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The State of Flow Podcast with Lena Kaliyah
Podcast von Lena Kaliyah Kermode
The State of Flow Podcast is a place to discuss everything holistic thriving instead of surviving, creating your flow state in which to lead life as your highest healthiest, happiest and most successful self in all areas of life."You know those pains & problems you call "normal" that are really just "common"? They're blocking the way between you and your greatest potential. Let's say goodbye to that!" - Join Lena Kaliyah Kermode for a dose of grounded spirituality married to science-based facts, ancient soul wisdom and body-mind medicine meeting modern bad-ass lifestyle and holistic health meeting self-empowerment, -development and success, looking through the lens of ancient Ayurveda for modern daily life.The state of flow is about elevating your body and mind thrive levels to maximise your life quality and joy factor holistically, getting the most out of life by being able to access your fullest potential.In this podcast, we'll be discussing topics from Ayurveda, yoga, mindset and spirituality to creativity, joy, relationships, personal development, nature & circadian rhythms, etc.ABOUT THE HOSTLena Kermode is a certified Holistic Health Coach and Ayurvedic practitioner as well as yoga teacher/therapist and integrative somatic body- & energy worker. She specializes in holistic stress management, hormone balance and holistic detox and purification to create our flow state (state of optimal performance) as she guides people towards self-empowerment and -healing, naturally, in her private clinical practice, 1:1 mentoring programs and other frequent events and immersions.Lena is also the creator of the nourishing and transformative @EarthMedicine_Co line of organic medicinal herbal & selfcare products.Her soul purpose is to assist people in becoming their own healers and empower themselves, to (re-)connect deeply to their bodies and selves and synchronize with the natural circadian rhythms of their environment and their own cycles in order to become their highest, most thriving, evolvements in all areas of life using the ancient mind-body medicine and psychology of Ayurveda.Lena is here to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science and lifestyle to infuse our daily lives with more sacredness, empowerment, joy, health and flow. You can learn more about Lena and find out how to work closely with her at www.earthmedicineco.comnew episodes are released intuitively when it feels right, and when feeling more structured once every fortnight.for regular updates, find Lena on Instagram: @lena.kaliyah.ayurveda
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Alle Folgen
46 Folgen#046 Moving through Transitions with Ayurveda
We are living in Vata aggravating times in the Aquarian age as it is - transitions add to this aggravation and just like with stress, we tend to downplay their impact on our being which can eventuate into suppression, energetic blockages and ultimately deeper imbalances in our being, holistically.
Ayurveda teaches us that everything is balance and how to attain or maintain equilibrium. In this episode, we look at the impact of transitions on our field and how to support ourselves holistically through them, to maintain balance, flow and ease no matter where life is leading us.
Watch my IGTV on Ritucharya (seasonal routine) and its importance here:
https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNtv1LzlVxs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNtv1LzlVxs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link]
Instagram handle: @lena.kaliyah.ayurveda
If you are interested in working with me privately or in any of the group offerings and programs including the 'Living in Sync' Ayurveda course email me directly at lena.earthmedicine@gmail.com
To learn more about the Living in Sync Ayurveda Course & Autumn (or Spring) Detox, head here: https://www.earthmedicineco.com/livinginsync-ayurveda-course [ https://www.earthmedicineco.com/livinginsync-ayurveda-course]
Support the show [https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop] (https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop)
22. Apr. 2021 - 32 min
#045 The Truth about Living in Abundance, Success and Optimal Wellbeing
How would you define success? A big fancy house? Luxurious cars? New vacation destination every week? If you said yes, then you might want to take a moment and reflect. Is this all there is to life? Is that all that your heart is desiring for? Probably not.
We all want to achieve success and live in abundance. But before chasing around for it blindly, it might help to have a clear definition of what success really means to you. This episode will help you with that.
Find out how to be optimally well and attract in all the abundance to finally reach the most successful, highest version of yourself. Stay tuned!
