Messiah Full Gospel
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Messiah Full Gospel

Podcast von Messiah Full Gospel

Messiah Full Gospel Bible Fellowship Church 

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19 Folgen
episode Shelter-In-Place - How to Praise - [S1/E11] - Part 2 artwork
Shelter-In-Place - How to Praise - [S1/E11] - Part 2
Welcome to Messiah Full Gospel Hello family, Please, remember that what we are teaching has a purposeful flow to those who stay with it. Amen!!! At Messiah, we have a central message. God loves you! God wants you to be a success! All of our teachings, studies, and conversations are rooted in that one single principle That's why we don't teach religion. Jesus never taught religion. Jesus taught the Kingdom and its righteousness We believe that a relationship with the Word of God will open your heart to the potential of God's Glory within you!. Our aim is to create a loving and spirit-filled experience that embraces all God's children. Messiah is a Bible-teaching fellowship,  whose priority is the Kingdom of God.  We are a people-building ministry,  whose vision is for the restoration of family, community, and the world. Our prayer is that your visit here will be a life-changing experience.  We want you to have a "Hallelujah" good time and experience the goodness of God for yourself! We are here to serve you! Messiah is dedicated to serving each other and the community. We are here to love and serve no strings attached! Our church is full of people who serve with a focused enthusiasm that comes from a passion to see people's lives changed! Here at Messiah, we are not spectators, we are actively sharing God's love with each other and all those we come in contact with. God has uniquely made you for a purpose and a destiny. We find our destinies as we step out of our comfort zone and serve. We'd love to have you as a   member of our team. Come partner with us as we transform lives in our community, the nation,  and the world! We're looking for people who want to partner with us to make a difference. Thank you! The MFG Family :) May God Bless You Plenty Today, Tomorrow, and Always.  Amen, Amen, and Amen. !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Our Website Info: Home: [] Support: [] Contact Info: Office Phone#: +1 (323) 750.1359 Donations, Tithes, and Offerings: []
19. Okt. 2020 - 36 min
episode Shelter-In-Place - How to Praise - [S1/E10] artwork
Shelter-In-Place - How to Praise - [S1/E10]
Welcome to Messiah Full Gospel Hello family, Please, remember that what we are teaching has a purposeful flow to those who stay with it. Amen!!! At Messiah, we have a central message. God loves you! God wants you to be a success! All of our teachings, studies, and conversations are rooted in that one single principle That's why we don't teach religion. Jesus never taught religion. Jesus taught the Kingdom and its righteousness We believe that a relationship with the Word of God will open your heart to the potential of God's Glory within you!. Our aim is to create a loving and spirit-filled experience that embraces all God's children. Messiah is a Bible-teaching fellowship,  whose priority is the Kingdom of God.  We are a people-building ministry,  whose vision is for the restoration of family, community, and the world. Our prayer is that your visit here will be a life-changing experience.  We want you to have a "Hallelujah" good time and experience the goodness of God for yourself! We are here to serve you! Messiah is dedicated to serving each other and the community. We are here to love and serve no strings attached! Our church is full of people who serve with a focused enthusiasm that comes from a passion to see people's lives changed! Here at Messiah, we are not spectators, we are actively sharing God's love with each other and all those we come in contact with. God has uniquely made you for a purpose and a destiny. We find our destinies as we step out of our comfort zone and serve. We'd love to have you as a   member of our team. Come partner with us as we transform lives in our community, the nation,  and the world! We're looking for people who want to partner with us to make a difference. Thank you! The MFG Family :) May God Bless You Plenty Today, Tomorrow, and Always.  Amen, Amen, and Amen. !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Our Website Info: Home: [] Support: [] Contact Info: Office Phone#: +1 (323) 750.1359 Donations, Tithes, and Offerings: []
19. Okt. 2020 - 36 min
episode Shelter-In-Place - Glory - The Work of The Fruit - [S1/E9] - Part 1 artwork
Shelter-In-Place - Glory - The Work of The Fruit - [S1/E9] - Part 1
Welcome to Messiah Full Gospel Hello family, Please, remember that what we are teaching has a purposeful flow to those who stay with it. Amen!!! At Messiah, we have a central message. God loves you! God wants you to be a success! All of our teachings, studies, and conversations are rooted in that one single principle That's why we don't teach religion. Jesus never taught religion. Jesus taught the Kingdom and its righteousness We believe that a relationship with the Word of God will open your heart to the potential of God's Glory within you!. Our aim is to create a loving and spirit-filled experience that embraces all God's children. Messiah is a Bible-teaching fellowship,  whose priority is the Kingdom of God.  We are a people-building ministry,  whose vision is for the restoration of family, community, and the world. Our prayer is that your visit here will be a life-changing experience.  