Kingdom Moments
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Kingdom Moments

Podcast von Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino

Need a moment? Breathe...and pause for Kingdom Moments, a limited series featuring the best devotional readings and excerpts from writings written and ready by apostle, author, and podcaster Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino. Take a few minutes, sit back, and focus to let these Kingdom words fill you with hope as you take time to be encouraged by this spiritual pause. Selah. Support this podcast: 

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105 Folgen
episode Divine Contradictions artwork
Divine Contradictions
Is the Bible full of contradictions, or is God trying to teach us something about life, living, and the spiritual nature of it all? Day 91 from the book, "Seeds for the Season: 91 Days of Breakthrough" by Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino (Righteous Pen Publications,  2018) Copies can be found here: [] --- Support this podcast: []
30. März 2023 - 6 min
episode Prophetic Cycles artwork
Prophetic Cycles
Time, as is understood prophetically, is cyclical rather than linear. How does this relate to our spiritual lives? Excerpt from chapter 11, "The Work of Prophecy" from the book, Manifestations of the Spirit: The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in Your Life by Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino (Righteous Pen Publications, 2020) Copies can be found here: [] --- Support this podcast: []
28. März 2023 - 7 min
episode Why do You do What You do? artwork
Why do You do What You do?
Motives matter. What are yours? Excerpt from the book, "Created for Love: An Evolution of Love in the Bible (and What it Means for Us)" by Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino (Remnant Words, 2019) Copies can be found here: [] --- Support this podcast: []
23. März 2023 - 8 min
episode Weddings in Bible Times artwork
Weddings in Bible Times
Weddings in Bible times were very different from the way we perceive and hold weddings today. What were they like? Excerpt from Week 8: Keeping God in Your Wedding from The Wedding Workbook: Your Four-Month Guide to the Marriage of Your Dreams by Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino (Righteous Pen Publications, 2015). Copies can be found here: [] --- Support this podcast: []
21. März 2023 - 7 min
episode Commentary on Joel 2:28-32 artwork
Commentary on Joel 2:28-32
What does sacrifice have to do with Pentecost, and how is it relevant to us that seek God's outpouring today? Excerpt from chapter 2, Standing in the In Between (Joel Chapter 2) from the book, "Between the Porch and the Altar: A Journey Through the Book of Joel" by Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino (Righteous Pen Publications, 2017) Copies can be found here: [] --- Support this podcast: []
09. März 2023 - 6 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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