The Seduction
Kostenloser Podcast

The Seduction

Podcast von NBC News

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It’s a twisted love story that unspools like a film noir, where lust and obsession lead to murder and a classic double cross. This original series from Dateline’s Keith Morrison takes us into the troubled mind of a young man, and the cold heart of a woman who needed her husband dead. If only she could find someone “man enough” to do the deed... Follow and subscribe now and join us for the first two episodes on June 14th. 

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Alle Folgen

7 Folgen
episode 6 - A Silhouette with a Gun artwork
6 - A Silhouette with a Gun
Three shots fired, and the truth about Ron’s murder is revealed.
12. Juli 2022 - 38 min
episode 5 - Prelude to a Double Cross artwork
5 - Prelude to a Double Cross
Jaime returns to California for questioning. But Patty has another plan in mind…
05. Juli 2022 - 30 min
episode 4 - It Wasn’t Dirt artwork
4 - It Wasn’t Dirt
After discovering evidence of a horrific crime at Ron Presba’s home, detectives question a defiant suspect.
28. Juni 2022 - 30 min
episode 3 - A Long and Twisted Road artwork
3 - A Long and Twisted Road
The moment for murder had arrived. But could Jaime go through with it?
21. Juni 2022 - 26 min
episode 2 - Double Indemnity artwork
2 - Double Indemnity
Besotted with Patty, Jaime agrees to a horrifying request. But can he go through with it?
14. Juni 2022 - 24 min

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