The M Powerment Podcast
Podcast von Harry King Holmes III
This podcast is for WOMEN coaches, trainers, consultants, speakers, and executives that need to lose 20-50 lbs of unwanted weight for good AND 2-3X sa...
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Personal Trainers and Fitness Coaches! The burn out is real! If you are training clients for 5-8 hours 5-7 days throughout the week and you are NOT making $10k-$20k/months or NOT consistently enrolling high paying online clients every month. YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS VIDEO! In this video, I breakdown why it is important to have an online offer that enrolls new clients every month and how to properly transition your business from in person training to Hybrid to 100% online coaching. This is also for fitness professionals that are burned out from training clients 1:1 via Zoom. There's no big difference between what you do and personal trainer at a gym. Your laptop can burn you out as well. No worries. The recession will effect your ability to be able to do this right now in this economy. I explain why this is possible in this video training. Looking to get started online? Launch and build an effective online fitness offer that will attract 5+ high ticket clients every month with our FREE COURSE! Click the link below👇🏽: https://fitnessempireaccel.com Are you burned out from 1:1 training and you're ready for me and my team to install our High Ticket Lead Generation System into your fitness business so you can transition online and start enrolling 5-10 high paying clients on autopilot? Click the link below to schedule a demo call. I will throw in complimentary fitness business audit as well: https://calendly.com/harrykingholmes/auditdemo Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harrykingholmes/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iAmKingGlobal Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@harrykingholmes If you enjoyed this video and want to be kept up to date on future posts, please click the like and subscribe buttons, as well as the notification bell.

In this episode, we are talking to Personal Trainers that are burned out from 1:1 training in person or via Zoom and looking to transition to an online high ticket coaching model without 1:1 training in the gym or via Zoom. This is a must watch! There are 3 components you want to focus on in order to make the proper transition online, outgrow your in person clientele, and scale to multi 6 figures online without burn out. 1. TIME 2. MONEY 3. CLIENT SUCCESS In this video, I will break down why time is so important and how it has plateaued your growth so far. Also, how to start leveraging your time that will result in more income and more impact. And of course, everyone’s favorite topic… “MONEY”. How to change your relationship with it and how to start leveraging cash flow and capital. Last but not least, CLIENT RESULTS. How to deliver a higher level of client success in your online coaching program and why TIME and MONEY plays a huge role in how you operate when it comes to client delivery. Looking to get started online? Launch and build an effective online fitness offer that will attract 5+ high ticket clients every month with our FREE COURSE! Click the link below👇🏽: https://fitnessempireaccel.com Are you burned out from 1:1 training and you're ready for me and my team to install our High Ticket Lead Generation System into your fitness business so you can transition online and start enrolling 5-10 high paying clients on autopilot? Click the link below to schedule a demo call. I will throw in complimentary fitness business audit as well: https://calendly.com/harrykingholmes/auditdemo Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harrykingholmes/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iAmKingGlobal Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@harrykingholmes If you enjoyed this video and want to be kept up to date on future posts, please click the like and subscribe buttons, as well as the notification bell.

In this episode, Harry explains what an effective and simple marketing strategy for online fitness professionals should look like and why. He outlines the importance of driving traffic to your high ticket offer, nurturing leads so that they know, like, and trust you, and converting leads into high ticket fitness clients. There are 3 stages that a customer should go through that will allow them to: Become AWARE of who you are, who you help, and the problem you solve for them. CONSIDER working with you in your online high ticket fitness coaching program. Help them make a decision to increase your CONVERSIONS. By doing so, you will be able to consistently repeat this strategy every single month to enroll high ticket clients with a reliable system that works. Looking to get started online? Launch and build an effective online fitness offer that will attract 5+ high ticket clients every month with our FREE COURSE! Click the link below👇🏽: https://fitnessempireaccel.com Are you burned out from 1:1 training and you're ready for me and my team to install our High Ticket Lead Generation System into your fitness business so you can transition online and start enrolling 5-10 high paying clients on autopilot? Click the link below to schedule a demo call. I will throw in complimentary fitness business audit as well: https://calendly.com/harrykingholmes/auditdemo Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harrykingholmes/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iAmKingGlobal Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@harrykingholmes If you enjoyed this video and want to be kept up to date on future posts, please click the like and subscribe buttons, as well as the notification bell.

