Liberty Lessons for Kids
Podcast von Liberty Lessons for Kids
Podcast by Liberty Lessons for Kids
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Alle Folgen
27 FolgenIf you continue follow the rules you learned on the playground when you are an adult, you will live a peaceful and prosperous life.
Is reciting the Pledge of Allegiance daily at the beginning of the school day part of a good education or part of a good indoctrination?
A man named Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.” While it is a truth that everything the government has it has stolen, it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that "everything" it says is a lie. But it does lie an awful lot, and one lie stands above all the rest. When the government tell the lie that "we the people are the government," it convinces people that they need the government and that the government has our best interest at heart.
The government gave itself the power to create money, making them the only people to find the mythical money tree.
American's love their presidents, especially Abe Lincoln and George Washington, but are these men really worthy of honor and respect?
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