There Is Freedom
Podcast von Lisa Haydon Lalvani
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Alle Folgen
10 FolgenThere is a belief in the world today that God lives in all of us. The truth is that God wants to live in all of us but, whether or not He does, is a choice you get to make. This episode culminates at three part discussion on why God wants to live inside of you and, how that supernatural reality becomes possible. Lisa also shares her story of how she struggled with the thought of holiness and how, the Spirit of Christ within us takes us on a miraculous journey of transformation that otherwise seemed impossible.
Today, Lisa picks up where we left off; in the Garden of Eden. Satan comes to tempt Adam and Eve to disobey God to attain a so-called equality and God-like wisdom for themselves. Lisa will address questions like: If God is sovereign then why is the earth filled with injustice and war? Can God do away with evil and injustice altogether? Do we have freedom of choice? And, how we can be awake to the lies of the enemy in our lives and, live in obedient submission to our creator? This episode is the second of a three-part series discussion leading into how God wants to live inside of you and how that supernatural reality becomes possible!
In this episode Lisa breaks down what it means "to be made in the image of God". She addresses questions she has had to answer with her own kids like, "why did God create us and what for?" and, "if we share biological similarities or DNA with certain animals, then what makes humans unique?" This episode is the first of a three part series discussion leading into how God wants to live inside of you and how that supernatural reality becomes possible!
In this episode Lisa shares how keeping score in life had her holding on to many things that she didn’t even realise she was holding on to. She talks about a time in her life when holding on became debilitating then, tells us the biblical story of David found in 1 Samuel, as an example of how we can walk away from toxic situations, surrender relationships to the Lord and, let Him vindicate us in His time. She explains that once we come under the redemption of Christ, God himself will be the one to fight our battles for us- all we need to do is rest freely in this truth.
In this episode with lots of personal stories, Lisa reads us the ‘Parable of the Three Servants’. A story on seeing the value of the gifts that God has given us and, putting them to use. She goes on to talk about how finding joy and gratitude while stewarding what is in our hands right now is often the key to growth.
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