TED Tech
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TED Tech

Podcast von TED Tech

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From the construction of virtual realities to the internet of things—technology is changing our world every day. But how can we make sure that the quickly-evolving role that tech plays in our lives is one that builds, empowers, and connects us? Host Sherrell Dorsey guides you through the latest ideas from TED Speakers, uncovering the riveting questions that sit at the intersection of technology, society, science, design, business, and innovation. Listen in every Friday. 

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347 Folgen
episode How AI and democracy can fix each other | Divya Siddarth artwork
How AI and democracy can fix each other | Divya Siddarth
We don't have to sacrifice our freedom for the sake of technological progress, says social technologist Divya Siddarth. She shares how a group of people helped retrain one of the world's most powerful AI models on a constitution they wrote — and offers a vision of technology that aligns with the principles of democracy, rather than conflicting with them.
26. Apr. 2024 - 12 min
episode How clicking a single link can cost millions | Ryan Pullen artwork
How clicking a single link can cost millions | Ryan Pullen
Is cybercrime getting easier? Cybersecurity expert Ryan Pullen dives into his work investigating massive digital breaches and testing security blindspots — which led to him gaining access to the software controls of a well-known building in London. Learn more about how cybercriminals exploit human vulnerabilities and hear the latest on how to recognize and protect yourself from scams.
19. Apr. 2024 - 16 min
episode The TED AI Show: Coming May 21st artwork
The TED AI Show: Coming May 21st
Is AI about to change everything? Whether you’re optimistic, pessimistic, or somewhere in between about the power of artificial intelligence, join host Bilawal Sidhu and the world's leading experts, artists, journalists, and beyond, as they guide you through this fast-moving world on TED’s latest podcast, The TED AI Show. Find The TED AI Show wherever you get your podcasts.
16. Apr. 2024 - 1 min
episode Can nanoparticles help fight hunger? | Christy L. Haynes artwork
Can nanoparticles help fight hunger? | Christy L. Haynes
A game-changing solution to the global food crisis could come from something so tiny you can't see it with the naked eye. Nanomaterials chemist Christy Haynes describes her team's work designing nanoparticles that could protect plants from disease and crop loss, helping farmers reap abundant harvests and grow food that will make its way to markets and dinner tables. After the talk, Sherrell shares thoughts on the possibilities of precision agriculture.
12. Apr. 2024 - 14 min
episode What's the point of digital fashion? | Karinna Grant artwork
What's the point of digital fashion? | Karinna Grant
What if you could own more clothes without crowding your closet or growing your carbon footprint? Introducing the dematerialized future of your wardrobe, digital fashion entrepreneur Karinna Grant talks about the brands selling pixelated clothes via NFTs and augmented reality — and explores the creative and sustainable potential of fashion that transcends physical constraints.
05. Apr. 2024 - 13 min

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