Summer with Scarlett Podcast
Podcast von Landon Coats
While we work to bring Summer with Scarlett to life, we want to keep you up to date with what's going on. We decided to put this podcast together that...
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In this episode we go over the songs that inspired me while writing the script and I hope make it into the final film.

While we work to bring Summer with Scarlett to life, we want to keep you up. to date with what's going on. so, we decided to put this podcast together that will have al the latest news on development, as well as feature interviews and conversations with cast, crew, and others involved with the project. Today's episode is all about story beats, outlines, and storybook ads... lol. We go into all the various ways to get the idea in your brain, out of your head and into an organized outline before you go to write the first draft. We will also see if there is the best method for those that are popular! Do you have a particular outlining method that works best for you? Comment below! Stay tuned for more episodes! Motel 32 Special Peak! Password 32 ( the password will change 7/7/2020) https://vimeo.com/434545023 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTZBMVZ6Qk5XRzFMRUx5N0NtdlRMWFJMVHZjd3xBQ3Jtc0tuUmIwT25EbTRYVFlyc3FOZTAyWUlMN0FuTHlPS2lNRDQ3Z0YyTEt1V1hBV1MwSTIza1dUMlZRYUtKOXA4NjJUZjJQanByUExsd0tkckRrZ0xZSF9IRUZwRkpJTFBUaFZ1Q2RNWlMwcjd4SXFaWUs3RQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F434545023&v=ibnP85vNC1Q&event=video_description] Show support and check out our Instagram! instagram.com/summerwithscarlettmovie?igshid=1esziu8whk8c8 https://www.landoncoats.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjJNT1E4ejdwbXRfZ1A1TTUzUmpSRE1oTFNfQXxBQ3Jtc0tuZ0JHLVVrZ0ZWbUtPWnNYOXA3cHpyWnVQTjA5RWs1UmdqQkVQbkQ0Z3BubDVaVUcybHNCc2FIbHBPSFp4eUVha0Y0UlM3MUhzNzN5R2kyaTVkbGY0THFsY0dIX09SeUZiR2xZaEcyZ2t2dmtpRW9Nbw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.landoncoats.com&v=ibnP85vNC1Q&event=video_description]

While we work to bring Summer with Scarlett to life, we want to keep you up. to date with what's going on. so, we decided to put this podcast together that will have al the latest news on development, as well as feature interviews and conversations with cast, crew, and others involved with the project. In this episode, Stephen Fritschle an indie filmmaker comes on to discuss his new film, "Prodigals". While on the show he goes in detail about his process for making an indie film, scheduling, working with the crew, and much more! This is a super entertaining and educational episode you are not going to want to miss! Stay tuned for more episodes! Show support and check out our links! Summer With Scarlett instagram.com/summerwithscarlettmovie?igshid=1esziu8whk8c8 Stephen Fritschle https://www.instagram.com/stephenfrit [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=UKoJoi9rJ40&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0ptNVNyVlpjWEc4ZTN6OTI1d2tXN1hLVHNuUXxBQ3Jtc0tuRm5WaVNqUGVJUVlCZ0hDOFZfcHRMdENQNmRsMVEtai11MmNtdFdLNnZxd0JHdi0zMHZrZVI4WDlTZWlmQUtuemt4N25HekJ2SmRhazlLZnIxZURxYWVMMmdJcHl3bkh2b092YXZlOHFWM3o2a0RVaw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fstephenfrit]... Landon Coats https://www.instagram.com/coatsmagoat [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=UKoJoi9rJ40&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0lTZmg1UHVKVmtaTTRYVmJWUHpwdU12OERrZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsU0tsYVRmYTE4S0w1b2h5ZElRaTVzamRmU3pzT29UUlNScFROZGFPc2l1R0JUZ01WVWFvd0lFNFN1czFyc0J5RkZFdDM3R0ZuQ3hLYlJkVmNJQndlUjdvRmRtcFFCb09KYnNfeHNIOHFLOS1hRnYyTQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcoatsmagoat]... https://www.landoncoats.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=UKoJoi9rJ40&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDZudm5rZ2hHdzg4andOdTdkckZQbGhGa05zZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsdzFZWHZfSnp5NzVKSGhPZFZtUnZDZkZxTF9PdmRaM0hrd1lEd1lGS3plUU90Q1dvVmtzUjk2U1VvUFRBYmd4RWJWM2MwdG9LaW40Vy1BTUxMRnpPZWp6YTB1eHlFQkQtOGZUV1d1V0RERDJZUkdrUQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.landoncoats.com]

