Never Went to Business School
Podcast von Same Same Studio
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Alle Folgen
55 FolgenWhy are some designers quick to criticize others' rates? We explore the root causes of this judgmental mindset, how it impacts the industry, and what can be done to foster a more supportive environment. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out, this conversation sheds light on the importance of valuing different pricing strategies and the need for mutual respect in the creative field.
There are so many bootcamps and most of them are super overpriced and don't even teach you what you really need in a real world frontend development job. We think they are a scam and there are better ways to become a frontend developer.
Starting a business for the first time is always going to be a lot of learning by doing, and we sure made some mistakes when started our design studio. In this episode we explore how we would go about starting a creative business today and how it would be different to what we did four years ago.
Our business course is almost ready for release and we can finally share more insights on what will be included in the course. Sign up to our newsletter for updates and for first access! Newsletter sign up []
As a business you always want to have liquidity and retainers are the best and fastest way to achieve that. It not only gives you peace of mind financially, but also builds a foundation for long-term partnerships. It removes the stress of having to take on every single project and client that comes your way.
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