King’s Cross Church | For Christ & For Charlotte

King’s Cross Church | For Christ & For Charlotte

Podcast von King’s Cross Church

As an active and growing church, we are Reformed in our theology, and passionate about evangelism, outreach, and congregational care. We value the Wes...

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41 Folgen
episode Differently As One in Christ artwork
Differently As One in Christ

How do you give your gifts to the body of Christ? Pastor Nathan Frazier reviews 1 Corinthians 12:12-34 and how we can be active members who contribute to the church instead of passive members who consume the church.

11. Apr. 2021 - 40 min
episode His Gifting For Unity artwork
His Gifting For Unity

1 Corinthians 12:1-11 | In this sermon Pastor Nathan Frazier discusses the topic of spiritual gifts and how you can  identify and use your spiritual gifts to bless others. The Lord gifts us to gift others. God has also gifted us to build His church. Pastor Frazier encourages us to reflect on how we can, in our consumer culture, give back to others and the church by using our gifts instead of viewing others and the church as something meant to serve us. Spiritual maturity drives us to service. Are you being stingy with the gifts you’ve been given? Think about the people you encounter in your everyday life and ask yourself, “How can I invest in them?” and “How can I gift and bless others? Other verses mentioned: Ephesians 2 & Ephesians 4 Pastor: Nathan Frazier, PhD | King’s Cross Church | For Christ & For Charlotte Join us for worship in-person or online Sundays at 11:00AM. King's Cross Church 3639 Craig Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28211 [] [] Follow us @kingscrosscharlotte []

28. März 2021 - 48 min
episode Fix Your Hair: Scandal and Honor in the Worshipping Church - Part 1 artwork
Fix Your Hair: Scandal and Honor in the Worshipping Church - Part 1

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 | Pastor: Nathan Frazier, PhD | King’s Cross Church | For Christ & For Charlotte Join us for worship in-person or online Sundays at 11:00AM. King's Cross Church 3639 Craig Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28211 [] Follow us @kingscrosscharlotte

14. März 2021 - 40 min
episode A Tale of Two Sons artwork
A Tale of Two Sons

Guest pastor, John Lehner, looks at Matthew 21: 23-32, the connection between Jesus’s ministry and John’s ministry, the authorities of Jesus questioned, and the parable of the two sons asked to go into the vineyard by their father. This text is an invitation for us to consider, which son am I? Regardless of your age, family history, your past, the invitation is to come to Him in repentance and to reach out to Him in faith. There is no sin too great that cannot be forgiven. Reminders for our lives: 1. Our Father has a tremendously large heart for repentance and forgiveness. 2. God is not stingy. He does not begrudgingly forgive sinners. He rejoices in it. 3. God is more willing and ready to receive you and me right now than we are to repent. 4. There is more grace in Jesus than there is sin in you. Come to Him with child-like faith. Additional scriptures referenced: Ezekiel 18: 20 and Luke 15:7 King’s Cross Church | For Christ & For Charlotte [] Follow us on Instagram @kingscrosscharlotte

08. März 2021 - 31 min
episode God is not Quarantined artwork
God is not Quarantined

Preacher : Rev. Josh Grimm [] Passage: Psalm 115:3 [] & 1 Corinthians 12:4-14 []

22. März 2020 - 22 min
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