While we work to bring Summer with Scarlett to life, we want to keep you up. to date with what's going on. so, we decided to put this podcast together that will have al the latest news on development, as well as feature interviews and conversations with cast, crew, and others involved with the project. In this episode, we go over the 5 movies that had the biggest influence on the writing process of Summer With Scarlett. Exploring what it is that made those films so special and how they had a lasting effecting of both this project and filmmaking in general. LetterBoxd https://letterboxd.com/coatsmagoats/l... [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fletterboxd.com%2Fcoatsmagoats%2Flist%2Fsummer-with-scarlett-inspiration%2F&v=wdfylyfc4sM&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWJPcjRVSHNUbGVJXy04TXBpQ2Utb05ra0RhQXxBQ3Jtc0ttRlQ4enV4Sm9VcW9tT1hobG1TaWREQ05yd1FGYXJQVVE5R0lDTU5SQy1UVGduY1dEWnNjYmVBX1pIWEFlWHc0R0hnX2taRzg1OU0xQnQxSFE5T0JGS3F2Uk5ZeS1Id1B5bGJkOV9FTVVnbEJZdmk1NA%3D%3D] Stay tuned for more episodes! Show support and check out our Instagram! instagram.com/summerwithscarlettmovie?igshid=1esziu8whk8c8 https://www.landoncoats.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.landoncoats.com&v=wdfylyfc4sM&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0pTU1huWkFtUm0zcHo0Zno1d3RxazFhNEk0QXxBQ3Jtc0ttOTl6VjF2VkhseW5rZm1wcWFnMUpoSFlnejVWTzB0U2tXdTRrb2tTclR2al9HREFOVFVqT3VaNkhPZVYxNWVxU3djNmVXYVJ6UkRlZnRsbGtYNW5iNkRmWTRGa3VkeDh3Y3RwczhlWTVmTGVVdjIybw%3D%3D] Justice for George Floyd! Justice for Breonna Taylor! https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fblacklivesmatters.carrd.co%2F&v=wdfylyfc4sM&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFVaZnNWd3FRcm9JNVBzRHRQQUZxTWd4bzJBUXxBQ3Jtc0trZEF2cmdLSkRVbW1NR0V4WVlENXJsell6a1QtckFmaV9XU2lJNXU3Z2RuLUs4N19paTVCTDZCcUt5cVZnRXp1OFpkZHVQQkk0ZV84TFVrMW1pUFd2anhMdS0wenI3ZXpISFN6MGdqTWdVbUhieTJudw%3D%3D]

While we work to bring Summer with Scarlett to life, we want to keep you up. to date with what's going on. so, we decided to put this podcast together that will have al the latest news on development, as well as feature interviews and conversations with cast, crew, and others involved with the project. In this episode host, Landon Coats talks about his experience with writing the film. Going back to 2017 when the idea first came about and was written into a short film. After writing the short the project was set aside for a while until Landon finally realized what the project was missing... Grunge! Check out the episode to find out all out the process for writing Summer With Scarlett. Stay tuned for more episodes! Show support and check out our Instagram! instagram.com/summerwithscarlettmovie?igshid=1esziu8whk8c8 https://www.landoncoats.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.landoncoats.com&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFpvRTM1cEozOVRxMXEwbFpFeVpTVXBKTHpTUXxBQ3Jtc0trVS1HaGhaYkZUczIwZmZzQ2QxV21XeV9TaWZUc0EzRklNM05MdkVNQVpQbXpiT0tNYzR6NHBsc2hCZkZKaHRyOWhaUlJCeWstZWxiWGlPc1lRVW5PSmVRenUtTVNabk9VcW9RdnFUNm9nbE5DYVhySQ%3D%3D&event=video_description&v=D9aqOEzm4oc]
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