What you will get from this episode
01:12 How success, abundance, and wellbeing are interconnected
03:28 The key to attracting all the abundance in life
06:21 How we are unconsciously creating confusion in our natural rhythms
11:59 The distractions brought about by the technological advancements and developments
14:15 How to be purposeful beings
16:27 What we can learn from nature about living our highest potential
19:06 Tapping into the power of instinct
Our holistic wellbeing is the basis of living the life we want
● The symptoms that we feel have an energetic root cause that if stays unresolved, will limit us
from getting any further in life.
● Physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing are tightly interrelated because the energetics are
behind them.
● If there are suppression and blockage in our energetic channels, we can only attract so much.
We are overcomplicating and doing too much
● With all the industrial advancements and revolutions we’ve had over time, we continuously
disconnect and distance ourselves further from our natural rhythms.
● We are part of nature - part of a system of beautiful synergy, symbiosis, and harmony.
● Whenever we go against this natural flow, we are creating dissonance within the whole
The key to living in abundance, in optimal wellbeing and success
● The comforts of technological advancements and developments are distracting us from the
real meaning of life.
● Acknowledge what things in your life are draining you and what feels good.
● Everything else in nature is following their instincts - everything, except human beings.
● The more we spend time being aware of the feeling and the sensations in our bodies, the more
we optimize and attract unlimited abundance and success.
● Every species is living after its highest potential naturally unless impacted by humans.
“It’s a matter of learning to listen again and cleaning those hypothetical ears, in order to really
perceive the true guidance that is coming from within.”
“The key here is to do less. Simplify. Less is more.”
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
Living in Sync - Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Autumn Detox Immersion:
Support the show [https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop] (https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop)
15. Apr. 2021 - 28 min
#044 Cleansing and Fasting the Ayurvedic Way
Do you often jump on the bandwagon whenever there is a new trend? Do you feel that if something works for your partner, or friend, or sibling, it must certainly work for you too?
Remember, you are unique. No two people are the same, therefore, their needs aren’t the same either. That applies to everything in life - including fasting and cleansing.
Listen to the episode and find out how you can be fully reset and in an optimal state of balance by doing Ayurvedic cleansing and fasting. Learn about the benefits that it can give you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
What you will get from this episode
04:08 Why you shouldn’t follow a trend that becomes mainstream - like a fad diet
07:24 The Ayurvedic way of fasting
09:02 Why you should cleanse during spring and autumn
12:32 How your body reacts to the instability of the weather and seasons
15:50 The importance of cleansing - eliminating and minimizing the toxins that built up in your body
17:41 Effects of ignoring our natural urges such as eating and sleeping
18:57 Why you should practice holistic resets every spring and autumn
20:23 The downside of excessive cleansing
22:03 Best way of cleansing for Kapha people
23:50 Why excessive cleansing and detox can be depleting for Vata people
28:08 The importance of knowing your unique mind-body type
30:20 When does cleansing, detoxing or fasting won’t resolve any toxicity in your body
32:47 Why you should tune in to your body’s innate intelligence
The advantages and disadvantages of following a fad
● When something becomes mainstream, it becomes widely accessible to everyone and helps
elevate the collective consciousness.
● However, this can also cause a significant drop in quality. The more accessible something
becomes, the higher the demand gets which results in the supply becoming higher with the
increase in competition while the prices drop.
● The key is keeping your eyes out for the right thing that lives up to the quality that you need to
start embodying that thing and get a full benefit out of that.
Know the when, why and how to fast, cleanse or detox
● When people read about things like detox via a blog post or a book that gives them a general
overview, they walk away thinking that this is the exact right thing for them but most of the time,
that is not the case.
● Each one of us has unique symptoms, issues and therefore different needs as well.
● Ayurveda comes down to the underlying root cause, the underlying condition, and the
constitutional makeup behind the symptom, goal, and need.
Ayurvedic fasting is all about balance
"Nothing of value is created overnight which means that doing one
cleansing won’t fix your health issues.”
“Feeling over thinking is the key. Your body has an innate intelligence. Trust
that. Tune in to it.”
