Kostenloser Podcast
Takes From The Trash Can
Podcast von Raccoon Yeshua
A podcast hosted by a dumb Raccoon with He Who Must Not Be Named as occasional
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6 FolgenThe American (feat. Antonio)
Raccoon Yeshua sits down to talk with Antonio (@fuehrerking) about moving to America at a young age, seeing American culture as an outsider, and what it's like to become an American. They also talk about the future of American culture and look for some...
22. Okt. 2020 - 1 h 15 min
The Coastie (feat: Brayden)
Raccoon Yeshua talks to @RealBraydenS about a whole host of things including the Coast Guard, the presidential debates, and so much more
07. Okt. 2020 - 1 h 37 min
Time and the Supreme Court Debate
This episode brought to you because the episode which was supposed to go out got corrupted and will need to be rerecorded.Raccoon Yeshua does a solo episode where he talks about the debate on whether or not to fill RGB's seat on the Supreme Court and...
22. Sept. 2020 - 35 min
The Boys Review Tenet
Join Raccoon Yeshua, He Who Must Not Be Named, and Greg in an episode where they talk about Tenet, the reviewers, and Oscar's new diversity quotas!Follow us @RaccoonYeshua on Twitter
16. Sept. 2020 - 54 min
OnlyFans, Pattinson, and the Death of Intimacy (feat @Naeriface)
On this episode, I talk to @naeriface about everything from Tenet to OnlyFans and how society can re-prioritize family in the face of a culture which emphasizes achievement as the path to meaning.Follow me @RaccoonYeshua on Twitter!
09. Sept. 2020 - 42 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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