We want you to have a "Hallelujah" good time and experience the goodness of God for yourself! We are here to serve you! Messiah is dedicated to serving each other and the community. We are here to love and serve no strings attached! Our church is full of people who serve with a focused enthusiasm that comes from a passion to see people's lives changed! Here at Messiah, we are not spectators, we are actively sharing God's love with each other and all those we come in contact with. God has uniquely made you for a purpose and a destiny. We find our destinies as we step out of our comfort zone and serve. We'd love to have you as a   member of our team. Come partner with us as we transform lives in our community, the nation,  and the world! We're looking for people who want to partner with us to make a difference. Thank you! The MFG Family :) May God Bless You Plenty Today, Tomorrow, and Always.  Amen, Amen, and Amen. !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Our Website Info: Home: [] Support: [] Contact Info: Office Phone#: +1 (323) 750.1359 Donations, Tithes, and Offerings: []
19. Okt. 2020 - 30 min
episode Shelter-In-Place - Glory - Recreating Eden - [SE01 EP08] - Part 3 artwork
Shelter-In-Place - Glory - Recreating Eden - [SE01 EP08] - Part 3
Welcome to Messiah Full Gospel Hello family, Please, remember that what we are teaching has a purposeful flow to those who stay with it. Amen!!! At Messiah, we have a central message. God loves you! God wants you to be a success! All of our teachings, studies, and conversations are rooted in that one single principle That's why we don't teach religion. Jesus never taught religion. Jesus taught the Kingdom and its righteousness We believe that a relationship with the Word of God will open your heart to the potential of God's Glory within you!. Our aim is to create a loving and spirit-filled experience that embraces all God's children. Messiah is a Bible-teaching fellowship,   whose priority is the Kingdom of God.  We are a people-building ministry,  whose vision is for the restoration of family, community, and the world. Our prayer is that your visit here will be a life-changing experience.  We want you to have a "Hallelujah" good time and experience the goodness of God for yourself! We are here to serve you! Messiah is dedicated to serving each other and the community. We are  here to love and serve no strings attached! Our church is full of people  who serve with a focused enthusiasm that comes from a passion to see people's lives changed! Here at Messiah, we are not spectators, we are actively sharing God's love with each other and all those we come in contact with. God has uniquely made you for a purpose and a destiny. We find our destinies as we step out of our comfort zone and serve. We'd love to have you as a    member of our team. Come partner with us as we transform lives in our community, the nation,  and the world! We're looking for people who want to partner with us to make a difference. Thank you! The MFG Family :) May God Bless You Plenty Today, Tomorrow, and Always.  Amen, Amen, and Amen. !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Our Website Info: Home: [] Support: [] Contact Info: Office Phone#: +1 (323) 750.1359 Donations, Tithes, and Offerings: []
19. Okt. 2020 - 30 min
episode "Shelter-In-Place" - "Glory - Recreating Eden" - [S1/E7] - Part 2 artwork
"Shelter-In-Place" - "Glory - Recreating Eden" - [S1/E7] - Part 2
Welcome to Messiah Full Gospel Hello family, Please, remember that what we are teaching has a purposeful flow to those who stay with it. Amen!!! At Messiah, we have a central message. God loves you! God wants you to be a success! All of our teachings, studies, and conversations are rooted in that one single principle That's why we don't teach religion. Jesus never taught religion. Jesus taught the Kingdom and its righteousness We believe that a relationship with the Word of God will open your heart to the potential of God's Glory within you!. Our aim is to create a loving and spirit-filled experience that embraces all God's children. Messiah is a Bible-teaching fellowship,  whose priority is the Kingdom of God.  We are a people-building ministry,  whose vision is for the restoration of family, community, and the world. Our prayer is that your visit here will be a life-changing experience.  We want you to have a "Hallelujah" good time and experience the goodness of God for yourself! We are here to serve you! Messiah is dedicated to serving each other and the community. We are here to love and serve no strings attached! Our church is full of people who serve with a focused enthusiasm that comes from a passion to see people's lives changed! Here at Messiah, we are not spectators, we are actively sharing God's love with each other and all those we come in contact with. God has uniquely made you for a purpose and a destiny. We find our destinies as we step out of our comfort zone and serve. We'd love to have you as a   member of our team. Come partner with us as we transform lives in our community, the nation,  and the world! We're looking for people who want to partner with us to make a difference. Thank you! The MFG Family :) May God Bless You Plenty Today, Tomorrow, and Always.  Amen, Amen, and Amen. !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Our Website Info: Home: [] Support: [] Contact Info: Office Phone#: +1 (323) 750.1359 Donations, Tithes, and Offerings: []
14. Sept. 2020 - 23 min
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