The Bomb
Kostenloser Podcast

The Bomb

Podcast von BBC World Service

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My grandad worked on the bomb that dropped on Hiroshima. Could another man - Leo Szilard - have stopped it? 

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9 Folgen
episode Introducing: The Lazarus Heist artwork
Introducing: The Lazarus Heist
Hacking Hollywood and the billion-dollar plot. Hear all about our new original podcast. Search for The Lazarus Heist wherever you find your podcasts. #LazarusHeist
21. Mai 2021 - 3 min
episode 7 The doomsday clock artwork
7 The doomsday clock
The world’s first nuclear bomb drops on the unsuspecting city of Hiroshima. On 7 August 1945, the world is changed forever. In this final episode, featuring first-hand accounts of the attack that day, Emily Strasser asks how the bomb changed humanity. Have we really come to terms with it? #thebomb
11. Sept. 2020 - 29 min
episode 6 The first atomic bomb artwork
6 The first atomic bomb
Time is running out. As Manhattan Project scientists test the world’s first nuclear bomb, Leo Szilard knows it’s the last chance to stop the US government from dropping the bomb on Japanese civilians. Working with colleagues at Chicago’s Met Lab, Szilard does all he can to alert the US President. But will his message get there in time? #thebomb
04. Sept. 2020 - 27 min
episode 5 Enemy alien artwork
5 Enemy alien
The FBI pursues Leo Szilard as he loses control of the project to create a nuclear bomb. With his influence waning, the leaders of the Manhattan Project now threaten his liberty. But as the world’s first nuclear bomb comes within touching distance, Szilard fears it might soon be used on a city in Japan. #thebomb
28. Aug. 2020 - 25 min
episode 4 Pearl Harbour artwork
4 Pearl Harbour
An attack on Pearl Harbour changes everything. After a surprise Japanese attack destroys US ships, the US declares war on Japan, and intensifies its efforts to create the first nuclear bomb. Caught in the middle of it all, Leo Szilard starts to lose his grip on the project. #thebomb
21. Aug. 2020 - 32 min

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