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Joe and Greg Podcast
Podcast von Joe Gershonowitz
Joe and Greg dish about the latest season of MTV's "The Challenge"
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6 FolgenEpisode 3: The Challenge Recap - Bad Blood
Joe and Greg discuss crickets, cockroaches, and snakes oh my! Cara Maria and Thomas play rock paper scissors, Brianna vs. Jenna, who's watching The Challenge, Cohutta's secret stash, and picking new teams.
14. Dez. 2015 - 48 min
Episode 3: The Challenge Recap - Bad Blood
itunes pic [https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/a8/23/f2/jgershonowitz54469/1400x1400_11076716.jpg]
Joe and Greg discuss crickets, cockroaches, and snakes oh my! Cara Maria and Thomas play rock paper scissors, Brianna vs. Jenna, who's watching The Challenge, Cohutta's secret stash, and picking new teams.
14. Dez. 2015 - 48 min
Episode 2: The Challenge Recap - There Will Be Blood
Joe and Greg recap an eventful premiere episode. Topics include: The trial and tribulations of Tony, game strategy and showing your hand too early, hook-ups and.........cold cuts!?
08. Dez. 2015 - 49 min
Episode 2: The Challenge Recap - There Will Be Blood
itunes pic [https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/a8/23/f2/jgershonowitz54469/1400x1400_11076716.jpg]
Joe and Greg recap an eventful premiere episode. Topics include: The trial and tribulations of Tony, game strategy and showing your hand too early, hook-ups and.........cold cuts!?
08. Dez. 2015 - 49 min
Episode 1: The Challenge Preview - Battle of the Bloodlines
itunes pic [https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/a8/23/f2/jgershonowitz54469/1400x1400_11076716.jpg]
Joe and Greg preview the newest season of MTV's "The Challenge"
03. Dez. 2015 - 1 h 11 min
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