Free Webinar 'Living in Sync' [https://lenakermodebookings.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=21663990] (Wed 14th April 9am AWST):
Living in Sync - Ayurvedic Living & Autumn Detox Immersion [https://www.earthmedicineco.com/livinginsync-ayurveda-course](Intake closes April 19th 2021; Autumn Intake for Part two: October)
Free Dosha Quiz [https://www.earthmedicineco.com/ayurvedic-dosha-quiz] - Find our your unique mind-body constitution
Ayurvedic Holistic Healing & Empowerment Consults [https://www.earthmedicineco.com/personal1-1offerings] (Work with me 1:1)
Support the show [https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop] (https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop)
07. Apr. 2021 - 37 min
#043 Holistic Detox, Empowerment and Finding Your Dharma
Our bodies are vessels that reflect what we put in them. If we continue to let toxins and negativity accumulate, our bodies will eventually show signs of disease. When we let these things happen, we fail to access our highest potential.
In this episode, I talk about holistic detox, a process of purifying all realms in our body. I explain the root cause of diseases and identify concrete holistic detox steps to help us unlock the best version of ourselves.
Tune in to this episode to learn how to be the healthiest, highest version of yourself with holistic detox!
1. Learn about the importance of holistic detox and how it affects your body's physical, emotional, mental and energetic realms.
2. Discover how misalignments in energy lead to physical disease.
3. Know how keeping energetic boundaries keeps toxins out of our body.
What Is Holistic Detox?
* Holistic detox is much more than diet or nutrition. It aims to purify our bodies energetically, mentally and emotionally.
* If we use the dirty window analogy, obstructions or ‘dirt’ may limit our vision.
* If you clean the window, you will have a clear perception of reality.
* Toxins create a cloudy mass in our body that obstructs the free flow of prana or life force.
* Toxins prevent us from accessing our highest potential.
The Six Stages of Disease
* Physical diseases have mental, emotional and therefore energetic or spiritual root causes.
* The disease starts with a minor symptom that we ignore.
* Minor symptoms accumulate and become severe.
* The symptom overcomes its threshold and relocates. It hits a genetic weak spot that amplifies weakness in the body.
* The disease becomes diagnosable and will eventually be irreversible.
* Toxins can be physical, mental and emotional.
* Mental toxicity comes from taking in information that lowers our vibe or is not beneficial.
* Constantly engaging in low vibrational things allow toxins to enter our bodies.
Energetic Boundaries
* Energetic Boundaries are gatekeepers.
* They are auric scans that only permit entry to things that align with our values, ethics and morals.
* If your boundaries are too rigid, loose or inconsistent, you invite toxins into your system.
* It’s therefore important to recognise your gatekeepers. Ask yourself what your nonnegotiables are.
* Make sure that your boundaries work in favor of your highest good and the collective highest good.
Habits That Instill Toxicity
* The root cause for bad habits is a misalignment in the energetic field.
* Smoking, drinking, doing drugs and hanging around the wrong crowd are some sources of toxicity.
* Our body is a physical vessel. But it’s the gateway into more subtle realms.
* Any physical manifestation is a result of something in the emotional, mental and energetic field.
* Your inner condition or energy manifests externally and vice-versa.
For more tips on how to detox yourself holistically, listen to the full episode.
Support the show [https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop] (https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop)
19. Feb. 2021 - 35 min
#042 Healthy Discernment when taking in Information & the 'Many Guru Syndrome'
Exploring ancient philosophies and how they are relevant in today's decision making to find your path, live your dharma (purpose) and stand in your truth
Yogic Path - Journey to Self Immersion: https://www.earthmedicineco.com/yogic-path-immersion-in-person
Join the State of Flow Community Facebook group, take my free dosha quiz and join my 'Elevate your State' webinar via the links in the full show notes on my website:
https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/thestateofflow-podcast [https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/thestateofflow-podcast]
Here you will also FIND SFP ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST STREAMING PLATFORMS (e.g. apple podcast, Spotify, google, stitcher, etc)
For further support and personalized 1:1 work with me: https://www.earthmedicineco.com/personal1-1offerings [https://www.earthmedicineco.com/personal1-1offerings]
Support the show [https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop] (https://www.elevatemindbodythrive.com/shop)
05. Feb. 2021 - 24 min
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