the last 2 weeks - has brought in more revenue to her business than the last two months… And even though there were a lot of “shifts” I helped coach her on in regards to her marketing message and her sales funnel that helped, I’d like to really credit the big ‘money shift’ and success shift to the belief in herself, her offer and her clients. The holy marketing trinity or belief triad. Let me repeat the 3 key things: 1. Belief in your offer (or offers). 2. Belief in yourself. 3. Belief in your client’s or customer’s ability to get results with what you’re offering. Powerful. Get these 3 things at 110% magically produce profits and can craft the lifestyle you want. So in this episode, I’m going to break down #1 of the belief trinity - belief in your offer. So last month my client converted some of her prospects into sales but I had a sneaky feeling we could do better. That we could work on her belief in her offer (because I knew it was darn good) but did she know that and realize that!? We often undervalue our own teachings/offers, believe it or not, and sometimes just need someone in your corner to remind you of how powerful you are and the thing you're offering is. The end result is that you should have so much belief in your offer that you feel like you're selling someone and giving someone a $100 bill for $50 dollars because when you have that strong belief, Magic Happens! Of course, it's easy and effortless to sell your offer and have people FEEL how confident you are by the energy you exude. This energy transforms into your clients happily buying from you and more importantly, believing in you and your offer! Stop for a minute and think about how much energy you would have - your energetic level right now if I give you 10 one hundred dollar bills and ask you to sell each one for $50. That’d be easy right because you know you're giving someone double what they're paying you in value so why wouldn't they buy from you! That’s the belief you need to get to in order to really start selling successfully and grow your business. Here are just two of the exercises I had her do to firm up her belief and I encourage you to try this: -Write out 10 reasons why they should buy your offer from you. -Read that out loud to yourself every day and heck, even 3 times a day. Just like my client did - she did this and read it out loud 2 to 3 times a day… Another exercise is to read out loud the testimonials you’ve received - this is SUPER powerful! Heck, I love reading testimonials I received from my coaching even from 10 years ago! Like this one from Anita Boyer: “My ability to quickly begin measuring success using Maria’s programs lies in her openness…” Wow and ‘incredible’ is how I describe my experience with Maria!! I must admit I was very fearful to begin approaching businesses with my offerings. But after just one personal coaching session with Maria, I took her suggestions, using them with two prospective clients, and I was floored when both said yes to allow my company to fulfill their marketing needs!” Just by doing those 2 things I know it will help you! And for my client in this example - it worked like CRAZY!. Earlier in this episode I promised a breakdown in the numbers...and please know she is not an expert at launches, she just started coaching with me less than 90 days ago and never even had a sales funnel before being coached by me… I say that because sometimes you might think ‘that person has something I don’t have’ and believe me - it is POSSIBLE for you - you just gotta believe and take action! Here’s the breakdown: $1946.77 January 20-25 2021 Total Leads: 774 Cost per lead to ad spend: $2.80 53.68 % opt-in rate (that means for every 100 visitors, 54 people opted into her lead magnet which was a free 5-day challenge) 6.2% of the people that opted in said YES to her $47 tripwire offer (the thing she was selling on her thanks page BEFORE she sells her signature course/coaching service at the end of 5 days. So that was $3,055 in initial sales which not only recuperated her ad spend investment but actually profited by over one thousand WHILE building her list! OK so here’s the summary of sales of her signature offer: 26 sales into her $197 coaching and course program. That’s $5,122 immediately and if you include the future payments for one year...are you ready… It’s a 1 year revenue is 26 clients x $197 x 12 months is $61,464 Holy guacamole can I get an “OMG that is off the charts incredible!!!!” Heck yeah! So listen up my friend, magic happens when you have belief in your offer! Stay tuned for the next 2 episodes where I’ll dive into the other 2 things of the belief trinity: Belief in yourself and belief in your customer to get the results you promise and give that belief in them that “they can do it” I hope I added value to your day by listening to this episode of It's OK to Fail podcast and here's what this podcast is all about: Failing might feel like shit, but it’s the necessary fertilizer to grow. It's OK to Fail podcast is about inspiring you and motivating you to grab that diamond essence that's inside of you and share it with the world. To fall in love with yourself. To fall in love with inspiring others. And it all starts with being okay to fail. You’ve got to fail in order to succeed. Now is the time to SAY YES to being fearless. It’s ok to fail! If you want to learn how to become FEARLESS, stand in your own POWER, and unapologetically follow your dream, Be sure to subscribe and tune in for new episodes! And one more simple favor to ask, if you liked this, please leave a review for me on iTunes and share this with a friend who would benefit - it helps me keep this podcast going and get the word out to others! Stay tuned for the next episode about the belief trinity and continuing with my clients’ story - I’ll share an exciting ‘thing’ she did that increased her sales by over 300%! Talk soon, Love n light to you!
Welcome my friend! How are you doing today!? In this episode, we’ll talk about 3 ways to get unstuck and I decided to talk about this because of a recent coaching session I just had with one of my clients that is ON FIRE with the growth of her business. Yet she was a bit stuck on something and here’s what happened. She all of a sudden was finding that when she hosted a 5-day challenge to build up her visibility and sales, not as many people were not joining her Facebook group. And...let me tell you what she did to get the join rate from 30% to over 50%...which is HUGE. In case this is the first time you’re tuning in… It's Ok to Fail podcast is about inspiring you and motivating you to grab that diamond essence that's inside of you and share it with the world. To fall in love with yourself. To fall in love with inspiring others. And it all starts with being okay to fail. You’ve got to fail in order to succeed. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy OK let’s get to the 3 ways to get UNSTUCK! 1. Evaluate yourself on performance to see how you created the result you created What worked What didn’t work What I will do differently 2. Make a micro goal of your BIG macro goal… We often try to run the marathon without breaking it down into simple small micro-goals that allow us to build up momentum and confidence. Let me give you an example, my client’s overall goal is to get to 200k this year in sales all by herself as a one-person team with some side contract VAs. Now to do that - what does she have to do each month, and so we took what is needed in January and then created micro-goals from there. One of them is simply doing a live video once a week to her Instagram and Facebook Page, and send an email out to her list to that video. That micro goal is now put into microtasks. One task is to identify the title of the video (as that’s the biggest hook to get one to watch or listen to it). The next microtask for that goal is the content - what 3 tips can she share. The next task is the call to action on that video - to identify it and use it. A final task is to just do it - go live! Does that make sense how we have 4 tasks now under 1 micro goal? The next micro goal now is to send an email out to her list that gives the link to her video. 3. Work your belief system - your thoughts do create your reality and the thing is we are never taught how to manage our brain in the school system… Every day I practice my thoughts. If we can just allocate even 10 minutes a day to work on your belief system…you’re golden because the one thing I know is this - 80 percent of your success is your thoughts and 20 percent is the strategy. So one of the most powerful things to help you get unstuck is a simple download I created for you called 5 Simple Steps to UNFUNK yourself. To get it - simply go to [] or if you’re in the USA text LEAP to 55444 and you can get it within minutes! It’s been a true pleasure serving you, wishing you love and light, Maria Gudelis Learn more at: []
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