In this episode, Harry explains how to attract high paying online fitness clients in three steps. He outlines the importance of identifying a niche that combines who you love to serve and who you are good at serving, as well as creating a reliable source for both warm and cold traffic by creating a valuable lead magnet. Also, learn how to create an effective lead magnet and drive traffic to it in order to attract prospects who have the problem that your business solves. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding your niche market, creating valuable content and building a community where prospects can consume content without having to fight against the algorithm. By doing so, you will be able to attract leads who are serious about their health and fitness but also need guidance and coaching in order to reach their goals. Looking to get started online? Launch and build an effective online fitness offer that will attract 5+ high ticket clients every month with our FREE COURSE! Click the link below👇🏽: https://fitnessempireaccel.com Are you ready for me and my team to install our High Ticket Lead Generation System into your fitness business so you can stall enrolling 5-10 high paying online clients on autopilot? Click the link below to schedule a demo call. I will throw in complimentary fitness business audit as well: https://calendly.com/harrykingholmes/auditdemo Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harrykingholmes/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iAmKingGlobal Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@harrykingholmes If you enjoyed this video and want to be kept up to date on future posts, please click the like and subscribe buttons, as well as the notification bell. _________ Speaker 0 00:00:00 Welcome to the Empower Your Fitness Empire podcast. I am your host, Harry King Holmes, and it is my mission to help fitness professionals change their mindset, complete their mission, and monetize their expertise on social media. Now, without further ado, Speaker 1 00:00:17 Let's get into it. At Track high paying online fitness clients in three steps. The first step is very, very important. If you get the first step wrong, right? Step two and step three ain't going to work. These are things that I'm doing currently with my clients right now. So your niche and your offer a big problem that like your ideal customer, they have been aware of this problem for years. The things that I see working really well right now, weight loss. Weight loss works really, really well. Big problem prospects are overweight. They probably been overweight for a very long time, and they know that they're overweight, right? Maybe they tried to do some things before it hasn't worked. Maybe they lost it, put it right back on. But you don't have to convince them that they have a problem. They already know that they have a problem. Speaker 1 00:01:09 All right? Another thing that works really well is autoimmune diseases. If they have autoimmune disease, they probably had 'em for a while, right? If I have clients that have autoimmune diseases and they help people with autoimmune diseases, right? So one of the qualifications is how long has this person had this problem, right? And as long as they had the problem for a long time and they're aware of it, that's gonna get you somebody that will pay you a high amount of money in order to fix the problem that you solve for them. Another thing that I see works really, really well in today's market, I have clients that are over 40, and they help other women that are over 40 as well. And if you're somebody that's just like your ideal client or you used to be right, and you've helped other people just like them, you can put a message out on social media and it'll connect directly to them and disqualify everybody else. Speaker 1 00:01:56 Identifying your niche should be a middle ground of who you want to serve and who you are really good at serving. I'm gonna say that again. Identifying your niche should be a combination of the people that you love to serve and the people that you're really fucking good at serving. Look at your data, all right? And look at the people that do really good in your program. If that's you training them in person, if that's you coaching 'em online, or combination of both your entire fitness career, look at the people, the problem that you solve the best. For example, I have a client, I've been working with him for a few months, and he was, uh, helping busy professionals, right? He was doing okay. Client here and there doing okay, right? And as I've been coaching him, he finally decided to make the decision to niche down to busy professional women. Speaker 1 00:02:45 When you talking to men and women, the message is completely different, completely different. Once he made that shift, right? And he, you know, started doing the other two steps I'm gonna tell you guys about, right? He onboarded four ladies in one week. So this is why it's very, very important to make sure that your niche right is clear, and also it matches an offer that your niche wants. So when you create this irresistible offer and someone in your niche market sees what you offer, they like, I have to have that. That's what I want. That's what's gonna get me to where I wanna be. Let's go. Let me get some more information in and possibly move forward. Now we're gonna talk about step two. Step two, traffic traffic is very, very important because you need a reliable source that will attract warm traffic and cold traffic. Speaker 1 00:03:32 So warm traffic will be people that already know you, and they already are in your niche market and they want what you offer. And they have the problem that you saw. If your niches are helping busy, busy moms get rid of their first 20 pounds and keep it off for good. Your warm traffic are busy. Moms