TED Talks Daily
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TED Talks Daily

Podcast von TED

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Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new. 

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episode An updated action plan for solving the climate crisis — and a look at progress to date | Ryan Panchadsaram, Anjali Grover and David Biello artwork
An updated action plan for solving the climate crisis — and a look at progress to date | Ryan Panchadsaram, Anjali Grover and David Biello
When it comes to climate, what are we doing right and where should we focus our efforts next? Systems innovator Ryan Panchadsaram and strategist Anjali Grover talk with TED science curator David Biello about the latest on the world's progress toward solving the climate crisis — and why there's more reason for optimism than you might think. Using strategic goal-setting tools that have transformed countless organizations, Panchadsaram and Grover explore the urgent actions needed to steer the planet toward a sustainable future and the pivotal roles of innovation, investment and policy. "The climate story isn't yet written," Grover says.
04. Mai 2024 - 12 min
episode Is your partner "the one?" Wrong question | George Blair-West artwork
Is your partner "the one?" Wrong question | George Blair-West
Marrying for love is a relatively recent phenomenon for humanity, and we still don't fully understand what it means for building successful relationships, says author and psychiatrist George Blair-West. Drawing from his extensive experience working with couples, he shares four questions every couple should ask themselves before tying the knot — and highlights surprising findings on how the way marriage starts impacts if it ends.
Gestern - 16 min
episode How the US is destroying young people's future | Scott Galloway artwork
How the US is destroying young people's future | Scott Galloway
In a scorching talk, marketing professor and podcaster Scott Galloway dissects the data showing that, by many measures, young people in the US are worse off financially than ever before. He unpacks the root causes and effects of this "great intergenerational theft," asking why we let it continue and showing how we could make it end. (Note: This talk contains mature language.)
02. Mai 2024 - 17 min
episode How to govern AI — even if it's hard to predict | Helen Toner artwork
How to govern AI — even if it's hard to predict | Helen Toner
No one truly understands AI, not even experts, says Helen Toner, an AI policy researcher and former board member of OpenAI. But that doesn't mean we can't govern it. She shows how we can make smart policies to regulate this technology even as we struggle to predict where it's headed — and why the right actions, right now, can shape the future we want.
01. Mai 2024 - 12 min
episode My epic journey becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia | Bonnie Hancock artwork
My epic journey becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia | Bonnie Hancock
What challenges lie ahead of a staggering 12,700-kilometer paddle around the entire continent of Australia? Crocodiles and sharks were just the beginning, says Ironwoman Bonnie Hancock. Reflecting on her remarkable feat of becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia, she shares lessons on perseverance, resilience and finding meaning in life's toughest moments.
30. Apr. 2024 - 10 min

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