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3 FolgenDavid is on Tim Moore's radio show discussing his book, "Return To Acts Christianity -- The Reformation God & His People are Yearning for - Beyond the Walls of Traditional Church Structure." This is part 3 of 3. The book is available at www.actschristianity.com or from Amazon as a Kindle ebook.
David is on Tim Moore's radio show discussing his book, "Return To Acts Christianity -- The Reformation God & His People are Yearning for - Beyond the Walls of Traditional Church Structure." This is part 2 of 3. The book is available at www.actschristianity.com or as a Kindle ebook on Amazon.
David is on Tim Moore's radio show discussing his book, "Return To Acts Christianity -- The Reformation God & His People are Yearning for - Beyond the Walls of Traditional Church Structure." This is part 1 of 3. The book is available at www.actschristianity.com or from Amazon as a Kindle ebook.
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