that already know you, maybe they went to school with you, maybe they from your local area, maybe they know you from work. Maybe they've inquired about your services before, or maybe they've been following you for some time. These are all the busy moms that are in your warm traffic. So you need a reliable source that is going to consistently get your offer right in front of these ladies, these busy moms, to bring them inside of your ecosystem. That's really good. But you don't want to just have that because you will exhaust that list. Speaker 1 00:04:16 You need a reliable source to drive traffic for warm traffic, but also for cold traffic. Cold traffic are just these busy moms that have the problem that you solve, but they just don't know who you are. They just don't know who you are yet. All right? So we need a reliable way to get who you are, what you do in front of those busy moms every single day. The best way to do that is by creating what we call lead magnet. You call it whatever the hell you want. I like to call 'em assets, right? Because we'll be using it the correct way. So when we have an asset, when we create not just a lead magnet, but an asset, right? An asset is what valuable. A lead magnet can be something that you just created on, on camera, fucking cookbook or whatever the hell you want to give away. Speaker 1 00:05:02 The league magnet that we're using as an asset has to be valuable to who? The people that are in your niche market. And it has to match the offer that you provide, the irresistible offer that you have for your high ticket offer. The league magnet that we create has to lead them to this thing right here. And it has to be valuable when you're running traffic, if it's organically or for paid traffic, whatever it is, right? When they see it, they like, oh, I need that. That creates a lead, which means that they're gonna give you their name, they email their phone number, because that means that, hey, I have the problem and you're solving with this lead magnet, and I wanna get a little bit more information. One, I wanna get the lead magnet, right? But when they ask for the lead magnet that lets you know that, hey, you have this problem. Speaker 1 00:05:45 So if the lead magnet is a weight loss ebook, that'll help someone lose their first two to three pounds in one week. So they have the problem that you solve. You don't have to worry about not getting people to inquire about your service every single day. That's what you need. You gotta have traffic. You gotta have traffic. You got really good engagement. You can take advantage of organic, put out more content, have conversations, get people inside your ecosystem, get 'em on your calendar. If you don't got really good engagement, have a conversations in dms, call outreach, doing it the right way. Or if that don't work, pay traffic or a combination of all three. Each business is different, but you just need to make sure that you have a reliable source on how to drive traffic to your niche market. So what's not working? Creating a lead magnet that you just want to give to somebody, but you don't know that your niche market actually wants it. Speaker 1 00:06:35 Like for example, it access to my free cookbook. What is the cookbook going to do? What does your audience want from you? So creating just league magnets and random stuff that you have no data on, or it's not gonna get you any leads or thinking that the only problem that you have is I need new people. I have the wrong audience. Like I will say about 90% of the time, it has nothing to do with the audience. Most of the time the offer is wrong and there's no good strategy. That's what it is most of the time. Or following tri on social media, that will probably get you traffic, but get you the wrong traffic. If you help busy moms, and then you just get a bunch of men following you, sliding in your dms trying to get at you, or you get a bunch of teenagers following you because they saw a funny reel that you posted, and they just there for entertainment and laughter, that's not benefiting your business, right? Speaker 1 00:07:23 So following trends is okay, if you do it right, if you have the right strategy, but you have to post valuable content speaking to your ideal customer, that's gonna be the best thing to do versus following trends, and you have no strategy behind it. So that's step two. Step three is community content consumption. This is why this is important, all right? It allows prospects to see the value that you provide consistently without having to fight against the algorithm. We want to get these leads into some type of community where when you post a piece of content, it goes directly to them. They get a notification, right? Or there's a way where you can tag them. We'll easily get them access to your content because here's what you want them to do. And one thing I hear a lot is I need more clients that are serious about their health and fitness. Speaker 1 00:08:13 Listen, if they was as serious about their health and fitness as you want them to be, they wouldn't need you. There will be bodybuilders, there will be gym rats, like how we are, right? They wouldn't need us, right? So it's not saying that they're not serious, they just need guidance. They just need guidance. Little bit more information, right? And some coaching. That's what they need. Cuz the last thing you want to do is advertise to a bunch of gym rats that already going to the gym and eating healthy and they don't need your help because they're already doing it consistently cuz they live the lifestyle. You want to get people that have the problem, right? They're aware of it, and then you help them live the healthy lifestyle. That's what you want, okay? So when you get them inside of a community, we got cold traffic and we got warm traffic, they all fit the same avatar. Speaker 