On Middle Ground Podcast
Podcast von Adrianne Meldrum: Owner of Math for Middles
Feeling nervous about parenting tweens? Perhaps you’re right in the thick of raising a teen and looking for a little SERENITY NOW, we’ve got strategi...
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23 FolgenJoin me as we chat with Natalie, an educational therapist specializing in dyslexia. Natalie and I discuss what happens when a child with dyslexia hits middle school. Sometimes a child goes undiagnosed and then all the problems surface in middle school! We’ll dive into: How dyslexia can present itself in middle school What to do if suspect there’s an issue What support to seek Grab all the details and links inside of our show notes: mathformiddles.com/episode22
Joining me today is founder Leslie Joel of Order Out of Chaos, a planner and time management company. We'll discuss how Leslie developed her planner, how she teaches students to "see" time, how to use your time wisely, and what life skills she believes teens need to be working on right now. Head to our show notes to connect with Leslie and learn more about her planner and other courses for families and teens. mathformiddles.com/episode21
Adrienne Hedger is a mother of two teens and a cartoonist. She manages to find the humor in clothing choices, morning routine drama and giving your dog more love than your own kids. Tune in to listen to how Adrienne finds her inspiration for her weekly cartoons and how she taps into this during moments of pure frustration. Her middle school moment is one not to miss! She shares her secret to getting all the boys in school and you guessed it...it's hilarious. Be sure to head over to the show notes to view actual pictures of Adrienne's middle school moment and take time to sign up for her weekly email. It's the highlight of the week! mathformiddles.com/episode20
For as long as Meg can remember, she hated math. It all began in first grade when she noticed her peers were getting answers faster than she was and so began the anxiety cycle that caused her to skip lunch and ultimately make her want to go home. Meg was a mystery to her teachers. She didn't qualify for special ed services and it wasn't until she read My Thirteenth Winter much later in life that she realized she struggled with dyscalculia, a math learning disability. Listen in today and I bet you'll hear a lot of similarities to what your own child may be experiencing. By the end of the show, you'll hear how Meg was able to use her strengths and ultimately become a first-grade teacher and life coach. Be sure to head to the show notes and connect with Meg. mathformiddles.com/episode19
After a busy summer, the MFM team is compiling some tips and tricks for back to school time. Get all the details at MathforMiddles.com/episode18
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