1 00:08:59 Just some of 'em know you, some of 'em don't. Imagine what will happen when you bring them together, right? Imagine what will happen when you bring them together. They, they share the same type of the, they're the same type of people, right? They have the same problem and they're being led by you. They're gonna start meeting people inside of your community. They're gonna start holding each other accountable. And now you have what? An engaged community, right? So anytime you put a piece of content out, they can easily access it and now they can binge watch the content and the people that were cold traffic can be become warm traffic and na, how hope is easier to go in and convert them into clients. What we do for all of our clients, we have them funnel all of their prospects into a Facebook group or a text community, whatever asset that they have. Speaker 1 00:09:46 Some of them come to me already and they have Facebook groups and they ain't been using them for years. Cool. We start using it, we started driving traffic to it, and they start here rolling clients or some of 'em come to us. I have a client, she has a text community. So she funnels all of her prospects inside of the text community. And when she posts content, she sends that content right directly to the text community. So they get a notification and they can actually consume the content. She has one for clients and one just for leads and prospects. So every single week, okay? She is able to allow these leads to binge her content. So when she makes the ask, they have enough information in order to make a decision when she's charging 'em $1,500 on that, on their sales call. When it comes to a community, people make decisions differently when they're on Instagram and they on Facebook, go to your Instagram news feed and just scroll and then stop. Speaker 1 00:10:37 Go to your Facebook news feed and scroll. You're gonna see two completely different things. The content that you consume, right? And how people show up on both platforms is completely different. People a lot vulnerable, right? On Facebook because they are friends with people on Facebook that they feel a lot more comfortable speaking about different things on Facebook compared to Instagram. Instagram's a show, everybody got it going on, everybody Rich, right? Everybody in shave it. Everybody got shit going on that got got shit going on on Instagram. But when you jump on on Facebook, right, your news feed is going to look completely different because people act differently on both platforms. Instagram's a really good traffic source, right? But get them inside your Facebook community. So when you having a conversation with them in Facebook Messenger, that's the best platform for them to be able to make a decision for their health and fitness is right there in Facebook messenger compared to Instagram dm. Speaker 1 00:11:31 I'm not saying don't slide their Instagram dms. Definitely you want to bring them into your world, all right? , get them for Instagram and get them in this, in this community right here, if that's a text community or Facebook don't matter. And the power with that is you can push one button and everybody in that community gets a notification that you just post a content versus you gotta rely on the algorithm, right? As far as your Instagram news feed, TikTok news feed, Facebook news feed, right? Get them in the community. So every, so anytime you post something, they can get the content and consume it. So let's recap. All right? Try high paying clients in three steps. All right? First step, you look, you gotta get this right, you have to get this right, guys. The niche and the offer that has to be right. Speaker 1 00:12:13 All right? Once we got the niche and the offer, correct? Now we want to create a valuable lead magnet that's going to play the role as an asset, right? That's gonna be able to drive traffic to your business, right? Warm traffic and cold traffic. People that know you that have the problem that you solve, right? And people that don't know you and have the problem that you solve. And the goal is to make the cold traffic just like the people that are in your warm traffic. All right? And then what we want to do is after we give them access to that valuable asset, which is a lead magnet, we wanna funnel them into a community so that they can have community content consumption. They have enough information to go ahead and get on your calendar so that you can close 'em into your high ticket off.

In this first episode of my podcast, I interview my client DEANGELO about how he made $10,000 in his first 30 days online. Deangelo Rhodes of TRU Fitness is a personal trainer turned online Fitness & Nutrition Coach who has used the strategies and framework from working with Harry King Holmes to make a significant income online. In this episode, we discuss the techniques he used to success and the strategies he followed to grow his fitness business. If you're looking to increase your income online as a fitness professional, this is an episode you don't want to miss! Tune in and learn from one of the most successful online fitness entrepreneurs out there! So if you are interested, I would highly suggest you schedule your FREE Fitness Business Audit call with me and my team RIGHT NOW so you can start scaling your business online. Click the link below👇🏽: https://coachkingorientation.as.me/assessmentcall https://coachkingorientation.as.me/assessmentcall https://coachkingorientation.as.me/assessmentcall Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harrykingholmes/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iAmKingGlobal If you enjoyed this video and want to be kept up to date on future posts, please click the like and subscribe buttons, as well as the notification bell.
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